Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.

Why would you think that was evidence to support your comments? It shows a military spokesman explaining why a strategy has to be developed over time and after considering various changing factors. I liked the end part where he explained to the persistent reporter that the ISIS forces being destroyed on the ground by US airstrikes had no doubt about America's plans for them.
So the spokesman had to defend the military over assertions by President Sotoro that we "have no plans." Why can't liberals stand by presidents words?
The spokesman wasn't defending the military. He was explaining how it worked to an inept reporter with a preconceived story written in her head. She was looking for a comment that would confirm or reinforce her already decided opinion. You fell for the reporters nonsense. And your calling of our President by Sotoro just shows and confirms your agenda, which has nothing to do with national security or care for America. Just another racist looking for a way to be racist.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.

Why would you think that was evidence to support your comments? It shows a military spokesman explaining why a strategy has to be developed over time and after considering various changing factors. I liked the end part where he explained to the persistent reporter that the ISIS forces being destroyed on the ground by US airstrikes had no doubt about America's plans for them.
So the spokesman had to defend the military over assertions by President Sotoro that we "have no plans." Why can't liberals stand by presidents words?
The spokesman wasn't defending the military. He was explaining how it worked to an inept reporter with a preconceived story written in her head. She was looking for a comment that would confirm or reinforce her already decided opinion. You fell for the reporters nonsense. And your calling of our President by Sotoro just shows and confirms your agenda, which has nothing to do with national security or care for America. Just another racist looking for a way to be racist.
Is that not his name?
Obama Seeking Allies for Fight Against Extremists - ABC News
Where is evidence that coalition forces are in action?
ISIS siege of Amerli Iraq over after U.S. airstrikes - CNN.com
It seems Iraqi Army did this with help of US air power and special forces. Does UK and Aussies have spec ops in Iraq? Sure. But I would not classify this as "coalition forces." Pin prick.

ISIS in retreat is good news:

Iraqi forces backed by U.S. airstrikes retake besieged town of Amerli - LA Times

The UK also dropped food in last night. All countries listed are now evacuating the town.

From the UK:

Iraqi forces break through to besieged town of Amerli after US air strikes and aid drop Mail Online
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.

Why would you think that was evidence to support your comments? It shows a military spokesman explaining why a strategy has to be developed over time and after considering various changing factors. I liked the end part where he explained to the persistent reporter that the ISIS forces being destroyed on the ground by US airstrikes had no doubt about America's plans for them.
So the spokesman had to defend the military over assertions by President Sotoro that we "have no plans." Why can't liberals stand by presidents words?
The spokesman wasn't defending the military. He was explaining how it worked to an inept reporter with a preconceived story written in her head. She was looking for a comment that would confirm or reinforce her already decided opinion. You fell for the reporters nonsense. And your calling of our President by Sotoro just shows and confirms your agenda, which has nothing to do with national security or care for America. Just another racist looking for a way to be racist.
Is that not his name?
No, that isn't his name. That is the name racist use to highlight his African heritage. Racist often try to show they are from a low class and crude culture and mindset, but they always weaken and expose themselves.
So the Brits and French, "dr
Obama Seeking Allies for Fight Against Extremists - ABC News
Where is evidence that coalition forces are in action?
ISIS siege of Amerli Iraq over after U.S. airstrikes - CNN.com
It seems Iraqi Army did this with help of US air power and special forces. Does UK and Aussies have spec ops in Iraq? Sure. But I would not classify this as "coalition forces." Pin prick.

ISIS in retreat is good news:

Iraqi forces backed by U.S. airstrikes retake besieged town of Amerli - LA Times

The UK also dropped food in last night. All countries listed are now evacuating the town.

From the UK:

Iraqi forces break through to besieged town of Amerli after US air strikes and aid drop Mail Online
So the Frogs and Brits dropped "aid." How about some fucking bombs? How is this a "coalition?"
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Yo, dumbass. Those of us who are ex military and/or worked in the Pentagon would have a network.

Pay attention.
That means you don't have evidence.
Reporter To Pentagon Spokesman Why Should ISIS Think You re Anything But Not Ready Video RealClearPolitics
Here's your evidence.

Why would you think that was evidence to support your comments? It shows a military spokesman explaining why a strategy has to be developed over time and after considering various changing factors. I liked the end part where he explained to the persistent reporter that the ISIS forces being destroyed on the ground by US airstrikes had no doubt about America's plans for them.
So the spokesman had to defend the military over assertions by President Sotoro that we "have no plans." Why can't liberals stand by presidents words?
The spokesman wasn't defending the military. He was explaining how it worked to an inept reporter with a preconceived story written in her head. She was looking for a comment that would confirm or reinforce her already decided opinion. You fell for the reporters nonsense. And your calling of our President by Sotoro just shows and confirms your agenda, which has nothing to do with national security or care for America. Just another racist looking for a way to be racist.
Is that not his name?
No, that isn't his name. That is the name racist use to highlight his African heritage. Racist often try to show they are from a low class and crude culture and mindset, but they always weaken and expose themselves.
How is this racist? Your words seem racist as you describe Africans.
. Seems the people of Iraq have finally joined the fight...since they are pushing back and taking territory.

With Tinydancer's hero {Maliki} going away, the Sunnis in Iraq will accelerate their participation in the fight against IS terrorists in Iraq.

Obama's is wisely therefore demanding a comprehensive strategy involving other Sunni powers in the region to do the same type of ground operation in Syria that will not incude battalions of US ground troops like Bush stupidly sent into Iraq in March 2003.
Obama has no strategy. His first move was to get rid of Maliki. Things gotten any better? Nope. He doesnt know what he's doing. He doesnt know what to do. He knows to play golf and raise money from the 1% while his ass kissers like you declare the GOP is the party of the rich.
Things have gotten better. Pay attention.
Really? When we left Iraq it was a stable democracy. Now? Not so much
When Obama assumed office Russia was mostly minding its own business. Now? Not so much
When Obama became president the Arab Spring was just starting, with hope for democracy breaking out in the Middle East. Now? Not so much
When Obama became president we had a strategy for Afghanistan that didnt involve headlong retreat leaving the country to the Talibam. Now? Not so much/
Please point to one area where foreign policy looks better now than when Obama took office. The Saudis have written us off. Israel has written us off. Iran is just laughing at us. Putin eats our lunch every day. It is a total disaster.
Fake ID. That is a digital card that wasn't used at Columbia until 1996 and the Card # is for a 1998 student. Not even a good forgery.

No way to address the OP in an intelligent way this is what the hater dupes have to fall back on. Forged ID cards. Like students trying to get in a bar.
So the Brits and French, "dr
Obama Seeking Allies for Fight Against Extremists - ABC News
Where is evidence that coalition forces are in action?
ISIS siege of Amerli Iraq over after U.S. airstrikes - CNN.com
It seems Iraqi Army did this with help of US air power and special forces. Does UK and Aussies have spec ops in Iraq? Sure. But I would not classify this as "coalition forces." Pin prick.

ISIS in retreat is good news:

Iraqi forces backed by U.S. airstrikes retake besieged town of Amerli - LA Times

The UK also dropped food in last night. All countries listed are now evacuating the town.

From the UK:

Iraqi forces break through to besieged town of Amerli after US air strikes and aid drop Mail Online
So the Frogs and Brits dropped "aid." How about some fucking bombs? How is this a "coalition?"

Saving 18-20 lives, ISIS retreating. Shame some do not want ISIS defeated, but the US is going to do just that, with the aid of many allies. Yes, read the headline news; airstrikes were carried out. The pilots did not drop balloons.
The Idiot In Chief is so impressive, isn't he? roll eyes
The military had plans on the table but the "warrior " Obama (roll eyes again) will not choose one. So instead of eradicating the cancer all together, we just put it in remission with small gains of territory.
So you have evidence that the President is ignoring advice from any military advisers or just the retired agenda driven cable news armchair guys you watch on FOX?

Did you by any chance notice the President's assertion that he was "waiting" on the Pentagon for options in his last press conference and the rather annoyed response by the Pentagon's spokesman the next day stating that the US military constantly gives the White House options and is ready to carry them out whenever the President makes a decision?

Barry has made a habit of excusing himself from blame when things aren't getting done by pointing fingers at others. In this case he's pointing fingers at the military...who in response are having none of it.
He has a history of voting "Present" on important matters.
So the Brits and French, "dr
Obama Seeking Allies for Fight Against Extremists - ABC News
Where is evidence that coalition forces are in action?
ISIS siege of Amerli Iraq over after U.S. airstrikes - CNN.com
It seems Iraqi Army did this with help of US air power and special forces. Does UK and Aussies have spec ops in Iraq? Sure. But I would not classify this as "coalition forces." Pin prick.

ISIS in retreat is good news:

Iraqi forces backed by U.S. airstrikes retake besieged town of Amerli - LA Times

The UK also dropped food in last night. All countries listed are now evacuating the town.

From the UK:

Iraqi forces break through to besieged town of Amerli after US air strikes and aid drop Mail Online
So the Frogs and Brits dropped "aid." How about some fucking bombs? How is this a "coalition?"

Saving 18-20 lives, ISIS retreating. Shame some do not want ISIS defeated, but the US is going to do just that, with the aid of many allies. Yes, read the headline news; airstrikes were carried out. The pilots did not drop balloons.
American air strikes.
. Seems the people of Iraq have finally joined the fight...since they are pushing back and taking territory.

With Tinydancer's hero {Maliki} going away, the Sunnis in Iraq will accelerate their participation in the fight against IS terrorists in Iraq.

Obama's is wisely therefore demanding a comprehensive strategy involving other Sunni powers in the region to do the same type of ground operation in Syria that will not incude battalions of US ground troops like Bush stupidly sent into Iraq in March 2003.
Obama has no strategy. His first move was to get rid of Maliki. Things gotten any better? Nope. He doesnt know what he's doing. He doesnt know what to do. He knows to play golf and raise money from the 1% while his ass kissers like you declare the GOP is the party of the rich.
Things have gotten better. Pay attention.
Really? When we left Iraq it was a stable democracy. Now? Not so much
When Obama assumed office Russia was mostly minding its own business. Now? Not so much
When Obama became president the Arab Spring was just starting, with hope for democracy breaking out in the Middle East. Now? Not so much
When Obama became president we had a strategy for Afghanistan that didnt involve headlong retreat leaving the country to the Talibam. Now? Not so much/
Please point to one area where foreign policy looks better now than when Obama took office. The Saudis have written us off. Israel has written us off. Iran is just laughing at us. Putin eats our lunch every day. It is a total disaster.
The topic is ISIS in Iraq. Obviously the hater dupes have no valid arguments, so they are trying to change the subject and deflect away from the OP.
So the Brits and French, "dr
Obama Seeking Allies for Fight Against Extremists - ABC News
Where is evidence that coalition forces are in action?
ISIS siege of Amerli Iraq over after U.S. airstrikes - CNN.com
It seems Iraqi Army did this with help of US air power and special forces. Does UK and Aussies have spec ops in Iraq? Sure. But I would not classify this as "coalition forces." Pin prick.

ISIS in retreat is good news:

Iraqi forces backed by U.S. airstrikes retake besieged town of Amerli - LA Times

The UK also dropped food in last night. All countries listed are now evacuating the town.

From the UK:

Iraqi forces break through to besieged town of Amerli after US air strikes and aid drop Mail Online
So the Frogs and Brits dropped "aid." How about some fucking bombs? How is this a "coalition?"

Saving 18-20 lives, ISIS retreating. Shame some do not want ISIS defeated, but the US is going to do just that, with the aid of many allies. Yes, read the headline news; airstrikes were carried out. The pilots did not drop balloons.
American air strikes.

Yes, with our allies, USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the Brits and French, "dr
Obama Seeking Allies for Fight Against Extremists - ABC News
Where is evidence that coalition forces are in action?
ISIS siege of Amerli Iraq over after U.S. airstrikes - CNN.com
It seems Iraqi Army did this with help of US air power and special forces. Does UK and Aussies have spec ops in Iraq? Sure. But I would not classify this as "coalition forces." Pin prick.

ISIS in retreat is good news:

Iraqi forces backed by U.S. airstrikes retake besieged town of Amerli - LA Times

The UK also dropped food in last night. All countries listed are now evacuating the town.

From the UK:

Iraqi forces break through to besieged town of Amerli after US air strikes and aid drop Mail Online
So the Frogs and Brits dropped "aid." How about some fucking bombs? How is this a "coalition?"

Saving 18-20 lives, ISIS retreating. Shame some do not want ISIS defeated, but the US is going to do just that, with the aid of many allies. Yes, read the headline news; airstrikes were carried out. The pilots did not drop balloons.
American air strikes.

Yes, with our allies, USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Show me where UK and France dropped bombs.
You guys are just desperate to make the US President look weak to our enemies. You are trying to make a thoughtful and organized process look like weakness when it is in fact a strength. You want to spin a tale that omits the reality that developing options is an ongoing process, as the spokesman explained, and there is confusion between the Pentagon and the White House. There is no confusion. The President looked at the options and decided to wait and let the other options be developed before making a decision on the final strategy. If you weren't so wrapped up in hatred you would understand it is the wise thing to do.
No one has to try to make Obama look weak and indecisive. He does a fine job all on his own.
So the Brits and French, "dr
Obama Seeking Allies for Fight Against Extremists - ABC News
Where is evidence that coalition forces are in action?
ISIS siege of Amerli Iraq over after U.S. airstrikes - CNN.com
It seems Iraqi Army did this with help of US air power and special forces. Does UK and Aussies have spec ops in Iraq? Sure. But I would not classify this as "coalition forces." Pin prick.

ISIS in retreat is good news:

Iraqi forces backed by U.S. airstrikes retake besieged town of Amerli - LA Times

The UK also dropped food in last night. All countries listed are now evacuating the town.

From the UK:

Iraqi forces break through to besieged town of Amerli after US air strikes and aid drop Mail Online
So the Frogs and Brits dropped "aid." How about some fucking bombs? How is this a "coalition?"

Saving 18-20 lives, ISIS retreating. Shame some do not want ISIS defeated, but the US is going to do just that, with the aid of many allies. Yes, read the headline news; airstrikes were carried out. The pilots did not drop balloons.
American air strikes.

Yes, with our allies, USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Show me where UK and France dropped bombs.

Why? The siege is BROKEN, ISIS in retreat; this is GOOD news. France, Australia and UK are dropping relief supplies. Obviously, the US Air Force was the choice to bomb. The US has the best.
So while Obama was telling ISIS and the hater dupes he had no strategy he was organizing Great Britain, France and Australia to join with the US in combating the Islamic State in Iraq. And the hater dupes still believe that nonsense. You can be sure the Islamic State doesn't.

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