Native American shouts down Nativists.

Another stupid thread by a leftist.

Everyone knows that most of us have immigrant roots. What we're talking about today and questioning, is why we are letting thousands invade our southern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

The same reason Native Americans let thousands invade their eastern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

Why is it that liberals are okay with people sneaking in, and completely disrespecting those who are trying to do the right thing by respecting our laws and going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

The moment your favorite president, Wrong Old Ray Gun, granted amnesty to millions back in the 80's, you threw that argument about "respecting our laws" out the window. Conservatards are legal packrats who, while recognizing that immigration laws are total garbage, absolutely refuse to throw them out in case they need them later--like when an immigrant says something they don't like, so conservatards can threaten to have them deported.


Manners are a social construct.
Another stupid thread by a leftist.

Everyone knows that most of us have immigrant roots. What we're talking about today and questioning, is why we are letting thousands invade our southern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

The same reason Native Americans let thousands invade their eastern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

Why is it that liberals are okay with people sneaking in, and completely disrespecting those who are trying to do the right thing by respecting our laws and going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

The moment your favorite president, Wrong Old Ray Gun, granted amnesty to millions back in the 80's, you threw that argument about "respecting our laws" out the window. Conservatards are legal packrats who, while recognizing that immigration laws are total garbage, absolutely refuse to throw them out in case they need them later--like when an immigrant says something they don't like, so conservatards can threaten to have them deported.


Manners are a social construct.

He actually made a deal with the democrats, one he stated he regretted.
this came from some site called, upworthy

it should be called, upchucky it was that dumb

no wonder the people today are so misinformed of our country, our laws, and and how our government and the political parties, should work.... they are fed this stuff day and day out
it's only the truth by you on the left

we the LEGAL CITIZENs in this country still have the RIGHT to protest what this government IS doing behind our backs dispersing these people over our country and is stepping on those Immigrants waiting in line who did things, the right way

IF ANYONE is using them politics it's people like you and Democrat party
What a quick way to disperse a crowd..

WATCH: That Awkward Moment When Anti-Immigration Protesters Realize They're Immigrants Too

Guess the fun stops when you realize your hate is pretty idiotic.

Since when did Native Americans have illegal immigration laws?
What was the name of their Country?

Most don't even know they were immigrants. Just like the Europeans immigrants. They just had a few centuries ahead of the Europeans.

But they were immigrants nonetheless.
Another stupid thread by a leftist.

Everyone knows that most of us have immigrant roots. What we're talking about today and questioning, is why we are letting thousands invade our southern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

The same reason Native Americans let thousands invade their eastern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

Why is it that liberals are okay with people sneaking in, and completely disrespecting those who are trying to do the right thing by respecting our laws and going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

The moment your favorite president, Wrong Old Ray Gun, granted amnesty to millions back in the 80's, you threw that argument about "respecting our laws" out the window. Conservatards are legal packrats who, while recognizing that immigration laws are total garbage, absolutely refuse to throw them out in case they need them later--like when an immigrant says something they don't like, so conservatards can threaten to have them deported.


Manners are a social construct.

First Nations did not own a country because there was no country called the United States of America, so how possibly can you come up with the insane notion that First Nations allowed an invasion?

America was only named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci but it was not a nation.
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History has always been written by the victors.

The victors have always been the ones who've had the biggest guns.

And no one who actually appreciates history has ever said that it is pretty.
Another stupid thread by a leftist.

Everyone knows that most of us have immigrant roots. What we're talking about today and questioning, is why we are letting thousands invade our southern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

The same reason Native Americans let thousands invade their eastern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.

Why is it that liberals are okay with people sneaking in, and completely disrespecting those who are trying to do the right thing by respecting our laws and going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

The moment your favorite president, Wrong Old Ray Gun, granted amnesty to millions back in the 80's, you threw that argument about "respecting our laws" out the window. Conservatards are legal packrats who, while recognizing that immigration laws are total garbage, absolutely refuse to throw them out in case they need them later--like when an immigrant says something they don't like, so conservatards can threaten to have them deported.


Manners are a social construct.

Reagan's single biggest fuck up, and the one that I guarantee you the vast amount of conservatives wanted to hang him by his fingernails for.
What a quick way to disperse a crowd..

WATCH: That Awkward Moment When Anti-Immigration Protesters Realize They're Immigrants Too

Guess the fun stops when you realize your hate is pretty idiotic.

Since when did Native Americans have illegal immigration laws?
What was the name of their Country?

"hurrrrr simon dident say so we wuz not illegal durrrrr"

Actually, yes you were, conservatards. Euroscum try to judge everything by their own made-up rules, deeming that because "uncivilized foreigners" in new lands didn't follow those rules before the Euroscum came upon those new lands, that means everything was Europe's for the taking.

Unfortunately for your "manifest destiny"-tier antics, enlyghtynyd lybyryls lyke mysylf know bettyr.

Winners are kings, losers are criminals.
Another stupid thread by a leftist.

Everyone knows that most of us have immigrant roots. What we're talking about today and questioning, is why we are letting thousands invade our southern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.
Why is it that liberals are okay with people sneaking in, and completely disrespecting those who are trying to do the right thing by respecting our laws and going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

The thread title should be:


You Christians make me laugh.

If you aren't putting people in ovens or burning them at the stake, you are condemning them to die in hell holes of your making.

Just like Jesus in the "good" book says..

Remember the "golden" rule. Get the gold and fuck everyone else.

No wonder you guys are so hated.
Another stupid thread by a leftist.

Everyone knows that most of us have immigrant roots. What we're talking about today and questioning, is why we are letting thousands invade our southern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.
Why is it that liberals are okay with people sneaking in, and completely disrespecting those who are trying to do the right thing by respecting our laws and going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

The thread title should be:


You Christians make me laugh.

If you aren't putting people in ovens or burning them at the stake, you are condemning them to die in hell holes of your making.

Just like Jesus in the "good" book says..

Remember the "golden" rule. Get the gold and fuck everyone else.

No wonder you guys are so hated.

how dare you...we can be assured you're not a Christian after laying on those made up lies

It's you and people like you that are hated.. You're just too dumb to see it....because the rest of us don't sit here in judgement of others would never have to resort to lies like those in you warped ugly mind
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Not clicking on your dumbfuck links....but I'm guessing

This sort of head-in-the-sand mentality is exactly why Wrongpublicans, and conservatards in general, are losing elections so frequently.

Not that I'm complaining; it's just funny to tell you exactly what you're doing wrong, and then watch as you do it even more in an attempt to "get back at them dern librulls".

Not only do we own more statehouses, but that number is going up.

We took back the house in 2010 (yes..whine it up)

Looks like the senate will be ours in 2014.

Real frequently.
What a quick way to disperse a crowd..

WATCH: That Awkward Moment When Anti-Immigration Protesters Realize They're Immigrants Too

Guess the fun stops when you realize your hate is pretty idiotic.

To bad the far left has never learned such lessons.

Not sure what you are talking about.

I think the kids are human beings in dire straits and should be treat as such.

They should not be sent back to die.

They should remain in this country under US protection.
No..Not the US...IN YOUR House. YOU support them.
You and all the other bleeding hearts....For the first time in your life DO SOMETHING other than talk.
you people get off on the dumbest things and what a stupid title

the hate should be at people and sites who post crap like this

people are against ILLEGAL immigrants just walking in breaking OUR LAWS and first thing they are offered handouts off the taxpayers backs

It's you who is make all this ugly by chastising your own fellow country men and women

Liberals are LITERALLY incapable of making such a nuanced distinction, their pea-sized brains won't allow it. I believe that, if you are in favor of ILLEGAL immigration, you should have no less than 30 ILLEGAL immigrants sent to your home and you should have to care for them with ZERO assistance from state and federal resources. I wonder how many would change their tunes almost instantly. :cuckoo:
Another stupid thread by a leftist.

Everyone knows that most of us have immigrant roots. What we're talking about today and questioning, is why we are letting thousands invade our southern border in a completely chaotic illegal way.
Why is it that liberals are okay with people sneaking in, and completely disrespecting those who are trying to do the right thing by respecting our laws and going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

The thread title should be:


You Christians make me laugh.

If you aren't putting people in ovens or burning them at the stake, you are condemning them to die in hell holes of your making.

Just like Jesus in the "good" book says..

Remember the "golden" rule. Get the gold and fuck everyone else.

No wonder you guys are so hated.

Well I'm not a Christian, so you're wasting your time directing your comments at me, which are nonsense anyway.
To bad the far left has never learned such lessons.

Not sure what you are talking about.

I think the kids are human beings in dire straits and should be treat as such.

They should not be sent back to die.

They should remain in this country under US protection.
No..Not the US...IN YOUR House. YOU support them.
You and all the other bleeding hearts....For the first time in your life DO SOMETHING other than talk.

As I work my butt off and pay a bucket load of money in taxes, I should get a say in how those taxes are spent.

Seems that you folks don't have a problem with sending our military to massacre people world wide.

I'd like to see that change. I'd like to be the good guys for a change. And help those less fortunate.

And as for "doing something", I've also contributed to charities and done actual work for many of them.
That moment when sallow realizes that if you are born here, you didn't immigrate....

Well, it may not have happened yet, but one can hope

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