New Biden ad - Guess who's the sh*thole country now?

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Meh, the educated have curious minds about the rest of the world. Shriveling home-skooled xenophobes build walls to lock out folks who don't look, think and speak exactly like themselves.

The only positive about the Educated is that they are generally fat and slow. That makes them very good game animals for True Conservatives.
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

America has been very "serious" , certainly more serious than most nations. America requires masks and social distancing in all of the Target and Walmart stores, has closed down stadiums and arenas and schools. Hell, every day on the internet, we see stories about assaults, arrests, and even murders over the whole Mask Requirement issue

And who's committing the assaults and murders? Oh yes, that'd be the team who believed Trump when he said masks were a sign of "weakness" and who believe it is their God given right to infect others.

Au Contraire. The violence is going both ways as the mask issue takes center stage.
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The President doesn't have the authority to open or close the economy or to mandate masks. That's a state and local issue.
It sounds like you better act fast, DRLOVE, because Somalia might not be open to you much longer. Chop chop.

As to Trump, isn't he the same fellow that was being accused of racism when he shut down incoming travel from China, and this by the very same people now assailing him?

Donald shut down China following 400,000 coming here from there AFTER we knew about the problemo. And in-between the China ban and the Euro ban, 3 million flew into NYC from Europe.

And of course, he did nothing else after his toothless China ban other than dithering, denying, downplaying, calling it a "hoax" and saying it would magically disappear by Spring due to the heat.

Yeah Doggie - Helluva job Dotard. Yep - WAY past time for this reality Tee-Vee shit-show to END.
you sound like a retarded democrat--yes? you people are the problemo!!!! hey go bail the banks out and while you are doing that--make sure millions of OUR tax dollars pay their CEOs millions in bonuses---the asshole who did that was --BARRAG OBAMA

Sorry nope - I'm an Independent who did not vote for Hillary Clinton. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative with some libertarian leanings.

Educated Americans will not be voting for the Toxic Orange Turd. He's for you home skooled babies.

You haven't a clue about people. You're way off.

Sure I do. The poorly educated voted for your Donald. It's okay - Donnie still loves you! ;)

Which only proves even more, you don't have a clue about people.
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The President doesn't have the authority to open or close the economy or to mandate masks. That's a state and local issue.

That's what I've been trying to get across but, its hard to cut through all the, "orange man bad," crap.
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

trump never built that wall.

What he did was replace existing portions of the wall. Replacements that were authorized by Obama.

The replacement portions are with the metal columns trump put up.

trump has built a total of 3 miles of new wall.
Meh, the educated have curious minds about the rest of the world. Shriveling home-skooled xenophobes build walls to lock out folks who don't look, think and speak exactly like themselves.

The only positive about the Educated is that they are generally fat and slow. That makes them very good game animals for True Conservatives.

Well thank God all Trump supporters are pictures of health, intelligence and fitness! :D




MOD EDIT - this poster has been warned and post left up as one (of many) examples of trolling by the OP.
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Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The "slowly and carefully" is the part we screwed up.
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The "slowly and carefully" is the part we screwed up.

We haven't reopened yet at all. Churches are still closed in many places, ditto with stadium, bar rooms, and schools. Further masks and social distancing is still be required here in America. Massive fines are being imposed on refuseniks. Fights, sometimes involving firearms are being waged daily as America struggles under the burden of our Virtual Lockdown/Social Distancing.
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The "slowly and carefully" is the part we screwed up.

We haven't reopened yet at all. Churches are still closed in many places, ditto with stadium, bar rooms, and schools. Further masks and social distancing is still be required here in America. Massive fines are being imposed on refuseniks. Fights, sometimes involving firearms are being waged daily as America struggles under the burden of our Virtual Lockdown/Social Distancing.

We? You got a rat in your pocket. They opened back up in Florida without enough precautions and enforcement of health policy and have had to cut back that opening. Several states and municipalities made the same mistake. I am in Tennessee. Reopened in May, but having to cut it back in July and August.
Why don't you state your plan for controlling and reducing the epidemic and see how many buy it? Or do you just want what you want, now, no matter what?
It sounds like you better act fast, DRLOVE, because Somalia might not be open to you much longer. Chop chop.

As to Trump, isn't he the same fellow that was being accused of racism when he shut down incoming travel from China, and this by the very same people now assailing him?
Yes, the op is a typical useful idiot too for the cultural marxists passing on their lies and propaganda.

Trump, "The coronavirus is not the flu, it's vicious."

The left wing media proceeds to mock for the statement and then attack Trump as a xenophobic racist for cutting travel off to and from China.

The left wing media claimed the flu was more dangerous.

Want proof doctor fucking idiot?

Now watch as doctor moron either avoids that proof or uses the old double talking hypocritical rhetoric to dance around it. What else can they do other than tucking their pathetic tails between their legs?
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The "slowly and carefully" is the part we screwed up.

We haven't reopened yet at all. Churches are still closed in many places, ditto with stadium, bar rooms, and schools. Further masks and social distancing is still be required here in America. Massive fines are being imposed on refuseniks. Fights, sometimes involving firearms are being waged daily as America struggles under the burden of our Virtual Lockdown/Social Distancing.

We? You got a rat in your pocket. They opened back up in Florida without enough precautions and enforcement of health policy and have had to cut back that opening. Several states and municipalities made the same mistake. I am in Tennessee. Reopened in May, but having to cut it back in July and August.
Why don't you state your plan for controlling and reducing the epidemic and see how many buy it? Or do you just want what you want, now, no matter what?

Here in the Great State of Pennsylvania, the state is still pretty much locked down, masks required, schools closed, football canceled, social distancing. Yet out Death Rate per capita from Kung Flu is substantially higher than Florida and three times as high as Tennessee.
It sounds like you better act fast, DRLOVE, because Somalia might not be open to you much longer. Chop chop.

As to Trump, isn't he the same fellow that was being accused of racism when he shut down incoming travel from China, and this by the very same people now assailing him?

Donald shut down China following 400,000 coming here from there AFTER we knew about the problemo. And in-between the China ban and the Euro ban, 3 million flew into NYC from Europe.

And of course, he did nothing else after his toothless China ban other than dithering, denying, downplaying, calling it a "hoax" and saying it would magically disappear by Spring due to the heat.

Yeah Doggie - Helluva job Dotard. Yep - WAY past time for this reality Tee-Vee shit-show to END.

So now Trump wasn't "Hysterically xenophobic" enough?

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia - hysterical xenophobia - and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science.” -- Quid Pro Joe Biden Feb 1, 2020
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The "slowly and carefully" is the part we screwed up.

We haven't reopened yet at all. Churches are still closed in many places, ditto with stadium, bar rooms, and schools. Further masks and social distancing is still be required here in America. Massive fines are being imposed on refuseniks. Fights, sometimes involving firearms are being waged daily as America struggles under the burden of our Virtual Lockdown/Social Distancing.

That's the whole point, turn people against each other, then somehow blame it on Trump.

All lockdowns do, is cause anxiety, boredom, hysteria, depression, fighting and, killing......that's it.

People need to go out, to work, to shop to SOCIALIZE! People NEED friends and family in their lives, we aren't meant to be loners, we're social creatures by nature. (Some, more than others)

We aren't doing anything to this virus by thinking we can hide from it, all we're doing is destroying ourselves.
Donald's wall is built. The WORLD has built one around our formerly great nation thanks to his totally inept pandemic response and lack of a national strategy.

Hell, we can't even go to the Caribbean. I do hear that we are still welcome in Antigua and a couple of third world nations in Africa however. :icon_rolleyes:

Will all the countries of the world open up to America when Sleepy Joe institutes a Permanent Lockdown for COVID?

Probably not until they believe we are serious and start to flatten the curve again to average world levels in the restricted countries. Would you?

We never flattened the curve.

We just bent it down. We didn't follow through. trump saw things getting better so he opened up the nation.

He did it too soon.

The countries that flattened the curve were able to reopen slowly and safely.

The "slowly and carefully" is the part we screwed up.

We haven't reopened yet at all. Churches are still closed in many places, ditto with stadium, bar rooms, and schools. Further masks and social distancing is still be required here in America. Massive fines are being imposed on refuseniks. Fights, sometimes involving firearms are being waged daily as America struggles under the burden of our Virtual Lockdown/Social Distancing.

That's the whole point, turn people against each other, then somehow blame it on Trump.

All lockdowns do, is cause anxiety, boredom, hysteria, depression, fighting and, killing......that's it.

People need to go out, to work, to shop to SOCIALIZE! People NEED friends and family in their lives, we aren't meant to be loners, we're social creatures by nature. (Some, more than others)

We aren't doing anything to this virus by thinking we can hide from it, all we're doing is destroying ourselves.

Well, GET OUT THERE Abs. I think it would be a swell idea for you to host a 600 attendee super-spreader event! ;-)
It sounds like you better act fast, DRLOVE, because Somalia might not be open to you much longer. Chop chop.

As to Trump, isn't he the same fellow that was being accused of racism when he shut down incoming travel from China, and this by the very same people now assailing him?
Yes, the op is a typical useful idiot too for the cultural marxists passing on their lies and propaganda.

Trump, "The coronavirus is not the flu, it's vicious."

The left wing media proceeds to mock for the statement and then attack Trump as a xenophobic racist for cutting travel off to and from China.

The left wing media claimed the flu was more dangerous.

Want proof doctor fucking idiot?

Now watch as doctor moron either avoids that proof or uses the old double talking hypocritical rhetoric to dance around it. What else can they do other than tucking their pathetic tails between their legs?

The only thing consistant about the media is their hatred of Trump. They twist and turn this way and that, changing their story constantly and downright contradicting themselves as long as the net result can damage Trump.

They rely on the sheeple being too stupid to recognize that they keep shifting their attacks and the sheeple do their part by being too stupid to notice.
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