Late-arriving votes will lean Democrat in November


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Actually, the reason the votes will be late is simple...

It takes time to count the total votes, then fill out all of those extra ballots for the Democrat candidates, in order to put them ahead!!!

(That also explains why the majority of those "late votes" will be Democrat)....
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Actually, the reason the votes will be late is simple...

It takes time to count the total votes, then fill out all of those extra ballots for the Democrat candidates, in order to put them ahead!!!

(That also explains why the majority of those "late votes" will be Democrat)....
And that is why they are still counting votes in the DEMOCRAT PRIMARY TODAY a full 47 days since it occurred. IT seams that their preferred candidate is still losing and needs more votes..
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Does it hurt? What kind of pain is TDS? Is it a dull throbbing kinda pain or the sharp stabbing kind? Are sounds like buzzing or ringing in your ears involved, how about your vision, is it affected too.
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Does it hurt? What kind of pain is TDS? Is it a dull throbbing kinda pain or the sharp stabbing kind? Are sounds like buzzing or ringing in your ears involved, how about your vision, is it affected too.
On NOV 3rd it will result in screaming at the sky...
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Actually, the reason the votes will be late is simple...

It takes time to count the total votes, then fill out all of those extra ballots for the Democrat candidates, in order to put them ahead!!!

(That also explains why the majority of those "late votes" will be Democrat)....
And that is why they are still counting votes in the DEMOCRAT PRIMARY TODAY a full 47 days since it occurred. IT seams that their preferred candidate is still losing and needs more votes..
Maybe they just need to "check a few more car trunks, U-Haul trucks,, and broom closets"!!!
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.

It's August 11th.

I think it's very premature to make any sort of prediction on what will happen.

It's best to wait to see it unfold.
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Dems will be delivering truck loads of “late votes” to ensure they get the outcome they desire.
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
The election will already be won by your made up phony dembo ballots won't help.....
I think mail-in voting is destined to be corrupt, abused and create division in your nation like never before.

If you can stand in line at the Wal Mart or to protest, you can stand in line to vote. Show your I.D, sign your form, and stand behind your pick. If you don't feel being a part of the democratic process isn't worth it, then stay home.
Late-arriving votes will lean Democrat in November

I think you're probably right about that, but I wouldn't automatically assume so. The special election in CA-25 was mostly mail in ballots and the Republican won the seat from a Democrat by 11 points.
Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
I don't believe it. Why would young voters go for an Establishment asshole like Biden? And all that financial corruption and bribery with his son Hunter's seat on the board of that Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, incorporated in Cyprus?
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Actually, the reason the votes will be late is simple...

It takes time to count the total votes, then fill out all of those extra ballots for the Democrat candidates, in order to put them ahead!!!

(That also explains why the majority of those "late votes" will be Democrat)....
Is "Democrats vote late" a pattern seen and documented?
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Actually, the reason the votes will be late is simple...

It takes time to count the total votes, then fill out all of those extra ballots for the Democrat candidates, in order to put them ahead!!!

(That also explains why the majority of those "late votes" will be Democrat)....
And that is why they are still counting votes in the DEMOCRAT PRIMARY TODAY a full 47 days since it occurred. IT seams that their preferred candidate is still losing and needs more votes..
Maybe they just need to "check a few more car trunks, U-Haul trucks,, and broom closets"!!!
You forgot cemeteries.
On election day November 3rd, we will not have all the votes counted.
people will have to wait until all the votes have arrivied and are counted. The later they arrive, the more likely they are to be for Democrats.
These are usually people in urban areas where there is a higher volume of votes to be counted.
Also same-day registrants who are mostly young,. Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
The likely outcome is that the matchup will seem tight at first and then Biden will pull ahead.
Republicans who will argue that only early votes count, obviously, because they want Donald Trump to win.
Actually, the reason the votes will be late is simple...

It takes time to count the total votes, then fill out all of those extra ballots for the Democrat candidates, in order to put them ahead!!!

(That also explains why the majority of those "late votes" will be Democrat)....
Is "Democrats vote late" a pattern seen and documented?
Ummm, ask Mn. and Wa.
Joe Biden tops Donald Trump among young voters, obviously.
I don't believe it. Why would young voters go for an Establishment asshole like Biden? And all that financial corruption and bribery with his son Hunter's seat on the board of that Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, incorporated in Cyprus?
12 years + 4 years of college with indoctrination tends to help with that.
I think mail-in voting is destined to be corrupt, abused and create division in your nation like never before.

If you can stand in line at the Wal Mart or to protest, you can stand in line to vote. Show your I.D, sign your form, and stand behind your pick. If you don't feel being a part of the democratic process isn't worth it, then stay home.
How will the Democrats protect themselves from Covid 19 if they can't riot and loot???

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