NYT: Daughter of doctor who helped Trump avoid the draft speaks up

Lol, you spent your Christmas on pro-tRump rants you friggin' hypocrite.
Getting drafted into the Vietnam war is so cool now by TDS victims and democratards, but back then they supported draft card burners!

Yup and protests against the war and draft dodgers heading to Canada.

Back then if you avoided the draft you were a hero to those against the war.
Why is this news?

Why are you pretending this is not news?
Imagine if Bill Clinton’s father would’ve done this. Are you going to tell me you would be asking why it is news?
Clinton did not need his father to avoid the draft. He lied and jumped through every hoop he could find to avoid it. Why do you think he had the nickname Slick Willie?
Bill Clinton lied about what? Regarding the draft . Did Bill Clinton’s dad to tell a doctor to say he had bone spurs?

So know you tell us bill clinton was in Vietnam.

No, he was in college, then in Oxford in as a Rhodes Scholar.
Why is this news?

Why are you pretending this is not news?
Imagine if Bill Clinton’s father would’ve done this. Are you going to tell me you would be asking why it is news?
Clinton did not need his father to avoid the draft. He lied and jumped through every hoop he could find to avoid it. Why do you think he had the nickname Slick Willie?
Bill Clinton lied about what? Regarding the draft . Did Bill Clinton’s dad to tell a doctor to say he had bone spurs?
He went to school in England then when that deferment was due to end he agreed to join ROTC in the states. When the out of the U.S. Deferments did not end he reenrolled in England. So the fact that he used connections to get into ROTC then when it was more expedient to go back to school in England and avoid any chance of military service. Constituted a lie as he did not notify anyone at ROTC until after it had begun.
Why is this news?

Why are you pretending this is not news?
Imagine if Bill Clinton’s father would’ve done this. Are you going to tell me you would be asking why it is news?
Clinton did not need his father to avoid the draft. He lied and jumped through every hoop he could find to avoid it. Why do you think he had the nickname Slick Willie?
Bill Clinton lied about what? Regarding the draft . Did Bill Clinton’s dad to tell a doctor to say he had bone spurs?

So know you tell us bill clinton was in Vietnam.

No, he was in college, then in Oxford in as a Rhodes Scholar.
He was a draft dodger that used every trick to avoid the draft. You can try to paint it anyway you want but he got the nickname "Slick Willie" because of his draft dodging.
/----/ How did Billy (I loathe the military) Clintoon avoid Vietnam?


You do know that every time you play the "whatabout" game all you do is prove how alike Trump is to whomever you are evoking...right? Are you smart enough to grasp that fact?
/----/ I forgot. We can only discuss Republicans who did not serve - never democRATs. My bad.
idiot award.jpg
/----/ How did Billy (I loathe the military) Clintoon avoid Vietnam?


You do know that every time you play the "whatabout" game all you do is prove how alike Trump is to whomever you are evoking...right? Are you smart enough to grasp that fact?
/----/ I forgot. We can only discuss Republicans who did not serve - never democRATs. My bad.
View attachment 236892

Oh no, by all means. Please keep bringing up Clinton or Obama...I have been saying for years that Trump is no different. I appreciate people like you that prove me correct with your ever post.
/----/ How did Billy (I loathe the military) Clintoon avoid Vietnam?


You do know that every time you play the "whatabout" game all you do is prove how alike Trump is to whomever you are evoking...right? Are you smart enough to grasp that fact?
/----/ I forgot. We can only discuss Republicans who did not serve - never democRATs. My bad.
View attachment 236892

Oh no, by all means. Please keep bringing up Clinton or Obama...I have been saying for years that Trump is no different. I appreciate people like you that prove me correct with your ever post.

I'd rather bring up Howlin Howard Dean..

For getting a deferment for a bad back, just before he went on a ski vacation.
Another example off what passes for journalism since Liberals went double gonzo nuts after the 2016 election.

The Free Press is dead and has been replaced with biased political operatives from both parties.
How did Clinton dodge the draft, and then go to MOSCOW (cue “Russia! Russia!”) and meet with vietnamese?

Logan act, anyone?

Over 50 years ago.....was BALSY FORD involved?
How did Clinton dodge the draft, and then go to MOSCOW (cue “Russia! Russia!”) and meet with vietnamese?

Logan act, anyone?
Please explain how a college student can violate the Logan Act.

I'll wait here.

And who says Clinton met with the Vietnamese? Link?

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