National School Board issues apology over letter. Throws Garland under the bus.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
The NSBA apologized forfalsely claiming violence and domestic terrorism from parents. This confirms Merrick Garland did no checking before sending the FBI after parents.

NSBA admits there was no justification for the letter.

This hack needs to go.

The NSBA apologized forfalsely claiming violence and domestic terrorism from parents. This confirms Merrick Garland did no checking before sending the FBI after parents.

NSBA admits there was no justification for the letter.

This hack needs to go.

of course they do,, after being caught colluding with the whitehouse,,
What I think happened is that this has blown up in their face. The education union’s attempt to use the FBI to intimidate parents (who oppose the liberal tsunami sweeping the schools) into silence just makes them look like vengeful liberals intolerant of any opinion that deviates from liberalism.

And this has backfired. They are nervous about the upcoming VA governor election, which is tied between the Democrat and the Republican. The case that is at the forefront of all this is the one in LLC (Liberal Loudoun County) in which there was more venom, by the liberal school board, against the justifiably irate father of a young rape victim than there was for the rapist (who was merely transferred to another school, where he sexually assaulted another 14-year-old).

So. The education Union knows how bad they look, given the revenge they took on parents by conspiring with the Biden Administration to punish those with dissenting views. They also know that if they lose even a relatively small percentage of liberal Northern Virginia, the Democrat will lose. They are hoping that this apology will make parents “forgive” them and decide to vote for the Democrat on Nov 2.

Anyway, that’s my convoluted take on it.
What? Do they think we have the attention span of goldfish? Garland is thinking he'll smile and tap dance and we'll just...... what? Forget about being called terrorists?
Does that mean, it is officially OK, to threaten in public or in private communication to school board members, as long as they don't carry out any the threats?

After all this time?

So really what happened here is they overstepped their bounds and got a lot of shit from it and just tried to blow it off.

They knew exactly what they were doing the problem is it didn't work out how they wanted. Which means they will walk away from it unscathed and just try again another time.

They still hate parents that try and be involved and they will continue to do shitty things. Nothing really changed
The White House coordinated with the union to falsify this letter and directed the FBI to go after parents based on lies.

Most corrupt administration in history.
This was all planned by NSBA members who are working with the white house and the DOJ....this screams for an investigation....wake up McConnell...where the fuck are you turtle?....

Mitch is about 50 investigations short of a full deck. The damage is done. They harassed and threatened parents all across this nation and now they are going to play innocent while turtle man plays with his fingers.
No fuckwit, it is against the law as it always has been and dealt with on a local level.
I'm glad, dumbass. It sounded as if you were gleeful the NSBA had retracted their letter.
I have heard or at least read responses on here, justifying or support those that would threaten violence against public officials over policy decisions. Glad to know you would never support that kind of action.
I'm glad, dumbass. It sounded as if you were gleeful the NSBA had retracted their letter.
I have heard or at least read responses on here, justifying or support those that would threaten violence against public officials over policy decisions. Glad to know you would never support that kind of action.

I am glad the retracted their letter. It was full of lies.
Emails document how the Biden Regime colluded with the NPTA for weeks to falsify violence claims in order to send the FBI after parents.

Our government is coming after us...the day we have all feared is here...
I'm glad, dumbass. It sounded as if you were gleeful the NSBA had retracted their letter.
I have heard or at least read responses on here, justifying or support those that would threaten violence against public officials over policy decisions. Glad to know you would never support that kind of action.

You guys are so fucking sanctimonious. I just laugh.

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