Newtie to Run for President

If things don't improve dramatically real soon, it's not the just the GOP he'll have to worry about. It's his own party. Don't think Hillary isn't sitting back and taking this all in. As well as several other dem's.

I haven't thrown my support behind anybody. I'll wait to hear what they all have to say before deciding.......I'd love to see Christie throw his hat in. Would love to see Rubio come out and at least do some debates. Not that he's ready yet, but I believe one day he will be president.

So far, and i'm basing this on the debate the other night, none of those who debated are worthy, but I believe Cain would make a solid VP choice......The rest of 'em just need to pack it up and go home. Particularly Paul. The man is a waste of time, and his supporters money.

It's going to get very interesting.

Nobody will challenge Obama in the primaries. Hillary running is a fantasy.
Don't be so sure about that. Hillary can't stand the man, and that sense of entitlement damn sure hasn't gone away....Remember now, it was William Jethro and Hillary who started the birfer movement. And William Jethro damn sure must ache to get back in that house and once again have full access to fat, skanky, naive, typical liberal ho interns......They both undestand that Obama is way in over his head on most issues, and is as inept as they come. Christ, the idiot had to have ol' William Jethro come in, take the podium, and do his speaking for him. Talk about embarrassing......Hillary's a fuckin' witch, and vidictive as they come. Just look at all those who surrounded the Clintons and ended up mysteriously dead. Don't be at all surprised to see her stab Obama in the back, resign, and announce a run against him.
The word is TORPEDO Biff, not TOPEDO


All those in the thread who believes that this Countried Fat Tub Of Lard has a snowball's chance in hell at POTUS please signify by typing "I."

Maybe he'll get that idiot Chuck Norris to campaign for him tho..

Nobody will challenge Obama in the primaries. Hillary running is a fantasy.

No one challenged Carter, so I'm guessing you could be right.

Waaaaay different.

The NE Congressional Democrats didn't like Carter to begin with. Kennedy killed his chance of ever becoming President challenging Carter. Hillary like Kennedy has no chance. All it would do is split the party. The Clintons are iconic on the party but those feelings would be destroyed forever. Plus she is the Sec of State. A Sec of State is not going to challenge a sitting President think of how awful that would look Obama has given Dems at least part of what they cherish most, healthcare reform, albeit it is not a single payer government program that the hardcore base wants. Besides, his achilles heel is the economy, and the stimulus is the Dems answer to the recession. Hillary is to the right of Obama on this. The base wanted more stimulus, not less.

Hillary challenging is a fantasy. If he is challenged, it will be from the left.
Obama rammed through a failed stimulus bill.

Rammed through an unpopular healthcare bill, and STILL doesn't know what the fuck's in it.

Has completely trashed the futures, through massive debt and deficit for at least the next two generations.

The US was downgraded by S&P for the first time in history, on his watch, due to his abject failures.

Cash for Clunkers failed.

His Mortgage relief plan failed.

He's about to watch his third class of high school and college students graduate with little hopes of jobs due to his failures. He'll no doubt watch his fourth class graduate next year with little hope of jobs due to his failures....That's a huge voting bloc to so abjectly fail.

Unemployment rate is 9%, with little hope of falling by election day.

No class of people are any better off, despite his promises, particularly the poor.

Obama has much to worry about....His best bet would be to channel Houdini and learn how to pull a fuckin' rabbit out of his boney ass......Cause it's not just the GOP he has to worry about, it's his fellow dem's who are sitting back and watching his myriad of abject failures, who just may decide to throw their hat in the ring and challenge his inept ass.

If Obama thinks the Osama killing is going to save him, he's seriously an idiot....'cause when it comes right down to it, people need paychecks and food on the table. They need security. Obama has fully proven to this point, that he hasn't a fucking clue on how to enact policies that will get the job done.

So in 800 days or so (I don't know the exact figure), it sounds as if the GOP will have absolutely no problem ousting him....who are you going to support?
If things don't improve dramatically real soon, it's not the just the GOP he'll have to worry about. It's his own party. Don't think Hillary isn't sitting back and taking this all in. As well as several other dem's.

I haven't thrown my support behind anybody. I'll wait to hear what they all have to say before deciding.......I'd love to see Christie throw his hat in. Would love to see Rubio come out and at least do some debates. Not that he's ready yet, but I believe one day he will be president.

So far, and i'm basing this on the debate the other night, none of those who debated are worthy, but I believe Cain would make a solid VP choice......The rest of 'em just need to pack it up and go home. Particularly Paul. The man is a waste of time, and his supporters money.

It's going to get very interesting.

I think Rubio is a very strong dark horse. Cain=Dead Man Walking IMHO. You're right, I think we're looking at another very close election.
It's way too early guys and gals.

I personally don't believe Newt will get the GOP nomination.....

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early .......
The neocons have declared "Newt has jumped into the race". Already polls have shown 45% of Americans would never vote for him.Seems most Americans have figured out his gloom and fear tactics are not much different than the last failed republican administration.
The party of "family values" will need every right wing radio host and fox news to spin for a guy who left his 1st wife..While she is on her death bed..for his 2nd wife...who he cheated on with...his third wife.
Riiiight. I'm supposed to fall down in awe and worship his Presidential qualifications - which have yet to be actually listed by ANY of his butt-kissers, number of threads for that purpose notwithstanding - because he managed to correctly make one decision that, quite frankly, was something of a no-brainer? Come on. It's a good idea to wipe his ass after shitting, too, but I'm not planning to applaud his brilliance and leadership in figuring that out.

So basically, when all you trolls who have yet to explain to us what Obama's overwhelming qualifications for the Presidency are actually get around to doing that, THEN you can sit around demanding answers to that question concerning other candidates. Until then, you demand fuck-all, and the only answer you're going to get is: screw you, hypocrite.

So typical of a republican; you're living up to the sad stereotype that was layed out for you; "screw you" when asked something... I'm not going to call you stupid but you're not showing much evidence otherwise.

Hardly, ass clown. When YOU refuse to answer questions, then demand answers to the same question from someone else, you don't get to talk about how "screw you" is THEIR stereotype. We can talk about how hypocrisy is YOUR stereotype, if you'd like.

I answered the question I was aware of; BHO's qualifications for President with specific actions he has taken.

By all means, though, keep demanding answers while ignoring the questions yourself. I'll be happy to keep sneering at you.
Somehow I think sneering is your one contribution to any conversation.

Ahh, more liberal hypocrisy. As predictable a smell as cowshit when passing a dairy farm, but not nearly as fragrant. Would that "he won so he's qualified" had EVER been a suitable answer for you when applied to a REPUBLICAN President. Tell me, just how big of a partisan hack can you make yourself appear to be in the space of one post?
If you are doing the job, you're qualified so it's a non starter; I posted his major accomplishments as proof thereof.

Furthermore, shitstain, avoiding the question all through the campaign and THEN saying, "Well, now it's irrelevant because he won so THAT makes him qualified" only points up how little credibility you have now to demand ANY other candidate's qualifications for the office. So again I say, Newt's qualifications are fuck you, hypocrite.
You sound really ignorant.

Ahh, so fucking up the country is a qualification for office now, is it? Or is it just "He does stuff I like, so that means he's qualified"? I wonder if you would have accepted that answer had I offered it in regards to President Bush. No, I don't wonder. You wouldn't have. Let's see, what was that word again? Started with an "H".

I like that "Doesn't matter if what he did was good; it's so impressive that he could do it at all." By that token, Adolf Hitler would have been incredibly qualified. Say what you will about his programs, but achieving them at all was noteworthy. :cuckoo:
Why do all the mouth breathers go to the Hitler card? So predictable, so silly.

I'll give you the mindless partisanship, though. After all, I'm reading YOUR posts.

As long as one defines "most enlightened people" as "people who think just like me." You'll excuse me if pandering to dipshits who already have their noses so far up his ass they're sniffing his large intestine doesn't scream "Presidential material" to me.
Wow...hard to stay happy after being called names...

He authorized the concerted raid to kill Osama Bin Laden. He could have sent a missile to do it but he didn't. He re-focused the fight on terror to it's roots in Afghanistan where it, in my opinion belongs. Bush deserves mucho credit for taking out Saddam Hussein. We probably could have done it much more intellectually than we did do it but hindsight is 20/20 now isn't it?

Only a leftist would interpret "you'd have to have been brain-dead not to make the call to kill bin Laden" as "gutsy and Presidential material". "Could have sent a missile"? Seriously? I can't decide if you're more pig-ignorant for thinking firing a missile into a city of over 800,000 people could ever actually be an option, or for thinking Obama is some sort of prize-winning genius for figuring that out.
We have JDAMs that can take out a postage stamp on a letter and leave the return address in tact (that is an example not to be taken literally). You're extremely ignorant of our ability to pinpoint strike if you REALLY believe that and are not being a partisan hack for a moment.

Re-focused the fight on terror? How is continuing his predecessor's policies (after condemning them to get elected) and using intelligence generated by your predecessor's policies "re-focusing" anything?

Wouldn't that require him to have done SOMETHING new and different?
We're all but out of Iraq and have refocused on Afghanistan; he sent 40,000 more troops to that country. Those are the facts but don't let that stop you from thinking otherwise.

Anyway; my own personal opinion is that Gingrich = DOA.

And I've had taco farts that are worth more than your personal opinion.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you've had quite many taco farts...can you do us a favor and not post them?

I think its best if I just put you on ignore, you're really quite a waste of time. Best of luck to you in the future.
I wasn't polled, but I can tell you right now....

Gingrich will not get the GOP nomination, shitforbrains.

Save your energy for the real candidate.
It's way too early guys and gals.

I personally don't believe Newt will get the GOP nomination.....

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early .......

I think it's Huckabee by default. And I can see him as President. I think he's Ward Cleaver reincarnated....but I think there would be worse things than seeing Ward Cleaver in the White House.

Just my opinion but as you said...Way too early.
I have a weird feeling most women would have a rough time voting for Newt. I don't know,,just call it a hunch.
On the upside, Newt did show he could work in a bi-partisan manner or was it Clinton that did that? All I can say is that whatever happened, the Welfare Reform legislation was damn near perfect. We need to go back and do it again.

the impeachment was real bi-partisan :rolleyes:
Newt is smart enough to know he can't win. He'll be lucky to win the primary.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this but it feels like Newt is running for VP. He could bring a lot of good things to a GOP newcomer as a running mate while his baggage is less of an issue if he's down ticket. In addition, a VP spot with a Tea Party candidate would unify the party, which is in danger of fracture, and rehabilitate his image.
Newt is smart enough to know he can't win. He'll be lucky to win the primary.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this but it feels like Newt is running for VP. He could bring a lot of good things to a GOP newcomer as a running mate while his baggage is less of an issue if he's down ticket. In addition, a VP spot with a Tea Party candidate would unify the party, which is in danger of fracture, and rehabilitate his image.

Interesting use of the presidency.:cuckoo: A half way rehabilitation for dishonest politicians.:lol: :lol:

Just when ya though it couldn't get any weirder!

The GOP has gone stark raving mad!:eek:

Newt used to be all for Romneycare.

Once Obama pushed Romneycare for other states, suddenly Newt and Mitt hated "Romneycare:.
Riiiight. I'm supposed to fall down in awe and worship his Presidential qualifications - which have yet to be actually listed by ANY of his butt-kissers, number of threads for that purpose notwithstanding - because he managed to correctly make one decision that, quite frankly, was something of a no-brainer? Come on. It's a good idea to wipe his ass after shitting, too, but I'm not planning to applaud his brilliance and leadership in figuring that out.

So basically, when all you trolls who have yet to explain to us what Obama's overwhelming qualifications for the Presidency are actually get around to doing that, THEN you can sit around demanding answers to that question concerning other candidates. Until then, you demand fuck-all, and the only answer you're going to get is: screw you, hypocrite.

Tell you what.

List all the qualifications for President as mandated by the Constitution.

Maybe you should have a glass of red wine too..because it would really knock your blood pressure off the meter if you really knew..:lol:

By the way..the last President before Obama..couldn't have gotten a job where I am now employed..

Well, tell you what. Since you're dropping back to "He's qualified under the Constitution!" I guess we can dispense altogether with the bullshit of you and your comrades demanding to know GINGRICH'S qualifications for the job. He's qualified under the Constitution, too, and HE won't make the country wait for three years just to see proof of it.

By the way, OBAMA couldn't get a job with MY company, so we're even.

No one is saying Newt can't run. What is being bantered about is that he comes with ALOT of baggage.

And the reason President George W. Bush couldn't get a job at my shop is because of his police record..he was arrested for theft. I work in a very financially sensitive area.

So..what exactly disqualifies President Obama at your shop?
If things don't improve dramatically real soon, it's not the just the GOP he'll have to worry about. It's his own party. Don't think Hillary isn't sitting back and taking this all in. As well as several other dem's.

I haven't thrown my support behind anybody. I'll wait to hear what they all have to say before deciding.......I'd love to see Christie throw his hat in. Would love to see Rubio come out and at least do some debates. Not that he's ready yet, but I believe one day he will be president.

So far, and i'm basing this on the debate the other night, none of those who debated are worthy, but I believe Cain would make a solid VP choice......The rest of 'em just need to pack it up and go home. Particularly Paul. The man is a waste of time, and his supporters money.

It's going to get very interesting.

Nobody will challenge Obama in the primaries. Hillary running is a fantasy.
Don't be so sure about that. Hillary can't stand the man, and that sense of entitlement damn sure hasn't gone away....Remember now, it was William Jethro and Hillary who started the birfer movement. And William Jethro damn sure must ache to get back in that house and once again have full access to fat, skanky, naive, typical liberal ho interns......They both undestand that Obama is way in over his head on most issues, and is as inept as they come. Christ, the idiot had to have ol' William Jethro come in, take the podium, and do his speaking for him. Talk about embarrassing......Hillary's a fuckin' witch, and vidictive as they come. Just look at all those who surrounded the Clintons and ended up mysteriously dead. Don't be at all surprised to see her stab Obama in the back, resign, and announce a run against him.

This basically shows you don't know what you're talking about. And it shows the sort of vitriolic haze that clouds your..and many other conservative's judgement..about just about everything.

But without your hate and intolerance..where would you be?:lol:

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