Obama now being compared to GWB...

Except Bush did not spend 5 trillion dollars in 3 years, and divert the majority of that money to political coffers and payoffs. For all the faults that Bush had, he is nowhere near the level of treason and corrupt as the current idiot in there.
Except Bush did not spend 5 trillion dollars in 3 years, and divert the majority of that money to political coffers and payoffs. For all the faults that Bush had, he is nowhere near the level of treason and corrupt as the current idiot in there.

It just keeps getting worse as the years go by.
Except Bush did not spend 5 trillion dollars in 3 years, and divert the majority of that money to political coffers and payoffs. For all the faults that Bush had, he is nowhere near the level of treason and corrupt as the current idiot in there.

It just keeps getting worse as the years go by.

I just have a feeling that should Obama lose his reelection bid that sometime in between November 2nd 2012 and January 2nd 2013 something huge is going to happen in America, something so bad that it would lock him into office for even longer and possibly permanent. We are heading for scary times, that is for sure, this man and his cronies will not go away quietly, they want that dictatorship so bad, and it's sad to say but so do there constituents.
...by some New Hampshire democrats...

NH Democrats leaving the party for Ron Paul? - Free Keene

Many independents & Demmies are looking at Ron Paul as a better choice for prez than president Obama, which they claim president Obama to be another president Bush. It sounds like a fair amount of Demmies & a lot of independents in New Hampshire are dropping anchor in the Paul camp.

Young Iowan Demmies & some independents are backing Ron Paul in Iowa also...

Rebel conservative Paul lurks in close Iowa race | Reuters

Iowa Youth Say They're Switching Parties to Support Ron Paul - Urbandale, IA Patch

Even Michele Bachmann, Perry & Santorum helped Ron Paul...

Ron Paul gets a boost by Michele Bachmann and the two Ricks in the Iowa debates (45th President video)

...by opening up with a broadside on ole slow bear Gingrich. Of course anyone could win in the primary, but Ron has amassed a virtual army of supporters in the Repub, Demmie & independent camps in both Iowa & New Hampshire. Anyone see a potential upset with Paul over Gingrich???

Oh--it's much worse than that. Obama is being compared to Jimmy Carter whom has recently fallen below Carter's approval rating.

Obama’s job approval rating falls below Jimmy Carter’s

And then this WSJ article--the second coming of Jimmy Carter.

McGurn: They Once Loved Jimmy, Too - WSJ.com
Yup, Bush pushed universal health care and financial regulation, and saving the Big 3 and all those state jobs....so some in NH are stupid....

Gingrich/Paul 2012!

Well dufus.... We dont have universal healthcare

We dont a financial reform that addresses the real issues that caused the collapse.

Fucking over the investors cost jobs. Now Government motors is selling cars at huge discounts with poor credit. Imagine just how we got here.

Quit listening to shultz stupid !!
You tell me my sources suq, and you don't know who they ARE! Pub dupes! Imprinted talking points and nothing else but stupid insults. You're smelling rotten too lol.

Newt/Romney 2012!

I'm sorry.

I did not take idiotspeak in school.

You'll need to translate your post.

BHO is looking like GWB every day. But he will be different in one respect.

He'll be a one-termer.

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