Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

That you and others on the right seek to contrive this into a partisan issue is unsurprisingly reprehensible.

That you on the Left refuse to admit that Barack Obama's lack of leadership is reaching crisis stage is downright scary! We're faced with enemies who are chopping American heads off and Barry STILL thinks he can deal with them by talking tough. There is a level of disconnect from the Left and from this White House that is frightening!
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

That you and others on the right seek to contrive this into a partisan issue is unsurprisingly reprehensible.

That you on the Left refuse to admit that Barack Obama's lack of leadership is reaching crisis stage is downright scary! We're faced with enemies who are chopping American heads off and Barry STILL thinks he can deal with them by talking tough. There is a level of disconnect from the Left and from this White House that is frightening!

All I can say is :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

But it's fun watching desperate LIBS try to pull out of the death spiral.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.

Yep, 92, even intelligent Dems are distancing themselves from the idiot. The only ones left defending him are a pretty sad bunch.
. Seems the people of Iraq have finally joined the fight...since they are pushing back and taking territory.

With Tinydancer's hero {Maliki} going away, the Sunnis in Iraq will accelerate their participation in the fight against IS terrorists in Iraq.

Obama's is wisely therefore demanding a comprehensive strategy involving other Sunni powers in the region to do the same type of ground operation in Syria that will not incude battalions of US ground troops like Bush stupidly sent into Iraq in March 2003.
Obama has no strategy. His first move was to get rid of Maliki. Things gotten any better? Nope. He doesnt know what he's doing. He doesnt know what to do. He knows to play golf and raise money from the 1% while his ass kissers like you declare the GOP is the party of the rich.
Maybe his strategy is to play golf while Cheney's bunch goes back in on their dime and finishes the job they started?

It's quite possible Obama's nonchalance has roots in the position he holds and the priveleged information he has managed to have access to....
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?
. Seems the people of Iraq have finally joined the fight...since they are pushing back and taking territory.

With Tinydancer's hero {Maliki} going away, the Sunnis in Iraq will accelerate their participation in the fight against IS terrorists in Iraq.

Obama's is wisely therefore demanding a comprehensive strategy involving other Sunni powers in the region to do the same type of ground operation in Syria that will not incude battalions of US ground troops like Bush stupidly sent into Iraq in March 2003.
Obama has no strategy. His first move was to get rid of Maliki. Things gotten any better? Nope. He doesnt know what he's doing. He doesnt know what to do. He knows to play golf and raise money from the 1% while his ass kissers like you declare the GOP is the party of the rich.
Things have gotten better. Pay attention.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.

The seige of Amerli has been broken; US, French, UK, and Austraian coalition got food in yesterday, ISIS no longer has the power to starve, torture and kill 18-20 thousand Turkish Shia citizens. I'll start a thread; a victory over ISIS there.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
Looks like your sticking to the old standby "Your dumb and I know stuff" response. Good for you.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.

Why would you think that was evidence to support your comments? It shows a military spokesman explaining why a strategy has to be developed over time and after considering various changing factors. I liked the end part where he explained to the persistent reporter that the ISIS forces being destroyed on the ground by US airstrikes had no doubt about America's plans for them.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Did you by any chance notice the President's assertion that he was "waiting" on the Pentagon for options in his last press conference and the rather annoyed response by the Pentagon's spokesman the next day stating that the US military constantly gives the White House options and is ready to carry them out whenever the President makes a decision?

Barry has made a habit of excusing himself from blame when things aren't getting done by pointing fingers at others. In this case he's pointing fingers at the military...who in response are having none of it.
What would a good strategy be? Put 100,000 troops back in Iraq so we can fight them there instead of over here?

What would a good strategy be? Fucking great time to be finally ASKING that question. See the problem? No. Carby. You surely don't. Worse yet, neither does our inept President.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.

Why would you think that was evidence to support your comments? It shows a military spokesman explaining why a strategy has to be developed over time and after considering various changing factors. I liked the end part where he explained to the persistent reporter that the ISIS forces being destroyed on the ground by US airstrikes had no doubt about America's plans for them.
So the spokesman had to defend the military over assertions by President Sotoro that we "have no plans." Why can't liberals stand by presidents words?
You guys are just desperate to make the US President look weak to our enemies. You are trying to make a thoughtful and organized process look like weakness when it is in fact a strength. You want to spin a tale that omits the reality that developing options is an ongoing process, as the spokesman explained, and there is confusion between the Pentagon and the White House. There is no confusion. The President looked at the options and decided to wait and let the other options be developed before making a decision on the final strategy. If you weren't so wrapped up in hatred you would understand it is the wise thing to do.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.

Why would you think that was evidence to support your comments? It shows a military spokesman explaining why a strategy has to be developed over time and after considering various changing factors. I liked the end part where he explained to the persistent reporter that the ISIS forces being destroyed on the ground by US airstrikes had no doubt about America's plans for them.
So the spokesman had to defend the military over assertions by President Sotoro that we "have no plans." Why can't liberals stand by presidents words?

Why isn't the victory in Amerli acknowleded? There is your "strategy", coalition troops broke ISIS lines. More to come, which many will ignore. US, UK, France, Australia, all working together to save 18-20 thousand victims of ISIS. Great job, our Air Force remains outstanding, Iraqi troops and 'volunteers' are in Amerli now. Celebrations taking place, ISIS scattering.

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