Obama announces order: Your employer must submit payroll stats by race & gender to Feds now.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Watching CNN right now and Obama is currently on giving a splendid lecture again on how white men have it too good. He broke down by race and gender everyone's earnings.....AND he is now announcing a requirement that:

Every employer with 100 or more employees must provide data on pay broken down by gender and race!!'


He says all the other races and genders make "less than a white man and that's not fair".

Folks....2016 is gonna be a long fucking year with this motherfucker in office.

Get ready for the "blacklist" at your job. You evil evil white man....Lashonda in the mail room makes half of what you earn and it's time that it changes.
So I guess an example of the new Obama blacklist at our jobs will read:

Pay / Race / Gender / Name
100K W M John
50K B M Jerome
44K W F Shannon
44K W M Richard
35K B F Shonda
34K H M Pedro
And so on for 100+ employees.

EVIL whites. You can't earn more than others. Period.
Equal Pay: Obama Rolling Out New Effort To Combat Income Discrimination

Here it is folks.

Now....your employer must submit payroll numbers to Obamas Feds and break em down by race and gender. Which will provide the data needed for a lawsuit by those who don't earn as much.

So....white male John Smith....all those 60 hour weeks and weekends you worked and got those raises....doesn't matter. Your black male coworker Chris and Hispanic female Juanita don't earn as much as you so we're gonna have to...well...bring them up and/or you down. And your white male coworker Bill who doesn't worker as hard....yeah fuck that guy he doesn't matter.

Have fun America!!! Hope and change!
I can see the DOJ swooping in.

Obama to Lorretta: "Hey Lolo....I see here that Vandalay Industries....their white males are making more than the other races. Have a special agent or 12 go down there and...figure out what's going on with that."
But...but I am not allowed to ask race or gender when I hire them. So...???

Or consider race and gender in promotions.

This should go SO WELL.

DOJ special task force units swooping in to employers who don't have race/Gender equality in their payroll stats.

Lorretta Lynch standing in front of John at Johns Construction saying "Splain yo self cracka"
Wonder if he'll exempt NFL teams? Because NFL teams have hundreds of employees. Finance. Sales. HR. Security. Stadium crew. Equipment.

Yet....their stats will show MASSIVE disparity with 30-40 black males at the top making massively higher salaries.

Guess he'd say "Well...at those businesses....those black guys are key critical employees so that's ok"
So you can't consider race or gender in hiring.
And you can't use it in promotions.
Sort of. Affirmative Action makes you consider it. But only to exclude white males.

And now you have to submit stats to Obama on your payroll broken down by race and gender.

And they BETTER be equal.....or Loretta and 10 DOJ agents are gonna be at the door. And may even have....uh hum....an IRS agent with em.

This can't end any other way than AWESOME.
And if they don't?

is he going to stomp his feet?

Hold his breath?


Nope. That knock on the door? It's a couple DOJ agents. And they brought an IRS friend.

And they better not find out Rick O'Neil is earning more than Shanaynay Jenkins.

Obamas legacy is just beginning.
As long as they are gathering stats only on race, gender, and pay with no consideration for all the factors that go into determining pay, they will not arrive at a correct conclusion.
As long as they are gathering stats only on race, gender, and pay with no consideration for all the factors that go into determining pay, they will not arrive at a correct conclusion.

Wrong. They WILL arrive at the "correct conclusion".

Will and Bill earn more than Pedro and Shanaynay. Thus your business is racist and will be thoroughly audited and sued.
As long as they are gathering stats only on race, gender, and pay with no consideration for all the factors that go into determining pay, they will not arrive at a correct conclusion.

Wrong. They WILL arrive at the "correct conclusion".

Will and Bill earn more than Pedro and Shanaynay. Thus your business is racist and will be thoroughly audited and sued.

He'll be long gone before this does anything more than give HR a headache.
As long as they are gathering stats only on race, gender, and pay with no consideration for all the factors that go into determining pay, they will not arrive at a correct conclusion.

Wrong. They WILL arrive at the "correct conclusion".

Will and Bill earn more than Pedro and Shanaynay. Thus your business is racist and will be thoroughly audited and sued.
That is true. Carefully construct the data gathering so as to support the predetermined conclusion.
Watching CNN right now and Obama is currently on giving a splendid lecture again on how white men have it too good. He broke down by race and gender everyone's earnings.....AND he is now announcing a requirement that:

Every employer with 100 or more employees must provide data on pay broken down by gender and race!!'


He says all the other races and genders make "less than a white man and that's not fair".

Folks....2016 is gonna be a long fucking year with this motherfucker in office.

Get ready for the "blacklist" at your job. You evil evil white man....Lashonda in the mail room makes half of what you earn and it's time that it changes.

he wants to destroy as much of American civilization as he can in his last year in office
As long as they are gathering stats only on race, gender, and pay with no consideration for all the factors that go into determining pay, they will not arrive at a correct conclusion.

Wrong. They WILL arrive at the "correct conclusion".

Will and Bill earn more than Pedro and Shanaynay. Thus your business is racist and will be thoroughly audited and sued.
That is true. Carefully construct the data gathering so as to support the predetermined conclusion.
No "construction" will be needed, boys. This is a racist and sexist nation. That's not even a question just, how bad is it at the moment and is it getting better or worse?

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