NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
Reality is dawning upon them.

No, they said no such thing. Your source faked a quote outright.

Your source's quote is:

Martin Mlynczak, a scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center, warns that “A cooling trend is obvious in the atmosphere…High above the Earth’s surface, towards the edge of space, the atmosphere is losing heat energy and if current trends persist, it could mean soon to set a Space Age record for cold…the knowledge of this is quite startling to think for a start that something out of our control and visible could cause the next ice age, is not just a little frightening but scary.”

The actual quote is:

“We see a cooling trend,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”

The Chill of Solar Minimum

Billy's lying source faked parts of the quote outright, and also failed to mention it was talking about atmospheric temperature at the edge of space, not at the surface.

So, the denier source lied flagrantly and deliberately. That's not debatable.

Billy, now that you know your source lied, will you condemn them?

Of course you won't. The lies will make you love them even more. That's how deniers roll. Lying on behalf of the cult is considered a good thing, because it demonstrates devotion to the cult.

No, they said no such thing. Your source faked a quote outright.

Your source's quote is:

Martin Mlynczak, a scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center, warns that “A cooling trend is obvious in the atmosphere…High above the Earth’s surface, towards the edge of space, the atmosphere is losing heat energy and if current trends persist, it could mean soon to set a Space Age record for cold…the knowledge of this is quite startling to think for a start that something out of our control and visible could cause the next ice age, is not just a little frightening but scary.”

The actual quote is:

“We see a cooling trend,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”

The Chill of Solar Minimum

Billy's lying source faked parts of the quote outright, and also failed to mention it was talking about atmospheric temperature at the edge of space, not at the surface.

So, the denier source lied flagrantly and deliberately. That's not debatable.

Billy, now that you know your source lied, will you condemn them?

Of course you won't. The lies will make you love them even more. That's how deniers roll. Lying on behalf of the cult is considered a good thing, because it demonstrates devotion to the cult.
Making shit up again are you hair ball? You never cease to go lower than expected...

You cherry picked a sentence form the report and made it into what you wanted. I think i will take the words of the real scientists at SHO-Boulder and the conversations I have had with them since this article came out over your tripe... The spectral shift has them worried, very worried.... IF it continues for a long period it will result in glaciation of major areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
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I have problem with poor use of phrases since they are misleading or plain dumb.

"mini ice age"

This is incorrect for reasons stated below,

We are already in an ice age, have been for around 2.6 million years.

One small Solar Cycle can't not override several previous above average Solar cycles warming trend, to make a deep cooling trend, there is simply too much stored energy in the ocean for that. It will cool very slowly instead.

I don't see a massive cooling trend into that overblown mini ice age claim in the near future, it is silly. It takes time for the system to change, which may happen more deeply and quickly if Solar 25 is also weak, then a greater possibility of a deeper cooling can be possible.

The ocean waters had been warming up under the most active Sun in thousands of years, that takes time for the added energy in the water to dwindle away. That is why I think the cooling in the future will be weak and irregular.
What goes around comes around.

Been that way for climate for millions of years.

No panty-waist liberal ecofreak is gonna change that no matter how much he/she/it huffs and puffs and makes dem windmills twirl.
I have problem with poor use of phrases since they are misleading or plain dumb.

"mini ice age"

This is incorrect for reasons stated below,

We are already in an ice age, have been for around 2.6 million years.

One small Solar Cycle can't not override several previous above average Solar cycles warming trend, to make a deep cooling trend, there is simply too much stored energy in the ocean for that. It will cool very slowly instead.

I don't see a massive cooling trend into that overblown mini ice age claim in the near future, it is silly. It takes time for the system to change, which may happen more deeply and quickly if Solar 25 is also weak, then a greater possibility of a deeper cooling can be possible.

The ocean waters had been warming up under the most active Sun in thousands of years, that takes time for the added energy in the water to dwindle away. That is why I think the cooling in the future will be weak and irregular.
Misleading language and data:
Man Made Global Warming
Hockey Stick Graph
Polar Ice Caps disappearing
10 / 12 years to (whatever)
I have problem with poor use of phrases since they are misleading or plain dumb.

"mini ice age"

This is incorrect for reasons stated below,

We are already in an ice age, have been for around 2.6 million years.

One small Solar Cycle can't not override several previous above average Solar cycles warming trend, to make a deep cooling trend, there is simply too much stored energy in the ocean for that. It will cool very slowly instead.

I don't see a massive cooling trend into that overblown mini ice age claim in the near future, it is silly. It takes time for the system to change, which may happen more deeply and quickly if Solar 25 is also weak, then a greater possibility of a deeper cooling can be possible.

The ocean waters had been warming up under the most active Sun in thousands of years, that takes time for the added energy in the water to dwindle away. That is why I think the cooling in the future will be weak and irregular.
There is reasoning in using that phrase. SHO is expecting the next three solar cycles to be very low and the spectral shift in energy from 0.6um to 2.1um which can cause glaciation all by itself by removing new energy from the oceans. Cooling of the oceans is all ready in progress and will surface in the next few months.



The deep cooling below 400m is what we have not seen in over 5 years. The NOAA measuring devices are showing a net average of cooling now of -0.08 deg C at 400m and a -0.13 deg C cooling at 100m globally. This year (my bet) or next should result in cooling globally.
If we're coming up on another Mini Ice Age, why is there massive polar ice melting?

Just an honest question.
If we're coming up on another Mini Ice Age, why is there massive polar ice melting?

Just an honest question.
We are entering a cooling stage. One of the front runners to this change is a change in global circulation patterns as the oceans cool. Those changes result in a temporary warming of the arctic and cooling of the mid latitudes. This is what is happening now. Glacial records in the studied ice cores show this. Once the mid latitudes cool down the pattern of air flow returns to a neutral state and the poles freeze up very quickly.

It's a natural cycle that we didn't understand until about three years ago, when the suns output shifted slightly and ocean cooling began. Once the mid latitudes and the ocean cool to the new energy input balance of the sun, things will get real interesting. Going to be some very short growing seasons in the next few years, once the ocean heat is gone, and the lower energy will fail to keep the mid latitudes warm.
Making shit up again are you hair ball? You never cease to go lower than expected...

You source faked a quote outright, shitlicker, and now you're trying to run cover for that fraud. That makes you part of the fraud. And that's why everyone correctly assumes that every sentence you type here is some sort of fraud.

You cherry picked a sentence form the report and made it into what you wanted.

Kindly go eat a big bag of dicks, liar. I presented the actual quote, right next to your source's faked version.

Your precious source faked a quote outright. That's not debatable.

You tongue the rectums of the quote-fakers. That's not debatable.

You'll burn in Hell for that. That is debatable, as it's questionable as to whether Hell exists. But if it does exist, you're roasting.

I think i will take the words of the real scientists at SHO-Boulder and the conversations I have had with them since this article came out over your tripe...

Isn't it medication time for you now? The orderly should be by any time. It's nice that they give you computer access.
Making shit up again are you hair ball? You never cease to go lower than expected...

You source faked a quote outright, shitlicker, and now you're trying to run cover for that fraud. That makes you part of the fraud. And that's why everyone correctly assumes that every sentence you type here is some sort of fraud.

You cherry picked a sentence form the report and made it into what you wanted.

Kindly go eat a big bag of dicks, liar. I presented the actual quote, right next to your source's faked version.

Your precious source faked a quote outright. That's not debatable.

You tongue the rectums of the quote-fakers. That's not debatable.

You'll burn in Hell for that. That is debatable, as it's questionable as to whether Hell exists. But if it does exist, you're roasting.

I think i will take the words of the real scientists at SHO-Boulder and the conversations I have had with them since this article came out over your tripe...

Isn't it medication time for you now? The orderly should be by any time. It's nice that they give you computer access.



I gave you empirical evidence of what is occurring and all you got is WAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa....
You know, this perfectly explains why people are flocking to Florida in freakin DROVES.
Florida surpassed NewYork last year in total population and is now number 3 behind Texas and California.

I fully expect to start seeing some serious infrastructure failures (especially water supply) and day now. What a mess. Can you even imagine 30 below zero temps from Tennessee Northward from September to May and frequent winter freezing temps as far south as Miami? Yet empirical data from core samples says it did and will occur again. Billions could perish due to sudden food shortages. Nature. We just thought we were above it all.

Bear in mind, South Florida is 80% swamp land (Everglades). There;s only 2 relatively small strips of livable land on the east and west coasts.....with nothing in between but wetlands and swamp / marsh.

If this cooling thing is real, South Florida is gonna very quickly fall apart because there's no way the infrastructure can support the current numbers, much less a mass influx of a few million more people. No way. Mix in a few million more illegals who will need free services or assistance and put a fork in it.

On the other hand.....I'll believe it when I see it. it's hot as hell in South Florida already and summer's JUST begun.
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NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
This happened in 2009 as well. Did we have a mini ice age?
NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
This happened in 2009 as well. Did we have a mini ice age?
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.

Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)
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