NY Times admits it wrote FAKE story

I think someone wiped their ass with Nikki Haley's drapes

If that's the case then President TRUMP

Rubbed the shitty drapes in your libtard faces…..

He who laughs last laughs loudest….

You should be hearing us on the right laugh now…..

Just ask obongo….

Drop the MIC:fu:
That is the ultimate irony coming from the woman who just declared that Fox News lies all the time - but didn’t even attempt to prove it (much less actually prove it).
I didn't say "fox lies all the time" and I gave my opinion. Please read carefully before replying.
I never said CNN or MSNBC for that matter, reports 100% facts.
I never claimed you did. I merely pointed out that USMB is filled with indisputable examples of CNN caught lying.
I commented about Fox news only. As for proof, try reading this: All False statements involving FOX
Be honest. Did you even read your link before sharing it? The second one listed (Podesta email) makes Politifact look like Partisanhack. They can’t even prove their own claim! In fact - they even use the term “maybe”. Think about that for a second. If your name is PolitiFACT, the term “maybe” cannot exist in your lexicon.
Considering fox news NEVER corrects the vast amount of misleading and blatantly erroneous reports and never apologizes for them, this report is a joke. Kudo's to the NYT for their integrity (something absent at fox) for publicly admitting their mistakes.

Give us some examples of your Bull Shit Statements....

I bet you can't...……..
That is the ultimate irony coming from the woman who just declared that Fox News lies all the time - but didn’t even attempt to prove it (much less actually prove it).
I didn't say "fox lies all the time" and I gave my opinion. Please read carefully before replying.
When other people gave their opinion - you jumped on them. But when asked to hold yourself to your own standard, you get defensive.
65 posts in. I glanced at that story. $58K/mo 6000sqft in NYC. Who pays? Can she pay on $125K salary? How many others have this setup?

Where is the outrage?

You are shocked because you are a moron.

Real news outlets issue retractions and updates when necessary. That’s how you know it’s real news.

The New York Times has always and will always issue retractions when they’ve erred.

Only a moron would agree with you...
They corrected an error. That's what responsible news organizations do.
It wasn't an error. It was s lie. And to publish such a lie is libel...at the very least.
Bullshit. It was a mistake. Why else would they correct it?
Here is why...They know that a lie can spread half way around the world before the truth gets its
boots on. The damage was done.....a game well played by the NYT.

It's not fake news. This is what annoys me about people who shout "fake news" as soon as possible.

Yes, the news article insinuated something it shouldn't have done. But it didn't say anything that was fake.

Not only that, the NY times has come out and said it was wrong to do what it did. That's responsible journalism.

Far more responsible than half the people on here, and FAR MORE RESPONSIBLE than someone saying this is FAKE NEWS.

Go put your head back in the sand, you’ve defended your sheep herder well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's not fake news. This is what annoys me about people who shout "fake news" as soon as possible.

Yes, the news article insinuated something it shouldn't have done. But it didn't say anything that was fake.

Not only that, the NY times has come out and said it was wrong to do what it did. That's responsible journalism.

Far more responsible than half the people on here, and FAR MORE RESPONSIBLE than someone saying this is FAKE NEWS.

Go put your head back in the sand, you’ve defended your sheep herder well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep, there's the sign of someone with no argument whatsoever.

Just wondering why you're on a political forum if you don't talk politics.
Considering fox news NEVER corrects the vast amount of misleading and blatantly erroneous reports and never apologizes for them, this report is a joke. Kudo's to the NYT for their integrity (something absent at fox) for publicly admitting their mistakes.

Give us some examples of your Bull Shit Statements....

I bet you can't...……..
Lies from FOX? These 50 are a good starting point.
The fact-checks behind 'The Daily Show's' 50 Fox news 'lies'
They corrected an error. That's what responsible news organizations do.

They are trying to save face.....

Too Late....

They have and will be known as FAKE NEWS forever....
I don't think they will lose any sleep over one tRumpkin's opinion.


Not only are they losing sleep.

They have lost all semblance of credibility.

They have lost money to the point they are not self-sufficient..

Trump has SPANKED the lying and dying nyt’s to a pulp,

Just like he has done with you lying libtards….
Actually that is a tendency ALL people, have, including liberals.This is real evidence though, of the Right's claim that the media is biased.Dismissing it, is a bias of your own.

I didn't dismiss anything, just pointed out the obvious. I'm bias towards facts, not opinions. All I see are opinions. If you have a point, prove it with facts. Like this is your opinion as it does not apply to all people, unless you can prove it. Yes all people do have some bias, it's inescapable but for some people it manifests itself to complete cognitive closure whereby they block out everything they disagree with, no matter how factual and logical it is.

Know the difference.

My opinion is that the msm, is very, very biased in favor of dems, and against republicans.

This piece is an excellent example, or a "Fact" if you may.

It is not the first example nor will it be the last.

I have asked for examples of the New York TImes, making a mistake that just happens to cast democrats is a bad light. You know, by accident.

After all, accidents should be fairly random, if they are accidents.

Do you ever recall such an incident? Because I don't.
Considering fox news NEVER corrects the vast amount of misleading and blatantly erroneous reports and never apologizes for them, this report is a joke. Kudo's to the NYT for their integrity (something absent at fox) for publicly admitting their mistakes.

Give us some examples of your Bull Shit Statements....

I bet you can't...……..
Lies from FOX? These 50 are a good starting point.
The fact-checks behind 'The Daily Show's' 50 Fox news 'lies'

Nothing but libtard Bull Shit...…

FOX... The number one TRUSTED name in NEWS...…

Later Tard.....

It's not fake news. This is what annoys me about people who shout "fake news" as soon as possible.

Yes, the news article insinuated something it shouldn't have done. But it didn't say anything that was fake.

Not only that, the NY times has come out and said it was wrong to do what it did. That's responsible journalism.

Far more responsible than half the people on here, and FAR MORE RESPONSIBLE than someone saying this is FAKE NEWS.

Haha.... wow that is dumb.
You ever hear of the phrase "lie by omission"?
This is what NYT does all the time.


To be followed by 6 paragraphs of various comments, "some are saying..." "from what we have heard...."
To be followed by 2 more paragraphs of like stories.

and then.... way at the bottom... Frigidweirdo was not available for comment, it might be true that he only wore the same brand of undergarments as his mother.

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