NY Times admits it wrote FAKE story

Be honest. Did you even read your link before sharing it? The second one listed (Podesta email) makes Politifact look like Partisanhack. They can’t even prove their own claim! In fact - they even use the term “maybe”. Think about that for a second. If your name is PolitiFACT, the term “maybe” cannot exist in your lexicon.
You are so blatantly biased, you cannot accept any facts unless they are from a right wing source you approve.....which makes any discussion with you, less than worthless.
When other people gave their opinion - you jumped on them. But when asked to hold yourself to your own standard, you get defensive.
Once again, your reading dysfunction. I didn't jump on anyone and countered an opinion with an opinion that does not agree with you. So sorry.
Be honest. Did you even read your link before sharing it? The second one listed (Podesta email) makes Politifact look like Partisanhack. They can’t even prove their own claim! In fact - they even use the term “maybe”. Think about that for a second. If your name is PolitiFACT, the term “maybe” cannot exist in your lexicon.
You are so blatantly biased, you cannot accept any facts unless they are from a right wing source you approve.....which makes any discussion with you, less than worthless.
Actually, I’m not at all. I’m requesting proof of your claims. If Fox News is pulling a CNN, I want to know. You’re getting all pissy because someone called you out on your own standard and because someone had the “audacity” to challenge you on your position. Typical leftist. :rolleyes:
When other people gave their opinion - you jumped on them. But when asked to hold yourself to your own standard, you get defensive.
Once again, your reading dysfunction. I didn't jump on anyone and countered an opinion with an opinion that does not agree with you. So sorry.
See? Still defensive. Everything is above in black and white, my dear. You got pissy and said that there was no room for opinion. You wanted “proof”. When I ask you to hold yourself to the same standard you’re holding everyone else, you pull a lefty (ie be a hypocrite and then get pissy when it’s pointed out).
This goes WAY WAY BACK to the 70s when the gigantic traitor John Kerry called all our troops like Ghengis Khan.

Good example of that which you decry. Kerry never called "all our troops" anything.

Thanks for the example
They corrected an error. That's what responsible news organizations do.
It wasn't an error. It was s lie. And to publish such a lie is libel...at the very least.
Bullshit. It was a mistake. Why else would they correct it?
Because they got caught.
No, because they made a mistake. Every mistake made by the real media is caught and blown out of proportion by RWNJ with nothing better to do than comb through everything they print or say looking for them to reinforce their bias.

You are assuming they made a mistake. I just don't see any evidence of it.

The NYT has a long history of leftist propaganda, way back to the 1930's and Walter Duranty at least.

My own guess is it was done on purpose.
Of course they did it on purpose. The body of the story includes the truth..which is that the curtains were purchase by the obama regime.

This is the sort of disingenuous shit that copy editors and fake journalists play at in the newsroom. They think it's funny, and clever. It is the culture of the newsroom to engage in such garbage.

That's why I'm not in a newsroom any more. I despise the scumbags who come out of journalism programs..and copyeditors are the lowest of the low when it comes to ignorance, stupidity, and malice dressed in the clothing of superiority.
It is funny that You Tube qualifies RT as "being partly funded by Russia" implying there is some kind of corruption although there is not. Meanwhile, fake news such as The New York Times put headlines that were often fed to them by FBI leakers of fake information such as Peter Strzok Smirk and Lisa Page. In other words, Russia finances a real news broadcast for better or worse, pre-Trump America supported fake news provided by the shadow government to control outcomes of elections.

RT is literally a Russian government funded news organization...

Please show me any news story on RT that ever criticizes Putin. Just one. Go ahead. No one is perfect, so they have to have at least one negative news story about him right?
This goes WAY WAY BACK to the 70s when the gigantic traitor John Kerry called all our troops like Ghengis Khan.

Good example of that which you decry. Kerry never called "all our troops" anything.

Thanks for the example
So for 20 convicted soldiers out of 2+ million that served in Vietnam KERRY gave an example that once again the MSM AND the troops enemies loved to blow so out of proportion!
Kerry's inference was that happened ALL the time just as the MSM does when they take a police shooting or some aberrant situation and make it sound like it happens ALL the TIME!
That's the major problem that the very few idiots that still believe the MSM don't seem to comprehend! These are RARE situations NOT calling for drastic actions such as
what Kerry called for in his testimony in congress. Kerry did this for the cameras. For the coverage.
The ONLY people that benefited from his testimony were the bad guys! Because they would use this over and over as propaganda against our troops.
Kerry should be held for aiding and abetting the enemy EVERY time he opens his mouth like Vietnam, like calling our troops in Iraq "terrorists" like supporting IRAN.
Just totally a traitor that should be tried and convicted!
This goes WAY WAY BACK to the 70s when the gigantic traitor John Kerry called all our troops like Ghengis Khan.

Good example of that which you decry. Kerry never called "all our troops" anything.

Thanks for the example

Here's your example...dumbass.
Right in a Left World: John Kerry Undermines American Troops In War…. Again
Hey dumbass...your blog with the "I Hate Kerry" screed...doesn't support your claim.
This goes WAY WAY BACK to the 70s when the gigantic traitor John Kerry called all our troops like Ghengis Khan.

Good example of that which you decry. Kerry never called "all our troops" anything.

Thanks for the example
So for 20 convicted soldiers out of 2+ million that served in Vietnam KERRY gave an example that once again the MSM AND the troops enemies loved to blow so out of proportion!
Kerry's inference was that happened ALL the time just as the MSM does when they take a police shooting or some aberrant situation and make it sound like it happens ALL the TIME!
That's the major problem that the very few idiots that still believe the MSM don't seem to comprehend! These are RARE situations NOT calling for drastic actions such as
what Kerry called for in his testimony in congress. Kerry did this for the cameras. For the coverage.
The ONLY people that benefited from his testimony were the bad guys! Because they would use this over and over as propaganda against our troops.
Kerry should be held for aiding and abetting the enemy EVERY time he opens his mouth like Vietnam, like calling our troops in Iraq "terrorists" like supporting IRAN.
Just totally a traitor that should be tried and convicted!
They send their rapists...their murderers...and "some" is "suppose" are good people.

That's far closer to what you claim about Kerry than anything Kerry ever said
Actually that is a tendency ALL people, have, including liberals.This is real evidence though, of the Right's claim that the media is biased.Dismissing it, is a bias of your own.

I didn't dismiss anything, just pointed out the obvious. I'm bias towards facts, not opinions. All I see are opinions. If you have a point, prove it with facts. Like this is your opinion as it does not apply to all people, unless you can prove it. Yes all people do have some bias, it's inescapable but for some people it manifests itself to complete cognitive closure whereby they block out everything they disagree with, no matter how factual and logical it is.

Know the difference.

My opinion is that the msm, is very, very biased in favor of dems, and against republicans.

This piece is an excellent example, or a "Fact" if you may.

It is not the first example nor will it be the last.

I have asked for examples of the New York TImes, making a mistake that just happens to cast democrats is a bad light. You know, by accident.

After all, accidents should be fairly random, if they are accidents.

Do you ever recall such an incident? Because I don't.

Well here are some facts for you about the extreme MSM bias!

Be honest. Did you even read your link before sharing it? The second one listed (Podesta email) makes Politifact look like Partisanhack. They can’t even prove their own claim! In fact - they even use the term “maybe”. Think about that for a second. If your name is PolitiFACT, the term “maybe” cannot exist in your lexicon.
You are so blatantly biased, you cannot accept any facts unless they are from a right wing source you approve.....which makes any discussion with you, less than worthless.

Liberals LIE there's no reason to believe one word out of their filthy lying mouths. Just tack this onto anything a liberal says :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
This goes WAY WAY BACK to the 70s when the gigantic traitor John Kerry called all our troops like Ghengis Khan.

Good example of that which you decry. Kerry never called "all our troops" anything.

Thanks for the example
So for 20 convicted soldiers out of 2+ million that served in Vietnam KERRY gave an example that once again the MSM AND the troops enemies loved to blow so out of proportion!
Kerry's inference was that happened ALL the time just as the MSM does when they take a police shooting or some aberrant situation and make it sound like it happens ALL the TIME!
That's the major problem that the very few idiots that still believe the MSM don't seem to comprehend! These are RARE situations NOT calling for drastic actions such as
what Kerry called for in his testimony in congress. Kerry did this for the cameras. For the coverage.
The ONLY people that benefited from his testimony were the bad guys! Because they would use this over and over as propaganda against our troops.
Kerry should be held for aiding and abetting the enemy EVERY time he opens his mouth like Vietnam, like calling our troops in Iraq "terrorists" like supporting IRAN.
Just totally a traitor that should be tried and convicted!
They send their rapists...their murderers...and "some" is "suppose" are good people.

That's far closer to what you claim about Kerry than anything Kerry ever said

WHO sends? WHO are rapists? "Some" are good?
ARE YOU saying all the 2,709,918 Americans that served in Vietnam were rapists? murderers? and a "few" were good?
Vietnam Statistics | US War Dog Association | National Headquarters

WOW.... What a dumb ass comment to make about 2,709,918 people that obviously did more to serve their country than you can ever imagine!
What a total TRAITOR YOU ARE!
Only in the empty and delicate minds of the right-wing are corrections issued by the media deemed a bad thing. Well, it does make sense, as right-wingers don't believe in corrections because they get their "news" from fake and junk sites like Breitbart, Gateway Pundit etc. which never issue corrections because nearly all their stories were never true to begin with!
This goes WAY WAY BACK to the 70s when the gigantic traitor John Kerry called all our troops like Ghengis Khan.

Good example of that which you decry. Kerry never called "all our troops" anything.

Thanks for the example
So for 20 convicted soldiers out of 2+ million that served in Vietnam KERRY gave an example that once again the MSM AND the troops enemies loved to blow so out of proportion!
Kerry's inference was that happened ALL the time just as the MSM does when they take a police shooting or some aberrant situation and make it sound like it happens ALL the TIME!
That's the major problem that the very few idiots that still believe the MSM don't seem to comprehend! These are RARE situations NOT calling for drastic actions such as
what Kerry called for in his testimony in congress. Kerry did this for the cameras. For the coverage.
The ONLY people that benefited from his testimony were the bad guys! Because they would use this over and over as propaganda against our troops.
Kerry should be held for aiding and abetting the enemy EVERY time he opens his mouth like Vietnam, like calling our troops in Iraq "terrorists" like supporting IRAN.
Just totally a traitor that should be tried and convicted!
They send their rapists...their murderers...and "some" is "suppose" are good people.

That's far closer to what you claim about Kerry than anything Kerry ever said

WHO sends? WHO are rapists? "Some" are good?
ARE YOU saying all the 2,709,918 Americans that served in Vietnam were rapists? murderers? and a "few" were good?
Vietnam Statistics | US War Dog Association | National Headquarters

WOW.... What a dumb ass comment to make about 2,709,918 people that obviously did more to serve their country than you can ever imagine!
What a total TRAITOR YOU ARE!
And stupid besides. They all are. They've been taught to be that way by our public schools, media and various and assorted federally funded indoctrination programs.

Aren't they adorable?
WHO sends? WHO are rapists? "Some" are good?
ARE YOU saying all the 2,709,918 Americans that served in Vietnam were rapists? murderers? and a "few" were good?
Vietnam Statistics | US War Dog Association | National Headquarters

WOW.... What a dumb ass comment to make about 2,709,918 people that obviously did more to serve their country than you can ever imagine!

There's no fixing stupid dude.

I was comparing Trump's assertions about most (if not all) illegal immigrants being criminals...he did that

To the claim that Kerry asserted that most if not all GIs in VN were criminals ...he didn't
They corrected an error. That's what responsible news organizations do.
It wasn't an error. It was s lie. And to publish such a lie is libel...at the very least.
Bullshit. It was a mistake. Why else would they correct it?
Because they got caught.
No, because they made a mistake. Every mistake made by the real media is caught and blown out of proportion by RWNJ with nothing better to do than comb through everything they print or say looking for them to reinforce their bias.

How many times has the new york slimes errored in favor of Trump or the Trump administration and had to issue a retraction?

How many times has the MSM errored in favor of Trump or his administration and had to issue a retraction?

When errors are ALWAYS slanted in one direction, they're no longer errors, they're lies.
Only in the empty and delicate minds of the right-wing are corrections issued by the media deemed a bad thing. Well, it does make sense, as right-wingers don't believe in corrections because they get their "news" from fake and junk sites like Breitbart, Gateway Pundit etc. which never issue corrections because nearly all their stories were never true to begin with!

How about these 70,900 stories are these ALL TRUE?
Is Trump really "anti-immigrant"?
Do you and these IDIOTS comprehend that:
A) 90 million + Americans like me are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives! Do YOU think WE ARE "anti-immigrant"?
B) Trump MARRIED an "Immigrant'... Do you think he is ANTI-Immigrant with an Immigrant WIFE?
C) Trump's GRANDMOTHER was an "immigrant"... so you think he was "anti-his grandmother"?

See you dumb shits don't seem to understand when the MSM puts out this statement "Trump anti-immigrant' all it does it continues to reinforce the gross DIS-belief that
ONLY 6% of Americans believe i.e. the MSM is believable.!
This biased reporting by the MSM is one of the MAJOR contributors to this recent study that
less than 6% of the general public have confidence in the MSM!
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, finds the American media's popularity way down with that of Washington politicians.
With 2,014 adults surveyed, only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
So idiots like you continue to show the VAST majority of Americans... Don't believe the MSM!
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