Zone1 *Christians And Muslims Do Not Mix Together*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch will never come out of this place.

"The decision of Muslims to hold their Grand Iftar for Ramadan at Bristol Cathedral in England instead of a mosque has sparked debate and raised questions about its significance. Political conservative YouTuber Mahyar Tousi addressed the Islamic takeover of the Cathedral."

Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch will never come out of this place.

"The decision of Muslims to hold their Grand Iftar for Ramadan at Bristol Cathedral in England instead of a mosque has sparked debate and raised questions about its significance. Political conservative YouTuber Mahyar Tousi addressed the Islamic takeover of the Cathedral."

Muslims are the bond woman AND her son. The two do not mix (Muslim-Christian). God cast out the Muslim and there is no where in the Bible where they ever come together and mix as one with the "Seed of Abraham." They are under a different Book (doctrine) that does not adhere to a savior. Worse than that is their ongoing forever envy of the Christians who reside in the "House of God."

God said cast them out because it is NOT land they want, it is the death of all Christians they crave.

Galatians 4:30

Cast out the bond-woman and her son: for the son of the bond-woman shall not be heir with the son of the free-woman
Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch will never come out of this place.

"The decision of Muslims to hold their Grand Iftar for Ramadan at Bristol Cathedral in England instead of a mosque has sparked debate and raised questions about its significance. Political conservative YouTuber Mahyar Tousi addressed the Islamic takeover of the Cathedral."

As a world-famous atheist said

“My observation is yes, Christianity is different from Islam…The worst thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the rudest thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the thing that made me most uncomfortable that a Christian said to me was ‘I’m going to pray for you. I hope you will be safe. I hope you will be redeemed.’ But within my own family and my own community, when I say I’m in doubt about the Koran and Muhammad and life after death and all that, it is ‘well, you are to die.’ So I just want to point out the differences between the religions…What makes me angry is the moral equivalence.”
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As a world-famous atheist said

“My observation is yes, Christianity is different from Islam…The worst thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the rudest thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the thing that made me most uncomfortable that a Christian said to me was ‘I’m going to pray for you. I hope you will be safe. I hope you will be redeemed.’ But within my own family and my own community, when I say I’m in doubt about the Koran and Muhammad and life after death and all that, it is ‘well, you are to die.’ So I just want to point out the differences between the religions…What makes me angry is the moral equivalence.”
Sorry bout that,

1. No hope offered in Islam, just judgment.
2. In Christianity, there is hope.
3. Its up to G-D, its not in our job description, G-D will provide a way, if there is one.

Sorry bout that,

1. It should not ever happen, two opposed Religions.
2. Two set of teachings.
3. Totally out of range.
4. One is for Goodness, one for Evil.
5. The pure stintch will never come out of this place.

"The decision of Muslims to hold their Grand Iftar for Ramadan at Bristol Cathedral in England instead of a mosque has sparked debate and raised questions about its significance. Political conservative YouTuber Mahyar Tousi addressed the Islamic takeover of the Cathedral."

Islam is no more evil than Judaism or Christianity.
Islam is no more evil than Judaism or Christianity.
Because you say so ???????????


She was a Muslim !!!!!
As a world-famous atheist said

“My observation is yes, Christianity is different from Islam…The worst thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the rudest thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the thing that made me most uncomfortable that a Christian said to me was ‘I’m going to pray for you. I hope you will be safe. I hope you will be redeemed.’ But within my own family and my own community, when I say I’m in doubt about the Koran and Muhammad and life after death and all that, it is ‘well, you are to die.’ So I just want to point out the differences between the religions…What makes me angry is the moral equivalence.”

Try burning an American flag in front of a group of American Evangelicals and see what will happen. They will get violent. Burn their Bible, no problem. Burn their American flag idol, and you'll get your butt kicked or worse. It's interesting how these atheists, will accuse religious folks, particularly Muslims of being violent when they're just as violent, if not more so, when they impose their secular values on Muslims, through war, brutal economic sanctions. etc.

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Muslims are the bond woman AND her son. The two do not mix (Muslim-Christian). God cast out the Muslim and there is no where in the Bible where they ever come together and mix as one with the "Seed of Abraham." They are under a different Book (doctrine) that does not adhere to a savior. Worse than that is their ongoing forever envy of the Christians who reside in the "House of God."

God said cast them out because it is NOT land they want, it is the death of all Christians they crave.

Galatians 4:30

Cast out the bond-woman and her son: for the son of the bond-woman shall not be heir with the son of the free-woman

Have you forgotten the six sons Abraham had with his Arab wife Keturah?
Islam is no more evil than Judaism or Christianity.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets go together to Saudi Arabic's, head lopping tournament, we can bet on if the heads will roll, right or left.
2. And see how they run a, Golf Tournament.
3. Shot Gun Starts, shorts, rowdy crowds.
4. For starters.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Lets go together to Saudi Arabic's, head lopping tournament, we can bet on if the heads will roll, right or left.
2. And see how they run a, Golf Tournament.
3. Shot Gun Starts, shorts, rowdy crowds.
4. For starters.

Sorry bout that,
1. Lets go together to Saudi Arabic's, head lopping tournament, we can bet on if the heads will roll, right or left.

There are no "head lopping tournaments" in Saudi Arabia, but even if that were the case, it doesn't imply Islam amounts to "head lopping tournaments". It wasn't that long ago that Christians were for decapitating criminals and even tying them up to an electric chair and electrocuting them until their eyes popped out, dying a horrible, painful death. American Christians don't give a flying foofoo about this:

They don't care how many "A-rab" children have to die to advance "American geopolitical interests" in the Middle East. Many Evangelicals use the US military as a battering ram against whoever they don't like. They don't lose a minute of sleep over how many brown-skinned folks are being torn to pieces by American ordinance.

Moreover, you American Evangelicals are always proudly touting and loudly proclaiming, how America is a "Christian Nation" and those who aren't Christians should realize and respect that. OK, granted, let's assume for the sake of argument that America is indeed a "Christian Nation" as the lady with the bright purple beehive hairdo and fake eyelashes on TV is saying. That being the case, why is America, the so-called Christian Nation an ally of Saudi Arabia?

Why are you arming a bunch of savages? Hmm, maybe because you're also a savage!

2. And see how they run a, Golf Tournament.
3. Shot Gun Starts, shorts, rowdy crowds.
4. For starters.

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Christians and Jews don’t mix

Unless the Christian is buying them weapons

At least the Muslims consider Jesus to be a prophet

The Jews consider Jesus to be a heretic

So there’s that

Y'all need to relax and stop seeing everyone as the most extreme version of everything.
Muslims are the bond woman AND her son. The two do not mix (Muslim-Christian). God cast out the Muslim and there is no where in the Bible where they ever come together and mix as one with the "Seed of Abraham." They are under a different Book (doctrine) that does not adhere to a savior. Worse than that is their ongoing forever envy of the Christians who reside in the "House of God."

God said cast them out because it is NOT land they want, it is the death of all Christians they crave.

Galatians 4:30

Cast out the bond-woman and her son: for the son of the bond-woman shall not be heir with the son of the free-woman
You do know that Islam was created some 700 years after Christ? It's not possible for the Bible to reference islam.
Christians and Jews don’t mix

Unless the Christian is buying them weapons

At least the Muslims consider Jesus to be a prophet

The Jews consider Jesus to be a heretic

So there’s that

Israeli Jews use Evangelicals like tools, to get weapons and political support..etc. These so-called "Christians" support the massacre in Gaza. They don't care, they grovel at the feet of Israeli Jews.

In Israhell, Jews spit on Christians:

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People can always co-habitate if they are personally of good will. Ideologies and religions may be inimical philosophically, as are Christianity and Islam (which worship different deities), but their followers could conceivably live in peace side by side.
People can always co-habitate if they are personally of good will. Ideologies and religions may be inimical philosophically, as are Christianity and Islam (which worship different deities), but their followers could conceivably live in peace side by side.
Muslims worship Allah, one deity. Christians and Muslims have been peacefully co-existing for over 1000 years. In Iraq there were about 2 million Christians before the US invasion in 2003. Now there are about 300K, less than half a million. They left, they died, they're not there anymore. An ancient Christian community established by Thomas and others of the twelve apostles who traveled east, eventually reaching India. Thomas was martyred in India according to ancient Christian tradition. The Iraqi Christians were a treasure to Christendom, attesting to the ancient faith. The US invasion destroyed that ancient Christian community.

Christian Arabs also worship "Allah" that is the word they use for God. In English we say "God" (a word with Germanic etymology), and Arab Christians say "Allah". You're just spouting hate and ignorance, saying that Muslims worship many gods, and that they can't co-exist peacefully with Christians. They have been doing that for over 1000 years. They only worship one God.
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