Nikki Haley: "I will vote for Donald Trump."

He has already forgiven her and wishes her well when he speaks/posts about her. I don't believe he has directly said she isn't under consideration but most of the MSM and never Trumper sites are saying representatives of the Trump team say she isn't being considered.

In fact they are so adamant that Trump doesn't want her--I think it was late last year or early this year Tucker Carlson said he wouldn't vote for a Trump/Haley ticket giving all the reasons he didn't like her as a candidate--does make me wonder if she isn't on his short list. :)

(I do think some of her policy positions are in conflict with his though. But it would be interesting seeing her debate Kamala.)
If you're Nikki Haley why the fuck would you want to be on a Trump ticket? How is that helpful to your political career? :dunno: :laugh:
Haley knows she has to endorse TRUMP if she wants to run in 2028. She doesn't hold any elected office so in order to stay in the spotlight she has to pick a side. She's useless to CNN/MSNBC if she votes for Biden.

Republicans are in a panic because Haley is still taking away 10-15 percent of the vote in the primaries.

Her lukewarm support will hopefully quell Republican Never Trump defections in November
Will he pick Nikki for VP? The ultimate politician would unify the party.

I don't think the stupid fuck understands politics at all.
He's taken the route of going all in on just his base.

It doesn't work universally across all voters, but it works extremely well in the Republican Party.

He's risen to power on the strength of his cultish base.
If you're Nikki Haley why the fuck would you want to be on a Trump ticket? How is that helpful to your political career? :dunno: :laugh:
I'm pretty sure Nikki Haley sees having a significant role in the Trump Administration is her only hope for a political career. He beat her by over 20 points in the state where she served as governor.
Will the Never Trumper's ever forgive her?

From her remarks, looks like she's trying to get some traction in the Veep-stakes.

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Unbelievable. The things she said about him were true. He should never be any where near the White House ever again. She said it all! And now is going to vote for him? Wow. Clearly she's a Not see. Because before she saw it. Put her on the list of Not sees. Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Bush, not Not See's. Even John Bolton said he will vote 3rd party. Not a Not see. Nikki, Not see.
I'm pretty sure Nikki Haley sees having a significant role in the Trump Administration is her only hope for a political career. He beat her by over 20 points in the state where she served as governor.
A political career as what? Where are all the people who worked in his last administration? How are they viewed by you MAGAts? :dunno:

Unless she's willing to support all his dumb and openly corrupt schemes for the next four years, and even Bill Barr, that thirsty ghoul for executive authority wasn't down for the last bit of it. Who would be other than morons who don't know Trump is leading them towards legal jeopardy? :dunno: :laugh:
In fact I'll say this confidently right now. Whoever is working in this horror/comedy fan fic of a Trump second term are the dumbest fucking Republicans you got left. They are the people left over who sat around and watched everyone else burn themselves on that stove and said to themselves, "I can touch that".

What policies?

I don't know what her policies are.
It's not my place to know.
I am a supporter of President Trump.
But -
If Nikki has supporters who want issues to be addressed (and are not just never trumpers) and these issues are not antithetical to President Trump's, he would probably listen to those ideas and then reach out.
He is a big tent person, and that is how you build winning coalitions.
I'm pretty sure Nikki Haley sees having a significant role in the Trump Administration is her only hope for a political career. He beat her by over 20 points in the state where she served as governor.

Maybe she simply loves this country and sees what a disaster Biden has been.
Like she said.
I don't know what her policies are.
It's not my place to know.
I am a supporter of President Trump.
But -
If Nikki has supporters who want issues to be addressed (and are not just never trumpers) and these issues are not antithetical to President Trump's, he would probably listen to those ideas and then reach out.
He is a big tent person, and that is how you build winning coalitions.
My point is that Nikki Haley doesn't really have any policies that Trump doesn't already agree with. Her and her supporters main gripe seems to have been Trump presents himself as a bullying asshole who calls people names and he's not going to change that.

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