Obama now says he "AGNOSTIC" on raising taxes!

111 views, and NOT ONE Obamabot has the guts to respond!

How many more broken promises are you idiots going to endure before you have the guts to hold Obama accountable for BLATANTLY LYING to you ignorant fools?
Our real problem is not the spike in spending last year, or the lost, even the lost revenues last year, as significant as those are,” he said. “The real problem has to do with the fact that there is a just a mismatch between the amount of money coming in and the amount of money going out. And that is going to require some big, tough choices that, so far, the political system has been unable to deal with.”

Too much money going out not enough money coming in. The solution is not to tax joe taxpayer yet again, it's to drastically cut spending. Won't never happen. His 'cutting spending' is lip service and will be minimal. This administration has no intention of stopping their glutenous spending spree. Tax the crap out of us and carry on is the 'tough choice' :rolleyes: they are going to make? Please.
For decades, Americans have wanted more services and pay less taxes. They have wanted to go to war without paying for war. It cannot go on forever. Sorry, that is reality.

Taxes are going up and services are going to get cut. It doesn't matter who the President is. It doesn't matter who is running Congress.

If it doesn't happen, eventually this financial crisis will look like a cakewalk compared to what is coming.

The tax cuts earlier this decade were grossly irresponsible for all the spending that went on.
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And the Obamabot crickets just keep chirping along!


That's cause we "Obamabots" didn't want to interrupt your circle-jerk.

Carry on.

Saw right through that one.
Sort of makes you look a bit foolish...and clueless on how to respond.
Poorly done.
Loss of 10 credibility points.

Clueless on how to respond?

Why should I respond?

You guys are going to have to make up your minds. When liberals defend Obama, you call them hypocrites. And then when no one defends him, liberals are "clueless".

I don't particularly like Obama. I feel no need to defend him. And you're lying to yourself if you think this isn't a "circle jerk" thread (defined as a bunch of people hyperactively agreeing with each other - similar to listening to talk radio)
That's cause we "Obamabots" didn't want to interrupt your circle-jerk.

Carry on.

Saw right through that one.
Sort of makes you look a bit foolish...and clueless on how to respond.
Poorly done.
Loss of 10 credibility points.

Clueless on how to respond?

Why should I respond?

You guys are going to have to make up your minds. When liberals defend Obama, you call them hypocrites. And then when no one defends him, liberals are "clueless".

I don't particularly like Obama. I feel no need to defend him. And you're lying to yourself if you think this isn't a "circle jerk" thread (defined as a bunch of people hyperactively agreeing with each other - similar to listening to talk radio)

I suggest you get off your high horse. This board is used for debating....but it seems you opt to use it to come across as a superior; as one that is above the "back and forth".....
If I am wrong, then why are you here?
You have an opportunity to debate an issue, yet you simply knock those that comment on the issue...and claim, in your own words, that you are above such petty stuff, and thus why no response.

So again, I ask...then why are you here?

You are quite transparent.
Saw right through that one.
Sort of makes you look a bit foolish...and clueless on how to respond.
Poorly done.
Loss of 10 credibility points.

Clueless on how to respond?

Why should I respond?

You guys are going to have to make up your minds. When liberals defend Obama, you call them hypocrites. And then when no one defends him, liberals are "clueless".

I don't particularly like Obama. I feel no need to defend him. And you're lying to yourself if you think this isn't a "circle jerk" thread (defined as a bunch of people hyperactively agreeing with each other - similar to listening to talk radio)

I suggest you get off your high horse. This board is used for debating....but it seems you opt to use it to come across as a superior; as one that is above the "back and forth".....
If I am wrong, then why are you here?
I use this board for the same reason everyone else does - we've all got the political bug, and like to talk about it.
You have an opportunity to debate an issue, yet you simply knock those that comment on the issue...and claim, in your own words, that you are above such petty stuff, and thus why no response.
No, I commented on WickedJester's challenge to the "obamabots" to defend him. I responded in kind. I chose not to "debate" the issue because this is not a "debate" thread, this is a taunting thread. If you want to actually discuss taxes, then I'd love to discuss it. But if the first 3 pages of a thread are just "conservatives" going back and forth about how dumb "obamabots" are, I reserve the right to be a snarky asshole.

So again, I ask...then why are you here?

You are quite transparent.

Really? You can see through me?

What do you see, if you can know me so well through what I post on the internet?

(Warning: If you actually answer that last question, you're going to make a fool out of yourself)
Clueless on how to respond?

Why should I respond?

You guys are going to have to make up your minds. When liberals defend Obama, you call them hypocrites. And then when no one defends him, liberals are "clueless".

I don't particularly like Obama. I feel no need to defend him. And you're lying to yourself if you think this isn't a "circle jerk" thread (defined as a bunch of people hyperactively agreeing with each other - similar to listening to talk radio)

I suggest you get off your high horse. This board is used for debating....but it seems you opt to use it to come across as a superior; as one that is above the "back and forth".....
If I am wrong, then why are you here?
I use this board for the same reason everyone else does - we've all got the political bug, and like to talk about it.
You have an opportunity to debate an issue, yet you simply knock those that comment on the issue...and claim, in your own words, that you are above such petty stuff, and thus why no response.
No, I commented on WickedJester's challenge to the "obamabots" to defend him. I responded in kind. I chose not to "debate" the issue because this is not a "debate" thread, this is a taunting thread. If you want to actually discuss taxes, then I'd love to discuss it. But if the first 3 pages of a thread are just "conservatives" going back and forth about how dumb "obamabots" are, I reserve the right to be a snarky asshole.

So again, I ask...then why are you here?

You are quite transparent.

Really? You can see through me?

What do you see, if you can know me so well through what I post on the internet?

(Warning: If you actually answer that last question, you're going to make a fool out of yourself)

I know nothing about you as a person. Never claimed I did.
I do, however, understand and see through your posts...for good or bad....
If I am wrong, then I apologize...but it is how I percieve your posts.....they seem to be that of "high road"....but I will defer to futurereadings...and assume my initial sentiments of your writings is unsubstantiated.
The question in all of this is the fact that Obama was vehement in his promise to not raise taxes. In fact, no less than three weeks ago Gibb's was saying that taxes will not be raised on those making less than 200 grand no matter what.

Where is the outrage from the Obamabots?. Each and everyone of them have been up here touting that Obama would never raise taxes on them. They were so sure of it. In fact, they've all been hootin' and hollerin' about the few bread crumbs he threw them in his measly lil' "tax cut". Now, that he's about to break yet ANOTHER damn promise, they remain completely silent on the issue. They will NEVER hold the man accountable. Even as he continues to piss this great country straight down the toilet.

It's friggin' laughable!

And the crickets just keep chirping along!
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During Obama’s campaign!
“I pledge that under my plan, no one making less than $250,000 a year will see any type of tax increase,”

During Obama’s campaign!
“I pledge that under my plan, no one making less than $250,000 a year will see any type of tax increase,”

Fox news did a "speed clip" yesterday where they showed him making that claim. He made it over 300 times during the campaign.

Now, he says he wants to give tax breaks to small businesses who hire. Fact is, most small business owners personal incomes fall into the $250,000.00 a year or less category.

What he is about to do is, offer them a carrot, and then whack them over the head with a baseball bat when they try to take said carrot. IT'S WRONG!. And he thinks he's actually fooling us?.....Give me a friggin' break!
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During Obama’s campaign!
“I pledge that under my plan, no one making less than $250,000 a year will see any type of tax increase,”

Fox news did a "speed clip" yesterday where they showed him making that claim. He made it over 300 times during the campaign.

Now, he says he wants to give tax breaks to small businesses who hire. Fact is, most small business owners personal incomes fall into the $250,000.00 a year or less category.

What he is about to do is, offer them a carrot, and then whack them over the head with a baseball bat when they try to take said carrot. IT'S WRONG!. And he thinks he's actually fooling us?.....Give me a friggin' break!

so you were watching fox news?
During Obama’s campaign!
“I pledge that under my plan, no one making less than $250,000 a year will see any type of tax increase,”

Fox news did a "speed clip" yesterday where they showed him making that claim. He made it over 300 times during the campaign.

Now, he says he wants to give tax breaks to small businesses who hire. Fact is, most small business owners personal incomes fall into the $250,000.00 a year or less category.

What he is about to do is, offer them a carrot, and then whack them over the head with a baseball bat when they try to take said carrot. IT'S WRONG!. And he thinks he's actually fooling us?.....Give me a friggin' break!

so you were watching fox news?

What part of 0bama stating no tax increases for those with under a $250,000 income requires Fox News? Now the two-faced liar states raising taxes is on the table?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJVMWjTQh_Y]YouTube - Obama Pledges to Not Raise Middle Class Taxes[/ame]

Gee, he's not gonna get into our pockets and spend it on all kinds of crazy pork barrel projects.
Yeah. Right.
Taking quite a long time for the liberals to process a middle class tax increase. Where's the snappy retorts?

Well, Obama meant what he said when he said it. Now that he's in office and he sees how badly Bush screwed things up he has no choice but to propose a tax increase. So the tax increase is really Bush's fault.
Yeah, that's it. Thats the ticket.

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