Now that Obama has apologized ...


The press has always leaned strongly left, and based on my career in that business I'd say the 85% figure may be a couple of ticks low.

It attracts people who want to change the world, ideological activists who really aren't interested in providing facts that may conflict with their world view. To varying degrees, they're on a mission. Objectivity is not a priority.

Fortunately -- and I have to thank Limbaugh for this -- they have been exposed and now most people know what's going on. Kind of like Political Correctness -- not coincidentally perpetrated by the same end of the spectrum -- which is now getting its much-overdo pushback.

And as for those who claim the press isn't clearly biased... well, when you're sitting on your own 5 yard line, someone who's on your 30 yard line looks like they could be at mid field.


I don't debate that the press is biased, but it's because the GOP has gone so absolutely batshit insane.

24% of Republicans apparently think that Obama is the Anti-Christ. No, seriously, they asked this question in a poll and that was the answer they got. 45% think he was born in Kenya...

New Harris Poll: 24% Of Republicans Polled Think Obama Is The Anti-Christ | Mediaite

And yeah, guys like Limbaugh are largely responsible for stoking this kind of nonsense.

The press has always leaned strongly left, and based on my career in that business I'd say the 85% figure may be a couple of ticks low.

It attracts people who want to change the world, ideological activists who really aren't interested in providing facts that may conflict with their world view. To varying degrees, they're on a mission. Objectivity is not a priority.

Fortunately -- and I have to thank Limbaugh for this -- they have been exposed and now most people know what's going on. Kind of like Political Correctness -- not coincidentally perpetrated by the same end of the spectrum -- which is now getting its much-overdo pushback.

And as for those who claim the press isn't clearly biased... well, when you're sitting on your own 5 yard line, someone who's on your 30 yard line looks like they could be at mid field.


I don't debate that the press is biased, but it's because the GOP has gone so absolutely batshit insane.

24% of Republicans apparently think that Obama is the Anti-Christ. No, seriously, they asked this question in a poll and that was the answer they got. 45% think he was born in Kenya...

New Harris Poll: 24% Of Republicans Polled Think Obama Is The Anti-Christ | Mediaite

And yeah, guys like Limbaugh are largely responsible for stoking this kind of nonsense.

As I pointed out in the first seven words of my post, they have always been biased.

Definitely though, the hardcore right has given them more license to get even more biased. That doesn't change or excuse the fact that they're biased, though. It would be awfully nice if we could trust our media to be intellectually honest.

And indeed, all division pimps, both ends, stoke nonsense and anger. Sense, rationality, maturity, civility and reason would damage their ratings. They have their priorities.

It was amusing listening to the Obama shills on the Sunday morning news shows saying that "Obama has apologized" as if that was reason to "get over it" and move on ... without them seeming at all interested in the specifics of what Obama supposedly apologized for and what he failed to acknowledge.

How can journalists care so little about being used as tools by someone who deliberately perpetrated fraud on the nation to push an agenda the American people would have objected to if they had been informed about it?

It remains incomprehensible.

Doesn't matter how much he lied, how voters were manipulated, how much his agenda costs, how many millions of people will remain uninsured, .... they still parrot whatever line he feeds them.

How can this mindset possibly be explained?

Obama is no different from the common politician. Journalists don't care for the same reasons the politicians don't. The only thing that truly leads this country is the bottom dollar. The politicians care for nothing but money, the journalists care for nothing but money, and the same can be said of the average American. It will never matter how much a politician lies so long as the average American is content with everyday life.

The press has always leaned strongly left, and based on my career in that business I'd say the 85% figure may be a couple of ticks low.

It attracts people who want to change the world, ideological activists who really aren't interested in providing facts that may conflict with their world view. To varying degrees, they're on a mission. Objectivity is not a priority.

Fortunately -- and I have to thank Limbaugh for this -- they have been exposed and now most people know what's going on. Kind of like Political Correctness -- not coincidentally perpetrated by the same end of the spectrum -- which is now getting its much-overdo pushback.

And as for those who claim the press isn't clearly biased... well, when you're sitting on your own 5 yard line, someone who's on your 30 yard line looks like they could be at mid field.


I don't debate that the press is biased, but it's because the GOP has gone so absolutely batshit insane.

24% of Republicans apparently think that Obama is the Anti-Christ. No, seriously, they asked this question in a poll and that was the answer they got. 45% think he was born in Kenya...

New Harris Poll: 24% Of Republicans Polled Think Obama Is The Anti-Christ | Mediaite

And yeah, guys like Limbaugh are largely responsible for stoking this kind of nonsense.

As I pointed out in the first seven words of my post, they have always been biased.

Definitely though, the hardcore right has given them more license to get even more biased. That doesn't change or excuse the fact that they're biased, though. It would be awfully nice if we could trust our media to be intellectually honest.

And indeed, all division pimps, both ends, stoke nonsense and anger. Sense, rationality, maturity, civility and reason would damage their ratings. They have their priorities.


Which of the five major media corporations would you be referencing? There is bias because there is no competition. There is no competition because those who sell the stories the government wants get the specialized tax cuts, the subsidies, and the edge over what little competition is left. The media is lined up to stroke the egos of the politicians because that is what they are paid to do. The politicians are lined up to stroke the bank accounts of the major corporations because that is how they get the money for their campaigns. The people don't give a shit because they can still have their big screen televisions and their Xbox's and Playstation's; So long as the majority are comfortable there will be no change.

As I pointed out in the first seven words of my post, they have always been biased.

Definitely though, the hardcore right has given them more license to get even more biased. That doesn't change or excuse the fact that they're biased, though. It would be awfully nice if we could trust our media to be intellectually honest.

And indeed, all division pimps, both ends, stoke nonsense and anger. Sense, rationality, maturity, civility and reason would damage their ratings. They have their priorities.


But here's the thing.

CNN is the news network that makes really the best effort to be "objective". It's ratings are the lowest of the three news networks. Faux panders to the right and MSNBC panders to the left.

I don't think it's so much bias as serving a market.

I for one am glad that 24% of the media doesn't think that Obama is the Anti-Christ. I would be kind of concerned if it did.
the obama apology: equivalent of a doctor giving u the wrong prescription for a severe headache, resulting in your your right hand growing 6 inches longer, and the doctor says, whoops, gosh-darn it, im so sorry, tell u what, I will just knock off $150.00 off the bill.

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