Colin Kaepernick

Colin is one of the biggest frauds of the last decade.
Talks about police brutality, then the faggot goes to a press conference wearing a castro shirt.
Fucking moron.
Talk about yer frauds. You spit on Kaepernick's right to protest (respectfully) by buying into the Trump flag-disrespect lie all while using a Lincoln avatar. An indication of what you think of yourself. An emancipator you ain't!
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What codswallop! It should be you dissing those Normandy invaders, what with your efforts to turn legitimate protest into anti-patriotism. Our fathers and grandfathers weren't there to protect the right to stifle. It was the other side that did that!

Do you really think the national anthem is the proper time to legitimately protest against America, bull?

If you watch the Olympics on TV or the big soccer matches, and they play other countries national anthems, none of the players for other countries ever "takes a knee", thumbs their nose or anything else. And it doesn't matter if the country is free, unfree or somewhere in between. Is America really the worst of all possible nations?
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.
Sick man? You know. The guy who wrecks a nation for his own ends. The guy who accepted the job as President, placed by a bunch of hate filled dividers, because the job of Mafia Don wasn't open at the time.

Yeah -- it's not like there is anything inherently divisive about thumbing your nose at your entire country to show your solidarity with black criminality and to please your Islamist girlfriend.
A lot of people got unduly offended by Mr. Kaepernick's tremendous display of anti-Americanism. I think what they fail to realize is that Kaepernick's schtick didn't even work that great in Far Left San Francisco, and was actually really boring.

Kaepernick started to stink pretty bad as a QB, coming out against the nation's veterans was his way to get attention and stay relevant. He was hoping to get people to buy tickets and tune in to watch him get knocked down on his keister.

If I were Kaepernick's agent, I would have advised him to turn up the anti-American pablum to the nth degree. At the beginning of the game, before the national anthem, I would have had the stadium announcer deliver the message, "Will everyone please stand at attention while Mr. Kaepernick sings "La Internationale" to get them stirred up.
My prince, your whole premise is based on a sick man's cunning use of you for his own ends.

What sick man would that be? Who else realizes that Mr. Kaepernick's anti-American act is just a schtick and has publicly proclaimed it?
Sick man? You know. The guy who wrecks a nation for his own ends. The guy who accepted the job as President, placed by a bunch of hate filled dividers, because the job of Mafia Don wasn't open at the time.
Yeah, thank God Obama wasn't allowed for another term. He really did fuck up the US almost to the brink of a 3rd world shithole. If he was so great, why didnt the sick bitch, whose husband raped a woman then was president, get voted into office? Because the US was tired of being shit on by the 1/2 white fagot who race baited and drew a bunch of red lines....
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.
He's a fricking hypocrite, Communist. Yet accepts $29 Million from Nike. Maybe donate that money to Social Justice causes?
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.

"most" people? Most people don't care about him one way or another.
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.

"most" people? Most people don't care about him one way or another.

apparently the younger generation did and does.
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base.
Hey digit, I'm older than dirt, and I applaud Kaepernick, whose name you childishly distort in an adolescent gesture of cool!

You're in the minority. A majority of older Americans do not support Kaphisdick's protest.

"Older adults were less supportive of the move (by Nike): Only 26% of adults over 65 backed the decision.

But they are not Nike's base. Two-thirds of the company's sneaker customers are younger than 35, according to Matt Powell, a sports retail analyst at market research firm NPD Group."

Young people support Nike's bet on Kaepernick, poll shows
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.

"most" people? Most people don't care about him one way or another.

apparently the younger generation did and does.

Do you have a theory as to why American youths are so disrespectful to our country, as opposed to youths in other countries?

Athletes from no other country- whether the country is good or bad, free or liberal, rich or poor- disrespect their nation's veterans when their national anthem is played at sporting events. When American gridironers were in England,and they played "God Save the Queen" not a single player took a knee.
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Always will.
Colin is one of the biggest frauds of the last decade.
Talks about police brutality, then the faggot goes to a press conference wearing a castro shirt.
Fucking moron.
Talk about yer frauds. You spit on Kaepernick's right to protest (respectfully) by buying into the Trump flag-disrespect lie all while using a Lincoln avatar. An indication of what you think of yourself. An emancipator you ain't!
My avi is a metaphor for regal tyranny. How you statists look at that tyrant like he was sent by gawd.
Idc about them protesting. He is just a fucking moron.

And that’s why you are cool. Who said this nea ma Wigga?

During his famous debates with Sen. Stephen Douglas, Lincoln explained to the crowd: “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Oops, I cheated. And before all the fucking walking dead say I made it up, just cut it, past it and google it. Lincoln was no better then LBJ who said he would have blacks eating out of his hand for the next 100 years.
Believe he said 200 years and they were niggras to LBJ, not blacks.
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.
Colin is a hero to most people
10% of the population isnt most people. Only in your public education, do you think that way. Common Core anyone?
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.

Hero to "most people" ? Around the world, or most Americans ?
Colin is a huge, lying hypocrite without talent any longer so he has to do this instead.
Colin is a huge, lying hypocrite without talent any longer so he has to do this instead.

Kaepernick thought that he could generate interest in his fading career with an anti-American schtick. His thought was that people would go to the games and watch him on TV just to boo him and see him get knocked on his keister.

Maybe he's doing ok now and making more than ever with his endorsements and that.

But to me, he's boring and most people I think are indifferent to his antics. If I were advising him, I'd tell him to do a Face Turn and start being patriotic. Come back as a prodigal son, like Sergeant Slaughter did after losing to Hulk Hogan in 1991
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.

"most" people? Most people don't care about him one way or another.

apparently the younger generation did and does.

Prove it.
He lost because, Kaphisdick's and Nike's purchasing demographic are young people.
Older people that despise Kaphisdick, are no longer Nike's core base. It's as simple as that.
Once they removed all Nike clothing, shoes, and sports equipment from the store DUE to the Kaphisdick issue, then you've alienated the majority of your potential buyers.

And the young shall inherit the earth.

Old people don't buy as many tennis shoes and sports jerseys. If Ralph Lauren or Hugo Boss had signed Mr. Kaepernick to a deal, it might have turned out differently.

The stupid man didn't realize who his customers were, therefore some people lost their jobs. Also the stupid man didn't know Colin is a hero to most people and most people have no problem with a peaceful protest.
Colin is a hero to most people
10% of the population isnt most people. Only in your public education, do you think that way. Common Core anyone?
Her dropping out of school in the 4th grade couldn't have helped either.
Sick man? You know. The guy who wrecks a nation for his own ends. The guy who accepted the job as President, placed by a bunch of hate filled dividers, because the job of Mafia Don wasn't open at the time.

Yeah -- it's not like there is anything inherently divisive about thumbing your nose at your entire country to show your solidarity with black criminality and to please your Islamist girlfriend.

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