Colin Kaepernick

He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.
Colorado Sports Store Closing After Not Stocking Nike Items Over Colin Kaepernick Campaign - sports -

It is great to see the bogus anti-Kaepernick effort by the far right come crashing down on one of its practitioners. The deep seated hatred of Colin was nothing more than one of Trump's many efforts to hijack the American flag for his own nefarious racial hatred. Trump claimed it was about respecting the flag. BULLSHIT!!! It was always about giving him a rallying cry to keep his supporters, with below average mentality, in line.

Trump parades around as a flag hugging patriot, when in fact he is a card carrying draft dodger suffering from the "debilitating" ailment of "bone spurs." Well, that has been debunked, as we now know a doctor most likely gave Trump a free pass at the request of Trump's doctor.

Did a Queens Podiatrist Help Donald Trump Avoid Vietnam?

Can;t wait to see more store owners like this one in Colorrado come crashing down because of Trump's hatred.
When Donald J Trump claimed his 4f status for the military, he was a confirmed Democrat at the time and you adored him like you did the rapist in chief Bill Clinton. What changed to make you hate his so much?

"When Donald J Trump claimed his 4f status for the military," he was a nobody, just like you. Nobody knew who he was when he dodged the draft., Most people, right or left, did not like chickenshits who avoided the draft for false reasons, especially the kids born with a silver spoon up their ass. FACT.
hitler and the nazis protested/etc for LIES also
.....there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks--I've been over this a million times
!!!!!THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC OF COPS MURDERING INNOCENT BLACKS!!!! In every case, the violent black career-criminal got so physically violent with the cop that the cop had to react in self-defense. The black crybabies' dumb little African brains can't understand the basic equation: if you obey and speak reasonably to the police, they won't get violent with you! But NOOOOOOOOOO, thanks to that evil Obamaggot's chaotic, cocaine-flavored racial paranoia (which I've read in his own books), he and his salt-vampire wife just HAD to spend 8 years constantly speech telling the black crybabies that they were eternal victims and that whites were always going to be out to get them. Thereby provoking all the more violent crime against what Obamaggot sneering dismissed as "white folk" in every speech. That CLEARLY coke-abusing, purple-lipped carpet-head was PURE evil. No question about that.
Colorado Sports Store Closing After Not Stocking Nike Items Over Colin Kaepernick Campaign - sports -

It is great to see the bogus anti-Kaepernick effort by the far right come crashing down on one of its practitioners. The deep seated hatred of Colin was nothing more than one of Trump's many efforts to hijack the American flag for his own nefarious racial hatred. Trump claimed it was about respecting the flag. BULLSHIT!!! It was always about giving him a rallying cry to keep his supporters, with below average mentality, in line.

Trump parades around as a flag hugging patriot, when in fact he is a card carrying draft dodger suffering from the "debilitating" ailment of "bone spurs." Well, that has been debunked, as we now know a doctor most likely gave Trump a free pass at the request of Trump's doctor.

Did a Queens Podiatrist Help Donald Trump Avoid Vietnam?

Can;t wait to see more store owners like this one in Colorrado come crashing down because of Trump's hatred.

Good for the owner. He gets to keep his dignity and self respect by not contributing to un-American assholes. I’m sure he’ll find a more honorable line of work.
!!!!!THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC OF COPS MURDERING INNOCENT BLACKS!!!! In every case, the violent black career-criminal got so physically violent with the cop that the cop had to react in self-defense. The black crybabies' dumb little African brains can't understand the basic equation: if you obey and speak reasonably to the police, they won't get violent with you! But NOOOOOOOOOO, thanks to that evil Obamaggot's chaotic, cocaine-flavored racial paranoia (which I've read in his own books), he and his salt-vampire wife just HAD to spend 8 years constantly speech telling the black crybabies that they were eternal victims and that whites were always going to be out to get them. Thereby provoking all the more violent crime against what Obamaggot sneering dismissed as "white folk" in every speech. That CLEARLY coke-abusing, purple-lipped carpet-head was PURE evil. No question about that.
Will, it's been 20 years since I have worked with police, but at that time I learned that your "Adam 12" view of police officers is not factual. There are several police agencies that overlap, and most are top rate. But to declare "In every case" that the black victim 'asked for it' is a lie, and not a little white one. State troopers are the most professional, followed by County deputies, then City cops, with Township officers dragging up the rear. This is also the line of the depth and breadth of their training, Troopers most, township least. And it is among the least trained and psychologically screened that the damage to the agencies are done. It's a big problem, and difficult because nobody wants to believe cops are biased and could be malicious. And nobody wants to stain those who are not, who do an dangerous and thankless job. So it is hard to face up, but neither can injustice be ignored. You seem to be one of the 'hiders' who refuse to look closely at the issue so you condemn all who see the cracks.

But of course my opinion is moot to you, since your hatred of blacks shines thru your screed far brighter than the misguided logic you espouse. Most Kaepernick supporters hate the issue he highlights, but cannot deny it and face up. And his method, though voiceless and respectful sure got your attention. And the fake reasons for the blowback doesn't fool anybody either.
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base.
Hey digit, I'm older than dirt, and I applaud Kaepernick, whose name you childishly distort in an adolescent gesture of cool!
A lot of people got unduly offended by Mr. Kaepernick's tremendous display of anti-Americanism. I think what they fail to realize is that Kaepernick's schtick didn't even work that great in Far Left San Francisco, and was actually really boring.

Kaepernick started to stink pretty bad as a QB, coming out against the nation's veterans was his way to get attention and stay relevant. He was hoping to get people to buy tickets and tune in to watch him get knocked down on his keister.

If I were Kaepernick's agent, I would have advised him to turn up the anti-American pablum to the nth degree. At the beginning of the game, before the national anthem, I would have had the stadium announcer deliver the message, "Will everyone please stand at attention while Mr. Kaepernick sings "La Internationale" to get them stirred up.
A lot of people got unduly offended by Mr. Kaepernick's tremendous display of anti-Americanism. I think what they fail to realize is that Kaepernick's schtick didn't even work that great in Far Left San Francisco, and was actually really boring.

Kaepernick started to stink pretty bad as a QB, coming out against the nation's veterans was his way to get attention and stay relevant. He was hoping to get people to buy tickets and tune in to watch him get knocked down on his keister.

If I were Kaepernick's agent, I would have advised him to turn up the anti-American pablum to the nth degree. At the beginning of the game, before the national anthem, I would have had the stadium announcer deliver the message, "Will everyone please stand at attention while Mr. Kaepernick sings "La Internationale" to get them stirred up.
My prince, your whole premise is based on a sick man's cunning use of you for his own ends.
A lot of people got unduly offended by Mr. Kaepernick's tremendous display of anti-Americanism. I think what they fail to realize is that Kaepernick's schtick didn't even work that great in Far Left San Francisco, and was actually really boring.

Kaepernick started to stink pretty bad as a QB, coming out against the nation's veterans was his way to get attention and stay relevant. He was hoping to get people to buy tickets and tune in to watch him get knocked down on his keister.

If I were Kaepernick's agent, I would have advised him to turn up the anti-American pablum to the nth degree. At the beginning of the game, before the national anthem, I would have had the stadium announcer deliver the message, "Will everyone please stand at attention while Mr. Kaepernick sings "La Internationale" to get them stirred up.
My prince, your whole premise is based on a sick man's cunning use of you for his own ends.

What sick man would that be? Who else realizes that Mr. Kaepernick's anti-American act is just a schtick and has publicly proclaimed it?
kaepernick, the poor negro millionaire commie slave, demanded that the new American Alliance of Football pay him $20 million dollars.

The new league offered ALL players $250k to play in the league. He turned it down.

The poor fucking slave.

Sick of black people and every day I am justified.
A lot of people got unduly offended by Mr. Kaepernick's tremendous display of anti-Americanism. I think what they fail to realize is that Kaepernick's schtick didn't even work that great in Far Left San Francisco, and was actually really boring.

Kaepernick started to stink pretty bad as a QB, coming out against the nation's veterans was his way to get attention and stay relevant. He was hoping to get people to buy tickets and tune in to watch him get knocked down on his keister.

If I were Kaepernick's agent, I would have advised him to turn up the anti-American pablum to the nth degree. At the beginning of the game, before the national anthem, I would have had the stadium announcer deliver the message, "Will everyone please stand at attention while Mr. Kaepernick sings "La Internationale" to get them stirred up.
My prince, your whole premise is based on a sick man's cunning use of you for his own ends.

What sick man would that be? Who else realizes that Mr. Kaepernick's anti-American act is just a schtick and has publicly proclaimed it?
Sick man? You know. The guy who wrecks a nation for his own ends. The guy who accepted the job as President, placed by a bunch of hate filled dividers, because the job of Mafia Don wasn't open at the time.
kaepernick, the poor negro millionaire commie slave, demanded that the new American Alliance of Football pay him $20 million dollars.

The new league offered ALL players $250k to play in the league. He turned it down.

The poor fucking slave.

Sick of black people and every day I am justified.
You should own up and post this to all your social media profiles publicly and also put it on a sign outside your house. The people need to know you're a racist hiding among them so they can act accordingly.
A lot of people got unduly offended by Mr. Kaepernick's tremendous display of anti-Americanism. I think what they fail to realize is that Kaepernick's schtick didn't even work that great in Far Left San Francisco, and was actually really boring.

Kaepernick started to stink pretty bad as a QB, coming out against the nation's veterans was his way to get attention and stay relevant. He was hoping to get people to buy tickets and tune in to watch him get knocked down on his keister.

If I were Kaepernick's agent, I would have advised him to turn up the anti-American pablum to the nth degree. At the beginning of the game, before the national anthem, I would have had the stadium announcer deliver the message, "Will everyone please stand at attention while Mr. Kaepernick sings "La Internationale" to get them stirred up.
My prince, your whole premise is based on a sick man's cunning use of you for his own ends.

What sick man would that be? Who else realizes that Mr. Kaepernick's anti-American act is just a schtick and has publicly proclaimed it?
Sick man? You know. The guy who wrecks a nation for his own ends. The guy who accepted the job as President, placed by a bunch of hate filled dividers, because the job of Mafia Don wasn't open at the time.

Mr. Kaepernick started his anti-American schtick long before President Trump even took the oath of office. This was one of the problems that Obama left behind for Trump to fix.

America is hardly "wrecked", the economy is running on all 8 cylinders, minority unemployment is at all time lows the market is near all time highs. New trade deals are being worked out with countries like Red China, and it looks like the junior member of the Axis of Evil, North Korea, may decide to abandon evil for a capitalist state. We'll see later this month when our President meets again with the leader of the NK people.

The fact that Trump is successful, is the problem that the Democrats have with him. They are hoping for economic failure, breakdown in our peace efforts, etc. They would be dancing in the streets on CNN if unemployment was 10% and the Dow was at 6000.
Colin is one of the biggest frauds of the last decade.
Talks about police brutality, then the faggot goes to a press conference wearing a castro shirt.
Fucking moron.
Talk about yer frauds. You spit on Kaepernick's right to protest (respectfully) by buying into the Trump flag-disrespect lie all while using a Lincoln avatar. An indication of what you think of yourself. An emancipator you ain't!
New trade deals are being worked out with countries like Red China, and it looks like the junior member of the Axis of Evil, North Korea, may decide to abandon evil for a capitalist state. We'll see later this month when our President meets again with the leader of the NK people.
Tell you hold your breath from the time Trump and Kim meet until NK becomes both de-nuked and Capitalist.
The fact that Trump is successful, is the problem that the Democrats have with him. They are hoping for economic failure, breakdown in our peace efforts, etc. They would be dancing in the streets on CNN if unemployment was 10% and the Dow was at 6000.
Falling back on the whine of impending doom is an old trick that no longer works on anyone with an IQ over moron. You know this isn't true and you ought to be ashamed to drag up this weak argument. Trump successful? At keeping the low IQ anger flowing over manufactured dangers, yes! But what else?
Colorado Sports Store Closing After Not Stocking Nike Items Over Colin Kaepernick Campaign - sports -

It is great to see the bogus anti-Kaepernick effort by the far right come crashing down on one of its practitioners. The deep seated hatred of Colin was nothing more than one of Trump's many efforts to hijack the American flag for his own nefarious racial hatred. Trump claimed it was about respecting the flag. BULLSHIT!!! It was always about giving him a rallying cry to keep his supporters, with below average mentality, in line.

Trump parades around as a flag hugging patriot, when in fact he is a card carrying draft dodger suffering from the "debilitating" ailment of "bone spurs." Well, that has been debunked, as we now know a doctor most likely gave Trump a free pass at the request of Trump's doctor.

Did a Queens Podiatrist Help Donald Trump Avoid Vietnam?

Can;t wait to see more store owners like this one in Colorrado come crashing down because of Trump's hatred.
When Donald J Trump claimed his 4f status for the military, he was a confirmed Democrat at the time and you adored him like you did the rapist in chief Bill Clinton. What changed to make you hate his so much?

"When Donald J Trump claimed his 4f status for the military," he was a nobody, just like you. Nobody knew who he was when he dodged the draft., Most people, right or left, did not like chickenshits who avoided the draft for false reasons, especially the kids born with a silver spoon up their ass. FACT.
You loved Clinton.
Colin is one of the biggest frauds of the last decade.
Talks about police brutality, then the faggot goes to a press conference wearing a castro shirt.
Fucking moron.
Talk about yer frauds. You spit on Kaepernick's right to protest (respectfully) by buying into the Trump flag-disrespect lie all while using a Lincoln avatar. An indication of what you think of yourself. An emancipator you ain't!
View attachment 245978
What codswallop! It should be you dissing those Normandy invaders, what with your efforts to turn legitimate protest into anti-patriotism. Our fathers and grandfathers weren't there to protect the right to stifle. It was the other side that did that!
New trade deals are being worked out with countries like Red China, and it looks like the junior member of the Axis of Evil, North Korea, may decide to abandon evil for a capitalist state. We'll see later this month when our President meets again with the leader of the NK people.
Tell you hold your breath from the time Trump and Kim meet until NK becomes both de-nuked and Capitalist.
The fact that Trump is successful, is the problem that the Democrats have with him. They are hoping for economic failure, breakdown in our peace efforts, etc. They would be dancing in the streets on CNN if unemployment was 10% and the Dow was at 6000.
Falling back on the whine of impending doom is an old trick that no longer works on anyone with an IQ over moron. You know this isn't true and you ought to be ashamed to drag up this weak argument. Trump successful? At keeping the low IQ anger flowing over manufactured dangers, yes! But what else?

There is no impending doom, that's my point. I'm optimistic that America's return to greatness is nigh.

I think that liberal politicians hope that talks with our NK friends fail and the economy fails for their own desires to return to power. But I don't think its going to happen. President Trump has stood up to the Special Persecutor's office, to the Media, even to the Deep State which ADMITTED this week their effort to wire up a key member to try and trip up the President so they could purge him and remove him from office with an abuse of the 25th Amendment.

I'm confident of America's future.
Colin is one of the biggest frauds of the last decade.
Talks about police brutality, then the faggot goes to a press conference wearing a castro shirt.
Fucking moron.
Talk about yer frauds. You spit on Kaepernick's right to protest (respectfully) by buying into the Trump flag-disrespect lie all while using a Lincoln avatar. An indication of what you think of yourself. An emancipator you ain't!
View attachment 245978
What codswallop! It should be you dissing those Normandy invaders, what with your efforts to turn legitimate protest into anti-patriotism. Our fathers and grandfathers weren't there to protect the right to stifle. It was the other side that did that!

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