Obama Needs a New Strategy


VIP Member
Aug 30, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
W has one of the worst economic records of any prez in US history, yet today's Rasmussen tracker has the race tied 48-48. Obama is responding with the established strategy that got him here - to tie McCain to Bush. But in the Dems haste to make everything about image and personalities, this strategy emphasizes the people, and not the consequences, of Bush's econ policies.

Everyone's heard the Bush's 3rd term argument a million times. The new "voted with 90% of the time" campaign is just recreating a message that has only gotten Obama into a tie. Instead, he should be talking about the impact, not the person. So instead of 90%, he should be talking about 600,000 jobs lost this year, 9% of mortgages in foreclosure or past due, auto industry losing 40,000 jobs last month alone.

But instead of talking about the general economy, he has a bad habit of positioning every economic speech in terms of how the middle class has done relative to everyone else. Problem with this is it undermines the fact that everyone's paid for the country's weak economic performance since 2001.
The even more troubling thing about the foreclosure data is that it has to do with people who have good credit, ie the problem is spreading past the sub prime market.
The President has a better record than the Clinton administration when it comes to economics. But of course for Clinton it was the greatest Economy ever. For Bush it's one of the worst ever.

However, Obama's strategy is stupid. But then Im not sure he isnt stupid too. Im trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he keeps disappointing. Seriously, i dont think Harvard is producing inteligent people like they used to.

Our economy is alittle slower right now because of bad lending practices by government run "Private" companies. And of course the brilliant idea is to bail them out using taxpayers money. And dont try to blame this on Bush, this is very bipartisan. Democrats are just as responsible.

Let them fail. Its not difficult. Throwing money at a broken system will not make the problem better. it's only going to make it worse. The more we keep making the economy limp along with government intereference rather than letting the market clean up the garbage, the worse this is going to be when it finally does collapse.
The economy is also slower because of the rising price of oil, spurred by the growth of China and India. Bush certainly has promoted oil dependence of the US throughout his presidency. Our economy would be stronger if we were less dependent on oil. Gore had that right in 2000.

Wars waged for no good reason, not as a last resort, with cherry picked intelligence and illegal intimidation tactics (scooter libby), that result in 10 billion a month being spent abroad on said war, also doesn't help the economy.

No matter how you cut it, Bush's ideology has contributed significantly to the state of th economy. McCain and Palin share a lot of that same ideology.

And bush and McCain both say the fundamentals of the economy are strong. That simply isn't what i see where I live. We are losing jobs and food is getting more expensive. Our town has lost thousands of jobs and there are foreclosure signs all over town.

Obama is running on job creation in part through development of more alternatvie energy, these are jobs that cannot be outsourced. McCain has a record of shipping jobs overseas.
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Obama is running on job creation in part through development of more alternatvie energy, these are jobs that cannot be outsourced. McCain has a record of shipping jobs overseas.

Obama won't even drill for the oil we have here to make ourselves immediately less dependent on foreign oil. Drilling offshore and in Alaska for sources of energy is an immediate relief from the burden of rising fuel prices, and it creates jobs, prosperity, and independence so that we can immediately and effectively begin researching and implementing new technologies and creating new jobs.

Obama wants to dive into new technology that doesn't benefit most of Americans because we don't have that technology, and we can't afford it because we have to pay for the current sources of energy. If we don't get relief now, we can't invest in the future.
Obama won't even drill for the oil we have here to make ourselves immediately less dependent on foreign oil. Drilling offshore and in Alaska for sources of energy is an immediate relief from the burden of rising fuel prices, and it creates jobs, prosperity, and independence so that we can immediately and effectively begin researching and implementing new technologies and creating new jobs.

Obama wants to dive into new technology that doesn't benefit most of Americans because we don't have that technology, and we can't afford it because we have to pay for the current sources of energy. If we don't get relief now, we can't invest in the future.

Any oil we drill for goes into the global market, it's not like we can drill it and use it.

We currently contribute 2% of the world's oil. If we drill everywhere we possibly can, and assuming no other country increases production, our contribution would max out at 4%. This would be available in about ten years, and the new wells would be owned by the highest bidder, so they wouldn't necessarily be american in any case.

IOW, quite simply, drilling here and now does not do squat. McCain seems to use it as a means to appeal to a certain demographic.

Even so, Obama is willing to have drilling on the table if it means making progress in other more tenable areas.
McCain's up 3 in the latest Gallup tracker. Obama should fire the army of consultants manufacturing his image, stop talking about McCain supporting Bush 90%, and focus more unemployment being over 6%.
The President has a better record than the Clinton administration when it comes to economics. But of course for Clinton it was the greatest Economy ever. For Bush it's one of the worst ever.

However, Obama's strategy is stupid. But then Im not sure he isnt stupid too. Im trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he keeps disappointing. Seriously, i dont think Harvard is producing inteligent people like they used to.

Our economy is alittle slower right now because of bad lending practices by government run "Private" companies. And of course the brilliant idea is to bail them out using taxpayers money. And dont try to blame this on Bush, this is very bipartisan. Democrats are just as responsible.

Let them fail. Its not difficult. Throwing money at a broken system will not make the problem better. it's only going to make it worse. The more we keep making the economy limp along with government intereference rather than letting the market clean up the garbage, the worse this is going to be when it finally does collapse.

Obama isn't stupid, that much is fact. You don't graduate Havard and take on the Clinton machine and win if your stupid.

I agree that throwing money at a broken system will not make the problem better.

Btw, please tell me it was a joke you spelled intelligence wrong when wondering if Obama was stupid? It just didn't seem so but I just had to ask. :eusa_whistle:
McCain's up 3 in the latest Gallup tracker. Obama should fire the army of consultants manufacturing his image, stop talking about McCain supporting Bush 90%, and focus more unemployment being over 6%.

CNN's "Poll of Polls" includes the Gallup I'm pretty sure.

They have Obama up by 1 point but still that's not looking good.

I'd say Obama should be able to find a balance between McCain supporting Bush 90% but also focus more on unemployment being over 6%.

Since one could say that since McCain supports Bush 90% of the time and under Bush the unemployment rate is over 6%, then how will things be better under John McCain?
McCain's up 49.7% to 45.9% in the Zogby Interactive Online poll:

Zogby International Online Polling

You know the Leftist media's desperate when they're reporting tenths of a percentage point and not just rounding to 50% like they would if Obama were leading :razz:

That poll's a joke, you say?

Zogby did pretty damn good in 2004:

Zogby International Online Polling

(Scroll all the way down to "2004 National and State by State Results")

If anything his methodology underestimates support for the Repub and overestimates support for the Dumbocrap.
funny, I thought it was Rick Davis of the McPain campaign that said they wanted to make this election about personalities, not the issues :confused:

The RNC just held their convention...did you think they wouldn't get a boost at all? Palin did a hell of a speech and McCain retold once again his POW story.

Let the numbers settle down before anyone start assuming that people are stupid enough to believe that our economy would be better off under a McPain administration.

Also, the figures for the unemployment just came out. Don't jump to the conclusion that Obama won't address it.

I do agree that Obama needs to start AGGRESSIVELY going after both McCain AND Palin on their records.
Any oil we drill for goes into the global market, it's not like we can drill it and use it.

We currently contribute 2% of the world's oil. If we drill everywhere we possibly can, and assuming no other country increases production, our contribution would max out at 4%. This would be available in about ten years, and the new wells would be owned by the highest bidder, so they wouldn't necessarily be american in any case.

IOW, quite simply, drilling here and now does not do squat. McCain seems to use it as a means to appeal to a certain demographic.

Even so, Obama is willing to have drilling on the table if it means making progress in other more tenable areas.

I'm not surprised a public schoolteacher cannot comprehend even the most basic sentences.

No wonder public school sucks is this country. We have unqualified fools such as yourself who are barely literate collecting welfare checks rather than working.

Everything you say only further proves my point of your immature, idiotic comments. You, like Bush, do a great job at making everyone else feel much better about themselves

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