Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

No, it's not the facts, sorry. Everybody, including government employees and elected members of Congress pay into Social Security.

WRONG. Federal employees hired before 1983 don't pay, about 500,000 still left in government. Use the links to go see state employees. Then there are local employees as well.

Over 5 to 6 million government workers at least do not pay into Social Security., again, MAJORITY DEMOCRATS.


Next time you post shit, think before you lie..

In fairness, many people are shocked to know millions of government workers get away with not contributing. Many senior employees of Social Security do NOT pay into the system, hired before 1983. They do very well making decisions on YOUR money. Salaries and benefits to the stratosphere.
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you'd think, listening to them, that they didn't run things for 8 years.

if their ideas were so good, they wouldn't have crashed the economy. :thup:

did you "forget" that the dems controlled congress from 2007 on? you know, when the economy started to tank....

and bush used his little veto pen for the first time in his presidency... frequently.... every time the dems tried to do anything.

so you might want to not try to lay the blame on the dems. ultimately, it was the dems who bailed out his butt.

you know what amazes me... that a goodly percentage of the country thinks president obama signed the TARP bill into law.

nutters... apparently Obama was president in october 2008.

that is not true jillian...his first veto was in 2005

and it is wholly untrue he did it "every time the dems tried to do anything"...i think he had maybe a dozen vetoes...he has the record as having one of hte lowest veto history's for presidents

care to back your claims? i just googled it...i guess it was 2006 according to this link and its only 12

Presidential Vetos - Bills Vetoed by President George W. Bush (2001-2008)
you'd think, listening to them, that they didn't run things for 8 years.

if their ideas were so good, they wouldn't have crashed the economy. :thup:

did you "forget" that the dems controlled congress from 2007 on? you know, when the economy started to tank....

Democrats taking control of Congress in 2007 didn't have a single, solitary thing to do with the economy crashing. That was already in the works and had been a bubble blowing up for years ready to burst. It would have happened even if the Republicans had maintained control.

I see many conservatives deceptively claiming that because the Democrats won Congress in the 2006 elections, that somehow caused the financial crash. That's absolute bullshit and you all know it.

for the record...i only say that to show how stupid it is to blame either of the parties...i have constently said in other threads that it was BOTH parties....

and if you look at what i said...i never actually said the dems caused anything...i merely pointed out when they took control and when the economy started to collapse....

you might want to spend more time reading a post and who is saying someting before you rant off and call it bullshit
did you "forget" that the dems controlled congress from 2007 on? you know, when the economy started to tank....

Democrats taking control of Congress in 2007 didn't have a single, solitary thing to do with the economy crashing. That was already in the works and had been a bubble blowing up for years ready to burst. It would have happened even if the Republicans had maintained control.

I see many conservatives deceptively claiming that because the Democrats won Congress in the 2006 elections, that somehow caused the financial crash. That's absolute bullshit and you all know it.

Kudos for you honesty

thats rich coming from you who blames ONLY the republicans for the ENTIRE economy....when its bad....when its good, it is all democrats doing
The truth is Democrats have had a monopoly on all government for almost a century, bar a few politicians and Presidents, and why the system is slanted to pro-government policies at the people's expense.

Unfortunate, but true. Some very rich people in this nation now thanks to Democrat policies, which is what it was all about to begin with.
The truth is Democrats have had a monopoly on all government for almost a century, bar a few politicians and Presidents, and why the system is slanted to pro-government policies at the people's expense.

Unfortunate, but true. Some very rich people in this nation now thanks to Democrat policies, which is what it was all about to begin with.

Doohh!! Lets see if that's right.
Reagan 8-years
Bush-1 4-years
Clinton 8-years
Bush-2 8-years

So the GOP had the government for 20 of the last 28 years. The problem is that Big Money calls the shots and simply buys both parties. After all, the top 1% that owns 90% of everything makes the "little people" pay taxes while their money is off-shore.
The problem with SS is that it is a Ponzi Scheme put in place decades ago. The ratio of tax payers to beneficiaries was 41.9 to 1 when SS was established. We are currently at 3 to 1. Within a couple of decades, the ratio will deteriorate further to 2:1.

The gig is up. The Ponzi Scheme is falling apart due to lack of enough fresh chumps to pay off earlier chumps.
No need for the GOP to destory it. Its headed that way on its own.
When your enemy is destroying himself, get out of the way. The GOP has a hard time doing that because either they feel pity and try to help them, or get in the way laughing at them.
The problem with SS is that it is a Ponzi Scheme put in place decades ago. The ratio of tax payers to beneficiaries was 41.9 to 1 when SS was established. We are currently at 3 to 1. Within a couple of decades, the ratio will deteriorate further to 2:1.

The gig is up. The Ponzi Scheme is falling apart due to lack of enough fresh chumps to pay off earlier chumps.

SS & Medicare can be saved and made solvent, but the fixes aren't politically palatable. Just google "fix Social Security" and "fix Medicare" and you can find lots of great/practical ideas that the political whores just won't do.

Fixing SS is easy: lift the cap & means test, problem solved, worst case include ALL government workers:
Americans agree on how to fix Social Security

Fixing Medicare is a tougher slog...
The Wrong and Right Ways to Reform Medicare
The truth is Democrats have had a monopoly on all government for almost a century, bar a few politicians and Presidents, and why the system is slanted to pro-government policies at the people's expense.

Unfortunate, but true. Some very rich people in this nation now thanks to Democrat policies, which is what it was all about to begin with.

Doohh!! Lets see if that's right.
Reagan 8-years
Bush-1 4-years
Clinton 8-years
Bush-2 8-years

So the GOP had the government for 20 of the last 28 years. The problem is that Big Money calls the shots and simply buys both parties. After all, the top 1% that owns 90% of everything makes the "little people" pay taxes while their money is off-shore.

The President is such a skewed office. Just because you had a Republican or Democrat in office does not let you know who is controlling policy. It is the majority in Congress and the Senate that make policy. So you get a better feel of who is running things by the Speaker of the House. I really should not be telling anyone this. I am sure you already knew. This is a political message board after all.
The truth is Democrats have had a monopoly on all government for almost a century, bar a few politicians and Presidents, and why the system is slanted to pro-government policies at the people's expense.

Unfortunate, but true. Some very rich people in this nation now thanks to Democrat policies, which is what it was all about to begin with.

Doohh!! Lets see if that's right.
Reagan 8-years
Bush-1 4-years
Clinton 8-years
Bush-2 8-years

So the GOP had the government for 20 of the last 28 years. The problem is that Big Money calls the shots and simply buys both parties. After all, the top 1% that owns 90% of everything makes the "little people" pay taxes while their money is off-shore.

The President is such a skewed office. Just because you had a Republican or Democrat in office does not let you know who is controlling policy. It is the majority in Congress and the Senate that make policy. So you get a better feel of who is running things by the Speaker of the House. I really should not be telling anyone this. I am sure you already knew. This is a political message board after all.

Tell me that the political whores aren't bought-off by lobbyists and anyone with a bag or freezer full of cash? But I'm sure you already knew this....as well as that the Prez has much more power running the government and enforcing/interpreting/not-enforcing laws passed by Congress. The Speaker is a mid-level functionary with no real people under his control, the prez runs the entire Federal Government and nearly all employees.
Doohh!! Lets see if that's right.
Reagan 8-years
Bush-1 4-years
Clinton 8-years
Bush-2 8-years

So the GOP had the government for 20 of the last 28 years. The problem is that Big Money calls the shots and simply buys both parties. After all, the top 1% that owns 90% of everything makes the "little people" pay taxes while their money is off-shore.

The President is such a skewed office. Just because you had a Republican or Democrat in office does not let you know who is controlling policy. It is the majority in Congress and the Senate that make policy. So you get a better feel of who is running things by the Speaker of the House. I really should not be telling anyone this. I am sure you already knew. This is a political message board after all.

Tell me that the political whores aren't bought-off by lobbyists and anyone with a bag or freezer full of cash? But I'm sure you already knew this....as well as that the Prez has much more power running the government and enforcing/interpreting/not-enforcing laws passed by Congress. The Speaker is a mid-level functionary with no real people under his control, the prez runs the entire Federal Government and nearly all employees.

Yes, but the President does not make policy or laws. He just signs or vetoes those in place. The Speaker may not be as powerful but they are a representative of the controlling party. I know you know all of this.
Getting off-topic. The question is how to fix SS & Medicare. The whores would rather whine about who got called the n-word, or who violated ethics...anything but fixing SS & Medcare, things that they are responsible for.

Then again, if the whores sold us out by moving 14% of the US manufacturing overseas, they can ignore SS & Medicare, it doesn't affect their pensiojn & medical plans......then again you already knew that. The question is, why aren't congressmen on SS & Medicare? They might fix them then.
Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security - Politics - White House - msnbc.com

as is the case with obama....yet another lie

because the truth is:

Most Republicans, in fact, are wary of touching that idea, because Social Security is virtually sacrosanct to voters, particularly seniors.

and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and really have the "change" and end partisan bickering....

The first 4:00

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did you "forget" that the dems controlled congress from 2007 on? you know, when the economy started to tank....

and bush used his little veto pen for the first time in his presidency... frequently.... every time the dems tried to do anything.

so you might want to not try to lay the blame on the dems. ultimately, it was the dems who bailed out his butt.

you know what amazes me... that a goodly percentage of the country thinks president obama signed the TARP bill into law.

nutters... apparently Obama was president in october 2008.

that is not true jillian...his first veto was in 2005

and it is wholly untrue he did it "every time the dems tried to do anything"...i think he had maybe a dozen vetoes...he has the record as having one of hte lowest veto history's for presidents

care to back your claims? i just googled it...i guess it was 2006 according to this link and its only 12

Presidential Vetos - Bills Vetoed by President George W. Bush (2001-2008)

"Truth" and "Jillian" are like oil and water.
Wasn't Obama the one taking credit for saving the U.S. auto industry, when in fact it was Bush who extended the TARP to them, over the objections of a Democratic Congress?
Make every citizen pay into the system first. Then look at reform. Watch Democrats dance around that. Can't make their voter base government workers be citizens, oh no, they are too special,
Millions of mostly Democrat federal, state, and local workers and GROWING do not pay into Social Security. How do Democrats say they support Social Security, when millions of them don't even pay into the system??????

And millions more already retired over the decades since SS inception without contributing to the system. The Feds at least partially stopped this injustice when all new employees hired after 1983 had to pay into it.

Step 1 for SS reform, everyone has to pay into the system, even elitist government workers.

After that, fix it.
Millions of mostly Democrat federal, state, and local workers and GROWING do not pay into Social Security. How do Democrats say they support Social Security, when millions of them don't even pay into the system??????

And millions more already retired over the decades since SS inception without contributing to the system. The Feds at least partially stopped this injustice when all new employees hired after 1983 had to pay into it.

Step 1 for SS reform, everyone has to pay into the system, even elitist government workers.

After that, fix it.

Wait. 2,000,000 federal workers don't pay into SocSec? Seriously?