NOAA Quietly Returns July 1936 to Hottest Month on Record


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
NOAA Reinstates July 1936 As Hottest Month On Record | The Daily Caller

“The previous warmest July for the nation was July 1936, when the average U.S. temperature was 77.4°F,” NOAA said in 2012.

This statement by NOAA was still available on their website when checked by The Daily Caller News Foundation. But when meteorologist and climate blogger Anthony Watts went to check the NOAA data on Sunday he found that the science agency had quietly reinstated July 1936 as the hottest month on record in the U.S.

“Two years ago during the scorching summer of 2012, July 1936 lost its place on the leaderboard and July 2012 became the hottest month on record in the United States,” Watts wrote. “Now, as if by magic, and according to NOAA’s own data, July 1936 is now the hottest month on record again. The past, present, and future all seems to be ‘adjustable’ in NOAA’s world.”

This is how ideology can corrupt actual science. Get the leftists and the government out of regulating our scientific establishment.

BEFORE revision, 2012

AFTER removing the ideological distortions made in 2012
2% of the globe...

But still worth lying about, apparently.

Matthew, you know how they estimate the average temperatures over the Arctic and huge areas of ocean? Or how they 'adjust' for the heat island effect?

It might surprise you.
Ruh-roh. Denier kooks can't keep their conspiracy theories straight. First they scream hysterically that NASA makes the past cooler, now they scream hysterically that NASA makes the past warmer.

Jim, when you can get settled on a single kook conspiracy theory, let everyone know which one it was. Since you're clearly going to need help, you'll need to check back with your masters for instructions.

Oh, you can also stop lying about the data. Now I understand you're of limited intelligence, hence you have zero understanding of the issues, and all you can do is faithfully parrot what you're told to parrot. You need to understand that the honest people don't care if you're just a rube. We'll still call you out for spouting your cult's loony fabrications.
Ruh-roh. Denier kooks can't keep their conspiracy theories straight. First they scream hysterically that NASA makes the past cooler, now they scream hysterically that NASA makes the past warmer.

Jim, when you can get settled on a single kook conspiracy theory, let everyone know which one it was. Since you're clearly going to need help, you'll need to check back with your masters for instructions.

Oh, you can also stop lying about the data. Now I understand you're of limited intelligence, hence you have zero understanding of the issues, and all you can do is faithfully parrot what you're told to parrot. You need to understand that the honest people don't care if you're just a rube. We'll still call you out for spouting your cult's loony fabrications.

Lol, do you realize how stupid you look with that last post?

Of course you don't, you are too stupid.

But let me break it down for the lurkers;

NOAA back in 2012 made a fallacious claim that that July was the warmest on record in the USA. Now they got caught correcting their bullshit. No one is outraged by the latter event, but it is evidence of what bullshit you idiot libtards cause science.

But thanks for another demonstration of what a fucking retard you are...and the chuckles.
OK, Jim, so explain to me how these very minor number changes are relevant to anything? You might also note that the changes are being made by the very people you denigrating as liars. You see, when better data comes along, scientists are quite willing to incorperate that in their charts and conclusions.

The alpine glaciers worldwide are still in rapid retreat, the oceans are heating at a rate unmatched in known geological records. And we are continueing to add GHGs to the atmosphere at an ever increasing rate.
NOAA Reinstates July 1936 As Hottest Month On Record | The Daily Caller

“The previous warmest July for the nation was July 1936, when the average U.S. temperature was 77.4°F,” NOAA said in 2012.

This statement by NOAA was still available on their website when checked by The Daily Caller News Foundation. But when meteorologist and climate blogger Anthony Watts went to check the NOAA data on Sunday he found that the science agency had quietly reinstated July 1936 as the hottest month on record in the U.S.

“Two years ago during the scorching summer of 2012, July 1936 lost its place on the leaderboard and July 2012 became the hottest month on record in the United States,” Watts wrote. “Now, as if by magic, and according to NOAA’s own data, July 1936 is now the hottest month on record again. The past, present, and future all seems to be ‘adjustable’ in NOAA’s world.”

This is how ideology can corrupt actual science. Get the leftists and the government out of regulating our scientific establishment.

BEFORE revision, 2012

AFTER removing the ideological distortions made in 2012

So by this logic, because 10,000 years ago the avg temp was around freezing, any modern day freezing temp indicates we're heading for another deep freeze?

Past records for any given span don't address current trends upwards. It's only showing a single month's worth of data (in this case.) It can't show any cooling or warming trend over a longer period of time because the dataset isn't long enough.
Global warming is occuring. Any satellite imagery of Greenland or the Arctic Circle proves it. Whether it's a new trend, or a cyclic one is the only question. But it is indeed getting warmer as the lack of ice in those areas reveals. Whether that's normal and happensd every so often depends on how extensive your dataset is. We know for example North America was mostly under ice about 10k years ago and cyclicly it should be that way again. But if we're the cause of this current spate of warming, and it's not a natural process of the planet we might override nature and cause a mass extinction of our own species. Without permanent ice in the north, too much solar radiation hits the earth and it bakes. A little increase can be devastating.
OK, Jim, so explain to me how these very minor number changes are relevant to anything? You might also note that the changes are being made by the very people you denigrating as liars. You see, when better data comes along, scientists are quite willing to incorperate that in their charts and conclusions.

The alpine glaciers worldwide are still in rapid retreat, the oceans are heating at a rate unmatched in known geological records. And we are continueing to add GHGs to the atmosphere at an ever increasing rate.

No, they are not all in retreat. Some are growing some are retracting, and a lot of this contrary activity is all from the same mountain ranges.

Tell you what, tell me a test condition that AGW can fail and be disproven and I will explain to you how a supposedly objective scientific establishment covering its tracks is a significant thing.
Global warming is occuring. Any satellite imagery of Greenland or the Arctic Circle proves it.

And satellite imagery of the growing ice sheets in the Antarctic disprove it?

AGW is a tautology, a theory so vague and proves so many things it cannot be disproven and its proponents have no interest in objectively testing it anyway. IT is a religion to them, not a scientific inquiry any more.

Whether it's a new trend, or a cyclic one is the only question. But it is indeed getting warmer as the lack of ice in those areas reveals. Whether that's normal and happensd every so often depends on how extensive your dataset is. We know for example North America was mostly under ice about 10k years ago and cyclicly it should be that way again. But if we're the cause of this current spate of warming, and it's not a natural process of the planet we might override nature and cause a mass extinction of our own species. Without permanent ice in the north, too much solar radiation hits the earth and it bakes. A little increase can be devastating.

No, you are wrong. Not only is the Earth not warming up nearly as fast as predicted by even the most minimal AGW models from the 1990's, but temps have either stalled or slightly gone down.

Global warming: Met Office releases revised global temperature predictions showing planet is NOT rapidly heating up | Mail Online

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