Obama will Destroy Isis!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
First. Put them on Obamacare. That will kill anyone

Firstpointone. Try to find them a job. They will spend all year at that. Probably will die of starvation before they find a job.

Second. Decree all terrorist dead by issuing and executive order. It will go something like this: I have signed executive order saying that they are dead. Always have been dead and always will be. End of issue!

Third. Declare that he is God.... It is kind of unofficial in the eyes of his worshipers so we need to make it official. He is God and that is why the second command will be effective.
If the far left had their way, they would put ISIS on welfare and give them medical plans and food stamps, after that will stop them from hating the US..
First. Put them on Obamacare. That will kill anyone

Firstpointone. Try to find them a job. They will spend all year at that. Probably will die of starvation before they find a job.

Second. Decree all terrorist dead by issuing and executive order. It will go something like this: I have signed executive order saying that they are dead. Always have been dead and always will be. End of issue!

Third. Declare that he is God.... It is kind of unofficial in the eyes of his worshipers so we need to make it official. He is God and that is why the second command will be effective.

Sign them up for US messageboard. They read enough of this drivel they just might kill themselves.
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Obungle is so incompetent he makes "W" look like a genius. Jimmy Carter, the effeminate little pansy, looks like a bodybuilder next to this scrawny necked, metrosexual, eunuch. He's leading from his behind!

ISIS pretty much running around un-checked for years now. When is Obammy going to start? France only took about three days to ramp up. Russia is supposedly doing something about something?

i think Obammy can take Charles Barkley and Micheal Jordan and that Felon from LA back to FLA for few months of much needed Golf. He works so hard, he is Entitled to his time off!
ISIS pretty much running around un-checked for years now. When is Obammy going to start? France only took about three days to ramp up. Russia is supposedly doing something about something?

i think Obammy can take Charles Barkley and Micheal Jordan and that Felon from LA back to FLA for few months of much needed Golf. He works so hard, he is Entitled to his time off!

Irony: France wants to take more military action than we do...
How's he gonna destroy `em if we ain't got enough bombs?...

US Air Force Running Out of Bombs to Fight ISIS
Dec 06, 2015 | The US military says its 15-month bombing campaign on the Islamic State is depleting its munitions supply and that additional money and other support is “critical” for “the long fight.”
"We're expending munitions faster than we can replenish them,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said Friday. “We need the funding in place to ensure we're prepared for the long fight. This is a critical need." The Air Force has reportedly fired more than 20,000 bombs and missiles in Syria in the fight to dismantle the self-proclaimed Islamic State.


The Hellfire missile is used in drone strikes to kill terrorists. The Air Force says it has about 2,300 left until the supply runs out.​

Air Force officials say they have enough munitions right now but project a shortage and want more long-term planning and funding to meet future needs. “B-1s have dropped bombs in record numbers,” Welsh also said. “We are able to manage inventories to sustain operations against ISIL at this time. We do need funding in place and the ability to forecast for production to be ready for the long fight ... We continue to work on a longer term funding strategy which is absolutely required."

Russia and France have over just the past few weeks began bombing ISIS targets in Syria. And Great Britain earlier this week decided to join the US-led bombing coalition, following a recent series of ISIS terror attacks outside of the Middle East. Russia is not part of the coalition. The Air Force now has an estimated 142,000 "smart bombs," or guided munitions, and 2,300 Hellfire missiles, used in drone strikes to kill terrorists.

US Air Force Running Out of Bombs to Fight ISIS | Military.com

See also:

US Air Force Wants to Ease Technology Transfers to Allies, James Says
Dec 06, 2015 | Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James wants to make it easier to transfer technology to US allies -- a move she says will help with the joint campaign against the Islamic State.
James, speaking Wednesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C, said she recently returned from a “whirlwind tour” of the Middle East and North Africa, where leaders “want more engagement with the United States -- with training and exercises, and buying and upgrading equipment.” All told, more than 50 counties are involved in varying degrees with the campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, James said.

In meetings with officials from a number of them -- including Morocco, Egypt and Djibouti -- she found an interest in “the whole package” of US engagement. Not merely buying equipment, but in training forces and maintaining equipment. “So the bottom line is, I believe, the US is the partner-of-choice for all of them, but they face challenges working with us in getting the whole package,” James said. “I realized I couldn’t fix all of it but I would do what I could,” she added. “So I directed my staff to find out how the Air Force can speed up our part of the process, and work with other stakeholders to make sure that US security cooperation efforts are responsive to evolving needs, such as the demand for munitions … based on partner engagement with Syria and Iraq.”


The Air Force hopes to speed up the process of technology transfer to allies by establishing a pre-approved baseline for certain technologies.​

Toward that end, the Air Force is now working to produce a strategy to identify capabilities that it would like to see partner countries acquire, James said. “That would allow us to better forecast and prepare for future foreign military sales activity,” she said. Related to that is the challenge many countries face in acquiring US equipment or capabilities because of the prohibitions on the transfer of some technologies, James said. These can delay sales and agreements while everything is scrutinized, she said.

For that reason, James said she hopes to “speed up” the process by establishing “pre-approved … technology transfer baselines” for basic Air Force systems. “So instead of waiting for a partner to request a capability, and then they enter into what can be a very lengthy process to determine whether or not we can actually transfer it, this pre-approved baseline should cut the process down by weeks if not months … at least for certain technologies,” she said.

US Air Force Wants to Ease Technology Transfers to Allies, James Says | Military.com
How's he gonna destroy `em if we ain't got enough bombs?...

US Air Force Running Out of Bombs to Fight ISIS
Dec 06, 2015 | The US military says its 15-month bombing campaign on the Islamic State is depleting its munitions supply and that additional money and other support is “critical” for “the long fight.”
"We're expending munitions faster than we can replenish them,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said Friday. “We need the funding in place to ensure we're prepared for the long fight. This is a critical need." The Air Force has reportedly fired more than 20,000 bombs and missiles in Syria in the fight to dismantle the self-proclaimed Islamic State.


The Hellfire missile is used in drone strikes to kill terrorists. The Air Force says it has about 2,300 left until the supply runs out.​

Air Force officials say they have enough munitions right now but project a shortage and want more long-term planning and funding to meet future needs. “B-1s have dropped bombs in record numbers,” Welsh also said. “We are able to manage inventories to sustain operations against ISIL at this time. We do need funding in place and the ability to forecast for production to be ready for the long fight ... We continue to work on a longer term funding strategy which is absolutely required."

Russia and France have over just the past few weeks began bombing ISIS targets in Syria. And Great Britain earlier this week decided to join the US-led bombing coalition, following a recent series of ISIS terror attacks outside of the Middle East. Russia is not part of the coalition. The Air Force now has an estimated 142,000 "smart bombs," or guided munitions, and 2,300 Hellfire missiles, used in drone strikes to kill terrorists.

US Air Force Running Out of Bombs to Fight ISIS | Military.com

See also:

US Air Force Wants to Ease Technology Transfers to Allies, James Says
Dec 06, 2015 | Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James wants to make it easier to transfer technology to US allies -- a move she says will help with the joint campaign against the Islamic State.
James, speaking Wednesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C, said she recently returned from a “whirlwind tour” of the Middle East and North Africa, where leaders “want more engagement with the United States -- with training and exercises, and buying and upgrading equipment.” All told, more than 50 counties are involved in varying degrees with the campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, James said.

In meetings with officials from a number of them -- including Morocco, Egypt and Djibouti -- she found an interest in “the whole package” of US engagement. Not merely buying equipment, but in training forces and maintaining equipment. “So the bottom line is, I believe, the US is the partner-of-choice for all of them, but they face challenges working with us in getting the whole package,” James said. “I realized I couldn’t fix all of it but I would do what I could,” she added. “So I directed my staff to find out how the Air Force can speed up our part of the process, and work with other stakeholders to make sure that US security cooperation efforts are responsive to evolving needs, such as the demand for munitions … based on partner engagement with Syria and Iraq.”


The Air Force hopes to speed up the process of technology transfer to allies by establishing a pre-approved baseline for certain technologies.​

Toward that end, the Air Force is now working to produce a strategy to identify capabilities that it would like to see partner countries acquire, James said. “That would allow us to better forecast and prepare for future foreign military sales activity,” she said. Related to that is the challenge many countries face in acquiring US equipment or capabilities because of the prohibitions on the transfer of some technologies, James said. These can delay sales and agreements while everything is scrutinized, she said.

For that reason, James said she hopes to “speed up” the process by establishing “pre-approved … technology transfer baselines” for basic Air Force systems. “So instead of waiting for a partner to request a capability, and then they enter into what can be a very lengthy process to determine whether or not we can actually transfer it, this pre-approved baseline should cut the process down by weeks if not months … at least for certain technologies,” she said.

US Air Force Wants to Ease Technology Transfers to Allies, James Says | Military.com

Remember that the far left wants to do away with the military, so this plays right into their hands on how to fight long wars on the cheap..
Intelligence report commissioned by White House says ISIS not contained | Fox News

A new intelligence report commissioned by the White House says that the ISIS terror group will grow in numbers and territory unless it suffers significant losses in Iraq and Syria.

The findings sharply contradict previous statements by President Obama and other White House officials that ISIS has been "contained" by a program of U.S.-led airstrikes and the deployment of approximately 3,500 U.S. forces to train and otherwise aid moderate Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters.
If Obama wants hillary in office after him he'd better defeat ISIS before he's out of office. If ISIS is still a thing by election day people are gonna vote Trump because he's the best bet for leveling Raqqa and elsewhere. If ISIS is destroyed by then, thinking once more about the economy and their own bottom lines people may well go for a Democrat.
Obama Will Defeat ISIS by Bringing All of Syria to America
All we need to do is bring all 23 million Syrians here
December 14, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Obama's DOJ people decided that checking the social media of Muslims trying to enter the country would be "inappropriate", Obama has been giving constant chest-beating speeches about how ISIS is on the verge of defeat. And he now has an awesome new plan for defeating ISIS.

Meanwhile, more people are seeing ISIL for the thugs and the thieves and the killers that they are. We’ve seen instances of ISIL fighters defecting. Others who’ve tried to escape have been executed. And ISIL’s reign of brutality and extortion continues to repel local populations and help fuel the refugee crisis. “So many people are migrating,” said one Syrian refugee. ISIL, she said, will “end up all alone.”

This is great. All we need to do is bring all 23 million Syrians and 33 million Iraqis to the United States and then ISIS will be doomed. Utterly doomed.

Sure, 1 in 5 Syrians supports ISIS. Even among Syrian refugees, the low number is 13%. So the plan just might possibly backfire. But what better way can there be for us to shore up our national security by showing the Muslim world what lovely and generous people we are, than by hosting their next brutal religious civil war in our own country?

Sure we could actually investigate Islamist groups in America.


Obama Will Defeat ISIS by Bringing All of Syria to America

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