not arresting woman on emmitt till case


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
Maybe they'll arm the police, call out the Guard, and give orders to shoot to kill rioters if that happens. That'll stop the rioting.
true then black sue for free poverty money. its all screwed up because of blacks.

blm will probably be burning the city down over this. every time they cant get their way blacks need to move on and quit living in the past.
All the BLMers hear is "100% off sale at any store!!!!" They could give a shit about whoever Emmit Till is.
I won't be surprised when I see other victims of racial violence from the 50s and even earlier, trying to sue the families of those who were involved in the deaths of blacks from that era. Stirring up those ashes won't get them anything but more hate.
You are aware that the laws this woman is accused of violating were passed long after Till was killed.

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