NEW New Hampshire poll: Trump on top, battle for second emerges (Trump 29%, Rubio 18%, Cruz 13%)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
And after a second place in Iowa...Poor Ted is losing to the Manchurian amnesty man who finished THIRD...just goes to show you what POWER the left wing MSM actually has!

CNN/WMUR ^ | 2/4/2016 | Jennifer Agiesta
(CNN)Donald Trump continues to hold a wide lead among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, according to a new CNN/WMUR tracking poll, with the pack vying for second place is beginning to break up. Behind Trump's field-leading 29% support, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio climbs to second place with 18% following his strong third place finish in Iowa, followed by Ted Cruz (13%) and John Kasich (12%) in a near-tie for third. Jeb Bush holds fifth place at 10%, a hair behind Cruz and Kasich, with Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina well behind at 4% each. The fight for second...
And after a second place in Iowa...Poor Ted is losing to the Manchurian amnesty man who finished THIRD...just goes to show you what POWER the left wing MSM actually has!

CNN/WMUR ^ | 2/4/2016 | Jennifer Agiesta
(CNN)Donald Trump continues to hold a wide lead among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, according to a new CNN/WMUR tracking poll, with the pack vying for second place is beginning to break up. Behind Trump's field-leading 29% support, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio climbs to second place with 18% following his strong third place finish in Iowa, followed by Ted Cruz (13%) and John Kasich (12%) in a near-tie for third. Jeb Bush holds fifth place at 10%, a hair behind Cruz and Kasich, with Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina well behind at 4% each. The fight for second...

Rubio is eleven points behind Trump and could finish in a close second and Cruz is done in my opinion. Iowa win will be what sink Cruz and could also sink Hillary Clinton...
Rubio continues to surge past Cruz and toward Trump.

Prediction: Trump beats Rubio by no more than 4 points, and Cruz drops way, way back.
Every day that Trump is in the lead is another day proving that the right is stupid. He will never be president.
And after a second place in Iowa...Poor Ted is losing to the Manchurian amnesty man who finished THIRD...just goes to show you what POWER the left wing MSM actually has!

CNN/WMUR ^ | 2/4/2016 | Jennifer Agiesta
(CNN)Donald Trump continues to hold a wide lead among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, according to a new CNN/WMUR tracking poll, with the pack vying for second place is beginning to break up. Behind Trump's field-leading 29% support, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio climbs to second place with 18% following his strong third place finish in Iowa, followed by Ted Cruz (13%) and John Kasich (12%) in a near-tie for third. Jeb Bush holds fifth place at 10%, a hair behind Cruz and Kasich, with Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina well behind at 4% each. The fight for second...
Cruz losing is more important than anything else in this primary season
And after a second place in Iowa...Poor Ted is losing to the Manchurian amnesty man who finished THIRD...just goes to show you what POWER the left wing MSM actually has!

CNN/WMUR ^ | 2/4/2016 | Jennifer Agiesta
(CNN)Donald Trump continues to hold a wide lead among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, according to a new CNN/WMUR tracking poll, with the pack vying for second place is beginning to break up. Behind Trump's field-leading 29% support, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio climbs to second place with 18% following his strong third place finish in Iowa, followed by Ted Cruz (13%) and John Kasich (12%) in a near-tie for third. Jeb Bush holds fifth place at 10%, a hair behind Cruz and Kasich, with Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina well behind at 4% each. The fight for second...
Cruz losing is more important than anything else in this primary season

Rubio is bad news for Clinton.

I'm not so sure he comes across as a heavyweight...the more you hear him talk, the more you think he should be complimenting Mrs. Cleaver on her nice house coat.
And after a second place in Iowa...Poor Ted is losing to the Manchurian amnesty man who finished THIRD...just goes to show you what POWER the left wing MSM actually has!

CNN/WMUR ^ | 2/4/2016 | Jennifer Agiesta
(CNN)Donald Trump continues to hold a wide lead among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, according to a new CNN/WMUR tracking poll, with the pack vying for second place is beginning to break up. Behind Trump's field-leading 29% support, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio climbs to second place with 18% following his strong third place finish in Iowa, followed by Ted Cruz (13%) and John Kasich (12%) in a near-tie for third. Jeb Bush holds fifth place at 10%, a hair behind Cruz and Kasich, with Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina well behind at 4% each. The fight for second...
Cruz losing is more important than anything else in this primary season

Rubio is bad news for Clinton.

I'm not so sure he comes across as a heavyweight...the more you hear him talk, the more you think he should be complimenting Mrs. Cleaver on her nice house coat.
Anybody but Cruz. I'd rather take my chances on any one of the other candidates if it means self-loathing, bible thumping, lifelong Canadian Raphael Cruz loses.
Senator Rubio is, for a lack of others doing it, representing the sane Republican. He's hardly anyone's first choice to be the leader of the nation and I'm not even sure he's a good consolation prize. I mean, compare this guy to Lyndon Johnson (not even Lincoln or Washington). He has left the footprint of an ant in the Senate, has as much maturity as a guy on his first date, and combines a troublling lack of personal discipline with a troubling lack of concern for the office he currently holds....if he thinks it's frustrating...try dealing with a Democratic Senate.

That being said, it's sad but you don't have anyone else willing to fight for the establishment that can get traction it seems.. For 3-4 months, Mr. Trump was sucking all of the oxygen out of the room and, given that newspapers have only so many column inches and TV and Radio have time constraints, if you're not mentioned, it was the fault of the guy getting the attention.

Its bewildering now that he has been put back on his heels by his loss in Iowa that Governors Christie, Bush, and Kasich are not employing the same bombastic jingoistic antics to get some eyes on their camp. I don't encourage them to insult people or make stupid claims but what would be wrong with coming out and dropping a couple of F-bombs about Senator Cruz. It is true that he has gotten zilch done in the Senate. It is true that he wanted us to shutdown the government yet again. It is true that his views are going to get none of the independent voters that the eventual president-elect will need.

I would think that Governor Christie, especially, could get a friendly reporter from the Times of Trenton, or the NY Post or Philly Enquirer to lob him a question about Senator Cruz and he could call him a "Fucking Idiot" then go into details about his being a fucking idiot, how those who support what he stands for are fucking idiots, etc.. Is it a stunt? Yes. Is it Presidential? No. Is his campaign desperately in need of some sort of attention? Yes.

Then when the debate happens and he is asked about it; he says he meant every word and the only reget he has is that he didn't say it louder.

To quote Gladiator: "The time for half measures has passed...."
Rubio consistently beats Hillary in head to head polls.

I don't think the country wants another 4/8 years of the Clintons. They're exhausting.

8 years of peace and prosperity....Im thinking the nation is ready for that type of exhaustion once more.
Rubio consistently beats Hillary in head to head polls.

I don't think the country wants another 4/8 years of the Clintons. They're exhausting.

Rubio is bad news for Hillary; no doubt. However I think there are weapons she can use against him that she can't with others. And I don't think he's left enough of a footprint in either his public or private life to make someone think, "It's like another JFK" or something of the sort.

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