Non-stick cookware DANGEROUS


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
If you haven't already removed this dangerous product from your home, do it today.

What was our wonderful central government was doing to protect us...nothing of fact, worst than nothing. Yet millions of Americans continue to support this corrupt government.

Lawsuit over DuPont Teflon-making chemical C8 goes to jury

The case is based on chemicals from the plant leaking into the water table not the cookware in your home.

It seems our citizen jury made a decision.

  1. DuPont (DD) To Contest Jury Verdict In Ohio - BidnessEtc
    Jury decides Du Pont should pay compensation to plaintiffs who contend its chemical ...DuPont (DD) To Contest Jury Verdict In Ohio. ... The plaintiff in the case; ...

  2. DuPont Found Liable in First of 3,500 Toxic-Water Lawsuits ...
    ... Bloomberg quickly and ... or private wells in Ohio and West Virginia. “This case sets the tone ... that DuPont knew the chemical was ...

  3. DuPont Jury Reaches Verdict - WOUB Digital
    Jury Reaches Verdict. By ... drinking water contaminated by a chemical from aDuPont plant ... On DuPont Case Punitive Damages Possible in ...

  4. DuPont sued multiple times as court-backed ... - NaturalNews
    DuPont sued multiple times as court-backed science panel finds chemical ... DuPont was sued in a wrongful death case ... the C8 chemical was found in Ohio ...
The case is based on chemicals from the plant leaking into the water table not the cookware in your home.
Yes, but as usual you failed to do the homework I assigned to you. You must read all the links my poor statist friend.
Best skillet ever is the cast iron one that my grandmother passed to my mother and was recently passed to me

Yep, cast iron skillets the wife loves, says it hardly dents when she is expressing her displeasure in something I have done.

MAY 15, 2003

Environmental Working Group reviewed 16 peer-reviewed studies detailing experiments conducted over the past 50 years, showing that heated Teflon decomposes to 15 types of toxic gases and particles. Many of these studies were conducted by DuPont’s own scientists, who began studying heated Teflon (PTFE) in the 1950s when DuPont workers were developing polymer fume fever that the company found could lead to a potentially fatal condition called pulmonary edema [1]. Since DuPont's discovery of polymer fume fever, cases have been reported in the peer-reviewed literature of the same illness stemming from home kitchen exposures [2, 3].
Teflon offgasing studies show that at the design temperatures of conventional kitchen appliances, Teflon chemicals break apart to form the following particulates and gases:

  • Two chemicals linked to cancer or tumors in laboratory studies (PFOA and TFE);
  • Two chemicals that are potent global warming gases (PFB and CF4);
  • Two chemical warfare agents (PFIB and MFA) and a chemical analog of WWII nerve gas phosgene (COF2);
  • At least two chemicals that have widely contaminated the world (PFOA and TFA), one currently undergoing a rigorous safety review at the Environmental Protection Agency (PFOA);
  • Four gaseous chemicals and some components of the particulate matter that are highly persistent environmental pollutants, that likely never break down in the environment (TFA, PFOA, CF4, PFB, and the perfluorinated particulate alkanes); and
  • Four chemicals that are considered highly toxic relative to most other industrial chemicals (PFIB, MFA, COF2, HF).
Studies show that the gases that come off of non-stick pans are complex mixtures that vary in composition with temperature. At any given temperature the gas comprises one or more dominant chemicals, and other chemicals present in trace quantities. In numerous studies scientists have studied mortality in rats and birds exposed to the offgas mixtures, but potential long-term health impacts have not been studied. The government has not conducted a safety study of Teflon cookware. Accumulation of the offgas chemicals in food has not been studied. The potential effects to humans of inhalation exposures have not been studied, but several of the offgas components are considered highly toxic to humans relative to most other industrial chemicals.
Must I always do the work for you Jake?


EPA's "Safe" Level is Hundreds or Thousands of Times Too Weak

By Bill Walker, Investigations Editor
David Andrews, Senior Scientist
Executive summary

Every time they drink a glass of tap water, people in the mid-Ohio River Valley of West Virginia and Ohio may be consuming unsafe amounts of an industrial chemical linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease and other illness. More than a decade after this threat became known, government regulators have failed to set enforceable standards to ensure the water is safe – and now, new science says the danger may be much greater than either residents or regulators thought.
In 2005, DuPont settled a class-action lawsuit brought on behalf of 70,000 mid-Ohio Valley residents for decades of fouling their drinking water with a highly toxic chemical once used to make Teflon. As part of the settlement, DuPont1 is paying for technology to filter – but not eliminate – the toxin from six area water systems.
Next month, the first of approximately 3,500 personal injury lawsuits2from mid-Ohio Valley residents who got sick from drinking the contaminated water will go to trial. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has spent a decade studying the health hazards of the Teflon chemical, known as PFOA,3 but may take another four to six years before even deciding whether to set a legally enforceable maximum pollution level for drinking water. In 2009, EPA set a non-enforceable Provisional Health Advisory level – a temporary, voluntary standard to help utilities and health officials decide when to take action to reduce peoples’ exposure – but the agency didn’t follow up with a rule that carries the force of law. That advisory level remains the only federal guidance on how much PFOA is safe in drinking water.​
I have not own a Non-Stick pan since I was a teen. As a avid cooker I usually use cast iron pans, and have a cast iron griddle that goes over the burners when I want to make a homemade taco for me or pancake...

Non-Stick pans and skillets are dangerous and not only do they release a toxic fume in the air but the fume is in your food.
I've read it's better to cook in stainless if you are cooking something for a long time, instead of cast iron because the cast iron can impart a metallic taste. When something is going to simmer for a long while, I use stainless instead.
A company hiding harmful effects of their products? Nooooooo

Did the free market correct the mistake yet? Less regulations is what I always say.
I've read it's better to cook in stainless if you are cooking something for a long time, instead of cast iron because the cast iron can impart a metallic taste. When something is going to simmer for a long while, I use stainless instead.

As long as what you're cooking isn't acidic it isnt a problem.
Tomatos are a no go as the acid will eat off the polymerized oil and expose the cast iron,which of course will give you an iron taste,okra is even worse than tomatos.
A company hiding harmful effects of their products? Nooooooo

Did the free market correct the mistake yet? Less regulations is what I always say.

Actually the consumer can correct it by not buying the product.

But have they? Or have they decided yet that the public health means dick when they can make money.

The consumer has the choice to correct this problem. You can come into my home and discover I do not own a non-stick Teflon pan or skillet because I am aware of the possible toxin that is released when using those type of skillets.

You will have individuals that will buy the Teflon pan or skillet because it is cheaper and made in China ( Yes, China will sell poisonous pans to us ) just like you have individuals that still buy booze knowing the possible health risk to them or cigarettes...

So it is the consumer that has to be educated about the possible poison that they are doing to themselves and if they ignore the warning then it is their stupid fault just like the fool that burns out his liver because he drank too much or the smoker that got cancer because they did not take the warning of the danger cigarettes can do to someone...

You can blame the industry so much before the consumer has to take blame for allowing it to continue and I have known about Teflon Pans for many years now.
Why does the company not have a choice and are forced to make dangerous products?

They are not forced to make anything, and the reason a company make Teflon type products is because it is cheap to sell to the general population.

It is the choice of the consumer to pay ten dollars for a Teflon skillet or thirty dollars for a cast iron product, and to study which product is better for them.

It is like plastic versus glass and I do not own any plastic containers and all my drinking glasses are glass, and if I have a choice in buying a product in a glass container versus plastic I will buy it in the glass container.

The consumer need to educate themselves more and stop relying on the government because remember in the past corporations would lobby our government to protect them until the government no longer protect them from the dangerous acts they were doing against the public.

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