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Seems the US Navy is deploying some remarkable torpedoes no-a-days. This is an interesting and informative article and makes for a good lead off here.
Breaking down how modern torpedo attacks really go down and the types of torpedoes that are used to sink ships and other submarines.
Modern Submarine Torpedo Attacks Are Nothing Like What You See In The Movies
Breaking down how modern torpedo attacks really go down and the types of torpedoes that are used to sink ships and other submarines.
Most modern submarine-launched torpedoes are dual-purpose, meaning they are able to sink a ship or submarine, but they have different characteristics and methods for achieving those goals. Single-purpose torpedoes have a very specific method of attack and can be difficult to evade. In this article, we will cover the capabilities of both kinds of submarine-launched torpedoes and how they actually work, which is very different than what you have probably seen in the movies.
Modern submarine torpedoes come in two variants: thermal and electric. ...
Modern Submarine Torpedo Attacks Are Nothing Like What You See In The Movies
Breaking down how modern torpedo attacks really go down and the types of torpedoes that are used to sink ships and other submarines.
Modern Submarine Torpedo Attacks Are Nothing Like What You See In The Movies
Breaking down how modern torpedo attacks really go down and the types of torpedoes that are used to sink ships and other submarines.