Nothing Burger


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
How does any of that change the collusion narrative? And apparently Mueller was hunting a witch but caught a mouse.
You guys remember that Timothy Geithner committed Tax Fraud, but was made Secretary of Treasury by Obama with full knowledge that he did it???
But it's ok right? Afterall he apologized and said he regretted his Tax "Mistakes".... so it's all good.

Perhaps you can help me out here. I’m having a little trouble. Mueller set out to prove Russian Collusion or conspiracy with the Trump campaign. So far, he’s proved that people are crooks. We’ve seen those cases all my life on both sides of the aisle. William Jefferson of Louisiana. And Randy Cunningham of California. A Democrat and a Republican. Ok. So nothing new here.

But what about the Russian conspiracy? Still nothing resulting from that. Seriously. It’s saying that a guy is a bank robber, and cheering the conviction or illegal parking. Or are you suggesting that 5-7 years in some Club Fed Minimum security prison is all the punishment someone gets for collusion with the Russians? Come on, it was tax fraud and hiding cash and failing to fill out a form that said you had business dealings with foreigners.

Ok. Tax fraud. Find someone who doesn’t cheat on their taxes and has more than fifty in the bank. Even people who think the are doing it right, probably aren’t. Failing to fill out a form? Really? In the modern world with every corporation having offices around the world, we’re going to start prosecuting for that? Jesus, nobody will get any business done, they’ll spend all day just filling out forms about people they said hello to.

That crap was started during the scares about foreign influence in American Politics. The isolationist nonsense that helped World War II get started because we ignored the League of Nations. Perhaps we should learn from history. But we appear to be in no danger of doing it.

This case reminds me of Wen Ho Lee. Anyone remember Wen Ho Lee? Wen Ho Lee - Wikipedia Publicly named as a Chinese Spy, and arrested and charged with nearly sixty charges, Lee was held in Solitary Confinement for nearly a year. When it became obvious that the Government could not prove its case, they accepted a plea bargain of mishandling sensitive documents, time served, and off you go Wen Ho Lee. I mean the Government claimed this guy was the spy master of all since the Rosenburgs, and in the end they accepted a plea bargain for illegal parking.

Was that case proved? You Anti Trumpers need to relax a bit. Things aren’t as bad as you think they are, and frankly, the more you scream nonsense, the less anyone takes you seriously. Why? In the end the truth is that while some folks may not be thrilled with Trump as President, they still don’t want Hillary to be in the White House. Want to win in 2020? Try putting a candidate up that the people want to vote for, instead another in the endless line of lesser of two evil options. Because I voted for a Republican for the first time in my life when I cast my ballot for Trump. Why? Because the worst case scenario was not Trump in the White House, it was Hillary with her corrupt ass close to the button. Am I thrilled with everything Trump has done? Nope. But most of what I object to is shit that both sides have been pushing for.

Try to relax for a change, you might like it. Take a walk outside, and look at some nature. Forget politics for a bit. Chill.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds


You guys remember that Timothy Geithner committed Tax Fraud, but was made Secretary of Treasury by Obama with full knowledge that he did it???
But it's ok right? Afterall he apologized and said he regretted his Tax "Mistakes".... so it's all good.

During his confirmation, it was disclosed that Geithner had not paid $35,000 in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes from 2001 through 2004 while working for the International Monetary Fund.[50] The IMF, as an international agency, did not withhold payroll taxes, but instead reimbursed the usual employer responsibility of these taxes to employees. Geithner received the reimbursements and paid the amounts received to the government, but had not paid the remaining half which would normally have been withheld from his pay. The issue, as well as other errors relating to past deductions and expenses, were noted during a 2006 audit by the Internal Revenue Service[51][52][53][54] Geithner subsequently paid the additional taxes owed.[55][56] In a statement to the Senate Finance Committee, Geithner called the tax issues "careless," "avoidable," and "unintentional" errors.[55] Geithner testified that he used the software TurboTax to prepare his 2001 and 2002 returns, but that the tax errors were his own responsibility.[57][58]
Timothy Geithner - Wikipedia

Wow. Maybe the guy should be in prison, right?
Perhaps you can help me out here. I’m having a little trouble. Mueller set out to prove Russian Collusion or conspiracy with the Trump campaign. So far, he’s proved that people are crooks. We’ve seen those cases all my life on both sides of the aisle. William Jefferson of Louisiana. And Randy Cunningham of California. A Democrat and a Republican. Ok. So nothing new here.

But what about the Russian conspiracy? Still nothing resulting from that. Seriously. It’s saying that a guy is a bank robber, and cheering the conviction or illegal parking. Or are you suggesting that 5-7 years in some Club Fed Minimum security prison is all the punishment someone gets for collusion with the Russians? Come on, it was tax fraud and hiding cash and failing to fill out a form that said you had business dealings with foreigners.

Ok. Tax fraud. Find someone who doesn’t cheat on their taxes and has more than fifty in the bank. Even people who think the are doing it right, probably aren’t. Failing to fill out a form? Really? In the modern world with every corporation having offices around the world, we’re going to start prosecuting for that? Jesus, nobody will get any business done, they’ll spend all day just filling out forms about people they said hello to.

That crap was started during the scares about foreign influence in American Politics. The isolationist nonsense that helped World War II get started because we ignored the League of Nations. Perhaps we should learn from history. But we appear to be in no danger of doing it.

This case reminds me of Wen Ho Lee. Anyone remember Wen Ho Lee? Wen Ho Lee - Wikipedia Publicly named as a Chinese Spy, and arrested and charged with nearly sixty charges, Lee was held in Solitary Confinement for nearly a year. When it became obvious that the Government could not prove its case, they accepted a plea bargain of mishandling sensitive documents, time served, and off you go Wen Ho Lee. I mean the Government claimed this guy was the spy master of all since the Rosenburgs, and in the end they accepted a plea bargain for illegal parking.

Was that case proved? You Anti Trumpers need to relax a bit. Things aren’t as bad as you think they are, and frankly, the more you scream nonsense, the less anyone takes you seriously. Why? In the end the truth is that while some folks may not be thrilled with Trump as President, they still don’t want Hillary to be in the White House. Want to win in 2020? Try putting a candidate up that the people want to vote for, instead another in the endless line of lesser of two evil options. Because I voted for a Republican for the first time in my life when I cast my ballot for Trump. Why? Because the worst case scenario was not Trump in the White House, it was Hillary with her corrupt ass close to the button. Am I thrilled with everything Trump has done? Nope. But most of what I object to is shit that both sides have been pushing for.

Try to relax for a change, you might like it. Take a walk outside, and look at some nature. Forget politics for a bit. Chill.
I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking some of you are going to be very sorry you kept asking for evidence of collusion. You might just get it.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds

Tell us all what convicting two criminals has to do with the election of 2016??

Tell us all that there is someone who will tell us Trump colluded with the Russians??

That's what this whole circle jerk is supposed to prove.

So far all that has happened is that two men have been convicted of crimes.

Oh and it is a big nothing burger but celebrate away jackass. LOL
You guys remember that Timothy Geithner committed Tax Fraud, but was made Secretary of Treasury by Obama with full knowledge that he did it???
But it's ok right? Afterall he apologized and said he regretted his Tax "Mistakes".... so it's all good.

During his confirmation, it was disclosed that Geithner had not paid $35,000 in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes from 2001 through 2004 while working for the International Monetary Fund.[50] The IMF, as an international agency, did not withhold payroll taxes, but instead reimbursed the usual employer responsibility of these taxes to employees. Geithner received the reimbursements and paid the amounts received to the government, but had not paid the remaining half which would normally have been withheld from his pay. The issue, as well as other errors relating to past deductions and expenses, were noted during a 2006 audit by the Internal Revenue Service[51][52][53][54] Geithner subsequently paid the additional taxes owed.[55][56] In a statement to the Senate Finance Committee, Geithner called the tax issues "careless," "avoidable," and "unintentional" errors.[55] Geithner testified that he used the software TurboTax to prepare his 2001 and 2002 returns, but that the tax errors were his own responsibility.[57][58]
Timothy Geithner - Wikipedia

Wow. Maybe the guy should be in prison, right?

Wow... the guy was made Secretary of Treasury despite him making two separate tax "mistakes" that he did not repay. Only after he was vetted, and the IRS documentation was found - did he admit the errors and repay - wait for it - HALF of what he owed. He did not repay the "mistake" he made in 2001 and 2002.
And, as far as 2015... he still never paid the rest.

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