Newest Zogby Poll: Trump Widens Lead After GOP Debate!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Fio-RINO looks to be a SLOW SHOW with Zogby!

Forbes ^ | Sep 20 2015 | John Zogby
Real estate mogul Trump has widened his lead to 20 points in a brand new Zogby Analytics poll taken after the second Republican presidential debate. The new poll of 405 likely Republican primary/caucus voters nationwide with a margin of sampling error of +/- 5.0 percentage points, conducted September 18-19, shows Mr. Trump with 33% (up 2 points from his pre-debate 31%). In second place is neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson who actually dropped 3 points to 13%.

Carly is a RINO. Loved by none other than John MCain. It's just a matter of time till the news gets around about her McCain connections.
Interesting as TODAY'S NBC (NOT a fan of Trump poll) has him....

NBC Poll: Trump More Popular Than Ever ^ | September 20, 2015
In the wake of the latest televised Republican presidential debate, New York businessman Donald Trump has more support than ever for the GOP's 2016 presidential nomination, according to an NBC/Survey Monkey Poll released Sunday. According to the survey, Trump has the support of 29 percent of Republicans, up from 22 percent in July and August. Other contenders for the nomination are far behind Trump, according to NBC. Maryland pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson is second with 14 percent. Carson has gained steadily in NBC polls, registering 7 percent in April, 8 percent in July, and 10 percent in August. Carly Fiorina,...

But let the subhumans of the DemocRATic variety spew their hatred of THE DONALD....ALL SO ENTERTAINING.....all together their total IQ's would NOT break into the 3 digit range! :ahole-1:s...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:

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