Obama Fake Followers Fail To Follow - Obama: Liberal / Barry PR Creation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama loses 2,346,119 fake TWITTER followers so far...

Twitter just exposed the fact that Obama's popularity is a manufactured smokescreen designed to manipulate snowflakes.

'Former President Barack Obama lost more than 2 million Twitter followers on Thursday as the social-networking platform launched a new crackdown on fake accounts. the Twitter purge had cost Obama 2,346,119 followers, or more than two percent of his audience on the site.'

** Obama Loses 2 Million Followers in Twitter’s Crackdown on Fake Accounts

Barry's whole persona - everything about his public image has been 'handled', manufactured from Day 1. When Barry decided to run for President the media went into 'over-drive' to bury the 'real' Barak Obama and craft his image.

Barak Obama was admittedly tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis. He studied Socialist Saul Alensky, even quoted his book 'Rules For radicals' in his Inauguration speech. He was mentored for decades by the racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, and friends with an unrepentant domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killed 1st Responders, and who declared his only regret was not perpetrating more bombings.

The Liberal Media and Democratic Party went to work and miraculously managed to convince the ignorant sheep in this country that 'THE PAST DOES NOT MATTER'. They repeated the mantra over and over until it was fully accepted...and defended. The fact that Obama was a product of Communist, Socialist, Racist, Anti-American, and terrorist ideology and influence simply did not matter, according to the Democrats and Liberal media. 1) It's in the past and the past does not matter, and 2) If you brought any of that up you were immediately branded as a 'racist'. The facts, though, still remained.

Barak Obama was the son of a Muslim Anti-Colonialist who openly expressed the desire to see the United States eliminated as a world Power and Influence. In college he identified with his father and his ideology so much that he changed his name in honor of his father.

In his memoirs, 'Dreams Of my Father', Barak Obama talked about his time in college. Of significance, he wrote he learned to be a 'chameleon', how to be 'all things to all people'. In other words, he learned to be become a con artist, how to appear to be anyone / anything he needed to be depending on who he was talking to / interacting with. The persona of 'Barak Obama' was carefully crafted. Another example of this was also revealed in his book. Obama's memoirs regarding a woman / relationship turned out to be one big lie. 'She' turned out to be, it was later admitted, a COMPILATION of several different women he had known.

Here's a really good read talking about the SEVERAL OBAMAs:

Two, Three, Many Obamas | National Review

"As the campaign heats up, one problem is that we continue to meet lots of different Barack Obamas — to such a degree that we don’t know which, if any, is really president.

I think the president believes that private-equity firms harm the economy and that their CEOs are at best indifferent and sometimes unsympathetic to the struggle of average Americans. I say “I think” because Obama has himself collected millions of dollars from such profit-driven firms, and uses their grandees to raise cash for his reelection. Cynical, hypocritical, or unaware? You decide.

I think the president is in favor of publicly funded campaign financing but against super PACs; but again I say “I think” because Obama renounced the former and embraced the latter. Are Guantanamo, renditions, tribunals, and preventive detention constitutional necessities or threats to our security? Some of Obama’s personalities have said they are bad; others apparently believe them to be good.

One Barack Obama crisscrosses the country warning us that a sinister elite has robbed from the common good and must atone for destroying the economy. Another Barry Obama hits the golf links in unapologetically aristocratic fashion and prefers Martha’s Vineyard for his vacation.

Barry Obama respects those who make billions from Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook, but Barack Obama does not respect those who make billions from oil, farming, and construction. Is Wall Street the source of our national problems or the source of the president’s political salvation? There is an Obama who runs against a prep-schooled mansion-living member of the elite; there is another Obama who was a prep-schooled mansion-living member of the elite.

...one Obama swore to us that borrowing $5 trillion was vital — Keynesian pump priming, stimulus, averting 8 percent–plus unemployment, and all that. But now another Obama claims that his serial $1 trillion deficits are proof not of “growth” of the sort that improved GDP and reduced unemployment, but rather of fiscal discipline that stopped reckless Republican spending.

Lots of Obamas keep talking about civility and bringing us together; but lots more Obamas talk about punishing our enemies, emphasizing racial differences, and formally organizing supporters by racial groupings.

What is real and what is not? The Obama “composite” girlfriend who sort of existed and sort of did not? Was there one Obama named Barry and another who became Barack, one with the middle name Hussein that was taboo to utter in the campaign of 2008 and another with the middle name Hussein that after January 20, 2009, was supposed to resonate in the Muslim world?

One Obama was the constitutional-law professor at the prestigious University of Chicago; another was a part-time lecturer who never published and was rarely seen or heard at the law school. One Obama was a brilliant Harvard Law Review editor; another never wrote an article.

Barack Obama wrote a memoir explaining how he had no identity, given the absence of his father, the serial trips of his mother, and his need not to be biracial, but sometimes black, sometimes white...

Obama swore to run the 'most transparent administration ever'...and his legacy is that he set a new record for LACK of transparency, that he set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act.

Obama swore to protect and defend the Constitution and Rule of law but the records show he spent 8 years violating both - refusing to enforce US Immigration Laws, violating the Constitution through UN-Constitutional Recess Appointments, UN-Constitutionally by-passing Congress to push his own 'Dreamer' EDICT into 'law', UN-Constitutionally by-passing Congress and violating the Separation of Powers Act by engaging in negotiating his own personal treaty - on behalf of the United States - with Iran, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help TERRORISTS, one group that had slaughtered 3,000 Americans.

Obama swore to serve the people of the United States dutifully. Instead, he spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, defending, aiding, and abetting terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug ops, Human traffickers ,violent MS13 gangs, violent illegals who preyed on American citizens, and anyone who protected illegals (Sanctuary Cities). Instead, he illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES, opposing political party Presidential candidates, and a US President.

Barak Obama SAID one thing then became the most criminal, most treasonous President in US history.

One promise that he did keep, however, was the one he made to himself back in college, revealed in his own memoirs, 'Dreams of My Father'. Obama, again, wrote he learned to be a chameleon, all things to all people to get what he wanted. The Liberal media and the Democratic Party helped make him a product of 'PR', a publicly crafted persona sold to the 'rubes'...as long as they bought the BS about how 'the past does not matter'.

We are all a product of our past of the influences in our lives, of the teaching we have received. The past exposed Barry for exactly who he was / is, which is why the big PR push from the Left to get people to look beyond the past and see his COLOR and listen to what he SAYS. (Pointing out the fact that Barry being black was a large part of his being elected - the 1st Black President - is no more racist than pointing out the facts mentioned above. If you even consider claiming race played no part in his election you are a straight-up liar.) Barry SAID a lot of things...and most often did the opposite.

He admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to affect / make Immigration law....right before he rammed his 'Dreamer Edict' out as 'law of the land' through Executive Order.

People who still defend him so rabidly today defend the carefully crafted PERSONA created by Barry, the Liberal Media, and the now exposed criminal Democratic Party. They do not defend - even acknowledge - the REAL, true RECORDED HISTORY / FACTS.
Obama loses 2,346,119 fake TWITTER followers so far...

Twitter just exposed the fact that Obama's popularity is a manufactured smokescreen designed to manipulate snowflakes.

'Former President Barack Obama lost more than 2 million Twitter followers on Thursday as the social-networking platform launched a new crackdown on fake accounts. the Twitter purge had cost Obama 2,346,119 followers, or more than two percent of his audience on the site.'

** Obama Loses 2 Million Followers in Twitter’s Crackdown on Fake Accounts

Barry's whole persona - everything about his public image has been 'handled', manufactured from Day 1. When Barry decided to run for President the media went into 'over-drive' to bury the 'real' Barak Obama and craft his image.

Barak Obama was admittedly tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis. He studied Socialist Saul Alensky, even quoted his book 'Rules For radicals' in his Inauguration speech. He was mentored for decades by the racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, and friends with an unrepentant domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killed 1st Responders, and who declared his only regret was not perpetrating more bombings.

The Liberal Media and Democratic Party went to work and miraculously managed to convince the ignorant sheep in this country that 'THE PAST DOES NOT MATTER'. They repeated the mantra over and over until it was fully accepted...and defended. The fact that Obama was a product of Communist, Socialist, Racist, Anti-American, and terrorist ideology and influence simply did not matter, according to the Democrats and Liberal media. 1) It's in the past and the past does not matter, and 2) If you brought any of that up you were immediately branded as a 'racist'. The facts, though, still remained.

Barak Obama was the son of a Muslim Anti-Colonialist who openly expressed the desire to see the United States eliminated as a world Power and Influence. In college he identified with his father and his ideology so much that he changed his name in honor of his father.

In his memoirs, 'Dreams Of my Father', Barak Obama talked about his time in college. Of significance, he wrote he learned to be a 'chameleon', how to be 'all things to all people'. In other words, he learned to be become a con artist, how to appear to be anyone / anything he needed to be depending on who he was talking to / interacting with. The persona of 'Barak Obama' was carefully crafted. Another example of this was also revealed in his book. Obama's memoirs regarding a woman / relationship turned out to be one big lie. 'She' turned out to be, it was later admitted, a COMPILATION of several different women he had known.

Here's a really good read talking about the SEVERAL OBAMAs:

Two, Three, Many Obamas | National Review

"As the campaign heats up, one problem is that we continue to meet lots of different Barack Obamas — to such a degree that we don’t know which, if any, is really president.

I think the president believes that private-equity firms harm the economy and that their CEOs are at best indifferent and sometimes unsympathetic to the struggle of average Americans. I say “I think” because Obama has himself collected millions of dollars from such profit-driven firms, and uses their grandees to raise cash for his reelection. Cynical, hypocritical, or unaware? You decide.

I think the president is in favor of publicly funded campaign financing but against super PACs; but again I say “I think” because Obama renounced the former and embraced the latter. Are Guantanamo, renditions, tribunals, and preventive detention constitutional necessities or threats to our security? Some of Obama’s personalities have said they are bad; others apparently believe them to be good.

One Barack Obama crisscrosses the country warning us that a sinister elite has robbed from the common good and must atone for destroying the economy. Another Barry Obama hits the golf links in unapologetically aristocratic fashion and prefers Martha’s Vineyard for his vacation.

Barry Obama respects those who make billions from Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook, but Barack Obama does not respect those who make billions from oil, farming, and construction. Is Wall Street the source of our national problems or the source of the president’s political salvation? There is an Obama who runs against a prep-schooled mansion-living member of the elite; there is another Obama who was a prep-schooled mansion-living member of the elite.

...one Obama swore to us that borrowing $5 trillion was vital — Keynesian pump priming, stimulus, averting 8 percent–plus unemployment, and all that. But now another Obama claims that his serial $1 trillion deficits are proof not of “growth” of the sort that improved GDP and reduced unemployment, but rather of fiscal discipline that stopped reckless Republican spending.

Lots of Obamas keep talking about civility and bringing us together; but lots more Obamas talk about punishing our enemies, emphasizing racial differences, and formally organizing supporters by racial groupings.

What is real and what is not? The Obama “composite” girlfriend who sort of existed and sort of did not? Was there one Obama named Barry and another who became Barack, one with the middle name Hussein that was taboo to utter in the campaign of 2008 and another with the middle name Hussein that after January 20, 2009, was supposed to resonate in the Muslim world?

One Obama was the constitutional-law professor at the prestigious University of Chicago; another was a part-time lecturer who never published and was rarely seen or heard at the law school. One Obama was a brilliant Harvard Law Review editor; another never wrote an article.

Barack Obama wrote a memoir explaining how he had no identity, given the absence of his father, the serial trips of his mother, and his need not to be biracial, but sometimes black, sometimes white...

Obama swore to run the 'most transparent administration ever'...and his legacy is that he set a new record for LACK of transparency, that he set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act.

Obama swore to protect and defend the Constitution and Rule of law but the records show he spent 8 years violating both - refusing to enforce US Immigration Laws, violating the Constitution through UN-Constitutional Recess Appointments, UN-Constitutionally by-passing Congress to push his own 'Dreamer' EDICT into 'law', UN-Constitutionally by-passing Congress and violating the Separation of Powers Act by engaging in negotiating his own personal treaty - on behalf of the United States - with Iran, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help TERRORISTS, one group that had slaughtered 3,000 Americans.

Obama swore to serve the people of the United States dutifully. Instead, he spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, defending, aiding, and abetting terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug ops, Human traffickers ,violent MS13 gangs, violent illegals who preyed on American citizens, and anyone who protected illegals (Sanctuary Cities). Instead, he illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES, opposing political party Presidential candidates, and a US President.

Barak Obama SAID one thing then became the most criminal, most treasonous President in US history.

One promise that he did keep, however, was the one he made to himself back in college, revealed in his own memoirs, 'Dreams of My Father'. Obama, again, wrote he learned to be a chameleon, all things to all people to get what he wanted. The Liberal media and the Democratic Party helped make him a product of 'PR', a publicly crafted persona sold to the 'rubes'...as long as they bought the BS about how 'the past does not matter'.

We are all a product of our past of the influences in our lives, of the teaching we have received. The past exposed Barry for exactly who he was / is, which is why the big PR push from the Left to get people to look beyond the past and see his COLOR and listen to what he SAYS. (Pointing out the fact that Barry being black was a large part of his being elected - the 1st Black President - is no more racist than pointing out the facts mentioned above. If you even consider claiming race played no part in his election you are a straight-up liar.) Barry SAID a lot of things...and most often did the opposite.

He admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to affect / make Immigration law....right before he rammed his 'Dreamer Edict' out as 'law of the land' through Executive Order.

People who still defend him so rabidly today defend the carefully crafted PERSONA created by Barry, the Liberal Media, and the now exposed criminal Democratic Party. They do not defend - even acknowledge - the REAL, true RECORDED HISTORY / FACTS.

Never even mentioned all of Trump's tweet bot followers purged.

What a predictably good little Trumpkin you are defending Don the Con.
So the fact that Obama was raised a catholic/baptist and went to church, something rumpy does not do, almost every sunday he is a muslim?

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