Now that Obama has apologized ...

It's to bad most Democrats on here have no sense of humor, it does explain a lot though.

the left generally doesn't have a sense of humor, but exhibit an exponentially higher sense of anger and hate instead.
Humor is individual and hate and anger - a collective trait.

make your conclusions ;)
Now he'll move for single payer.

It's surreal to watch this game. I must say. He promised it would happen.
Liberal scum here need to explain why their messiah "apologized" if obamacare is flawless????

He didn't apologize for Obamacare -- he said he was sorry that Americans were so gullible.

But that's what he thinks of you.

Not you Amelia or other conservatives; but his base. His following with their hands out on a constant basis.

His base, liberals base are symbolic in the city of Detroit. Once a great powerhouse. Unreal this city rocked. But because of lazy greed is now relegated to bankruptcy and shadows forever.
The entire goal of obamacare is the socialist single payer system.

He is trying to destroy private insurance while blaming the insurance companies for higher rates. Obama created the millions dropped from their insurance plans by forcing the insurance companies to insure every under the sun for their customers....then he blames the insurance companies like your typical pile of shit.

He wants the voters to turn on insurance companies and to call for the Feds to "save them" by taking over all of healthcare. This is all part of their plan....
Now he'll move for single payer.

It's surreal to watch this game. I must say. He promised it would happen.

and that is what is surreal.

he actually told everything he is planning to do in his 2008 campaigns.

People just did not want to listen and ANALYZE
Now he'll move for single payer.

It's surreal to watch this game. I must say. He promised it would happen.

and that is what is surreal.

he actually told everything he is planning to do in his 2008 campaigns.

People just did not want to listen and ANALYZE

Well, some on his side were happy that he was lying to the public.

For example, many on his side didn't actually believe he was Christian -- they thought he was likely an atheist or agnostic who was claiming to be Christian because that's how to get votes in America.

And they believed he wanted single payer but they realized he couldn't spread that notion around in most quarters because that would turn mainstream voters off.

They were quite happy believing he didn't respect mainstream Americans and especially happy to believe he didn't respect Americans on the right. In that regard, lying to the masses is seen as a virtue.

The problem is that now it is clear that he pulled a fast one on them also, and they've been caught flatfooted. Do they accept the fauxpology to try to preserve the illusion that Obama respects them? Or do they now start paying attention to how little regard Obama has for them too?

Tough one.
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The MSM didn't require an apology, because real love means never having to say you're sorry.:D

Now he'll move for single payer.

It's surreal to watch this game. I must say. He promised it would happen.

and that is what is surreal.

he actually told everything he is planning to do in his 2008 campaigns.

People just did not want to listen and ANALYZE

Well, some on his side were happy that he was lying to the public.

For example, many on his side didn't actually believe he was Christian -- they thought he was likely an atheist or agnostic who was claiming to be Christian because that's how to get votes in America.

And they believed he wanted single payer but they realized he couldn't spread that notion around in most quarters because that would turn mainstream voters off.

They were quite happy believing he didn't respect mainstream Americans and especially happy to believe he didn't respect Americans on the right. In that regard, lying to the masses is seen as a virtue.

The problem is that now it is clear that he pulled a fast one on them also, and they've been caught flatfooted. Do they accept the fauxpology to try to preserve the illusion that Obama respects them? Or do they now start paying attention to how little regard Obama has for them too?

Tough one.

the hardcore left will worship him no matter what.

I am talking about people who are not hardcore left - and there are plenty of those even here, on the board, who voted for him in 2008 and then again in 2012.
He told what he is in his speeches - if one would listen not by emotions but with a critical thinking skill.
I had many fights with my own sister and my own father over 2008 campaign and the figures involved - and all I could hear was Bush, Bush, Bush - nothing reasonable, as Bush is not on the ticket - just listen what this guy is saying - could not get through. It was unbelievable, I did not pay too much attention, though, because I had much more important things on a plate :)
And that is from the people who have experienced leftard ruling on their own skin.
So I realize that this mesmerization to the point of total stupidity can happen and did happen.

I still can not understand it from a practical standpoint :)
If we had a real media they'd be discussing whether or not the scope of Obama's lie qualifies as a high crime and misdemeanor.
If he was in the private sector selling a service or product then he would be in big trouble for
bait and switch for starters.

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