NASA: ‘There’s a Chance’ of Alien Life Out There, But it Hasn’t Visited Earth

These are just your assertions. Can you back them up with anything?
Of course I can, just as I explained very well why pasteur's findings don't rule out the general principle of abiogenesis over time as the origin of life. And I will be treated, in response, to the same ,embarrassing dancing and prancing on your part that shows making such effort is an utter waste of time. I am perfectly content to simply correct your errors (though not all, as I already have a full time job).

Besides Fermi's paradox calculations,
There are no such calculations. Haha, look at poor JBond, trying to sound smart.

Great Filter Theory
That is not a scientific theory, sorry. You have been lied to again . Furthermore, if you held your own submissions to the same standard you attempt hold mine (though you usually get it ass backwards wrong when you claim there is no evidence), you would not be posting whimsical thought experiments and presenting them as fact. You expose yourself as the snake oil salesmen you are to do so.
When you consider the vastness of the universe, it’s kinda crazy to think earth is the only planet with life.
Think about it.

We think about it because we have been brainwashed with science fiction. That clouds our thinking.

Real science right now says that the only life in the universe is here on earth. Until we find it elsewhere and have another data point any speculation to the contrary, is just, well, speculation.
When you consider the vastness of the universe, it’s kinda crazy to think earth is the only planet with life.
Think about it.

Carl Sagan and many, many others have died thinking like you. Aliens are imaginary creatures like the flying spaghetti monster. Abiogenesis is pseudoscience, so the science is against you.
These are just your assertions. Can you back them up with anything?
Of course I can, just as I explained very well why pasteur's findings don't rule out the general principle of abiogenesis over time as the origin of life. And I will be treated, in response, to the same ,embarrassing dancing and prancing on your part that shows making such effort is an utter waste of time. I am perfectly content to simply correct your errors (though not all, as I already have a full time job).

Besides Fermi's paradox calculations,
There are no such calculations. Haha, look at poor JBond, trying to sound smart.

Great Filter Theory
That is not a scientific theory, sorry. You have been lied to again . Furthermore, if you held your own submissions to the same standard you attempt hold mine (though you usually get it ass backwards wrong when you claim there is no evidence), you would not be posting whimsical thought experiments and presenting them as fact. You expose yourself as the snake oil salesmen you are to do so.

Over time is really long time. None of it is observable nor testable. Thus, it's not evidence. The evidence that you have is the evidence for God. Moreover, I've told you before that you'll get a chance to do what you propose by watching something like a petri dish with primordial soup in it to see if living matter comes out of it in a billion years in the afterlife. If not, rinse, wash and repeat.

My scientific theories are backed up by no aliens, no abiogenesis, fine tuning facts and solar wind. Just admit that it's your imagination that has run wild and that you've been suckered in by sci-fi movies, books and media. You'll end up saying that aliens are already here and getting ready to take over the planet :abgg2q.jpg:.
You'll end up saying that aliens are already here and getting ready to take over the planet .
If another advanced civilization,species or whatever exists it could ‘be with us’ in ways we can’t begin to imagine. We could simply be a form of entertainment for them triggered at the time of the Big Bang yet never encounter them. The vanity of our species is in the assumption any advanced alien civilisation would want to have anything to do with us face to face. We’d be better off trying to communicate with whales, squid and other intelligent species right here on planet earth. Maybe stop eating them first. Which leads to another scenario the sometimes runs through my twisted brain.. We may be part of a very advanced farming excercise eventually experiencing our creators arrive and debate which is the best way to kill and cook us. Stab us between the eyes or boil us alive ( as we do with lobsters)or maybe pickle us slowley in whatever.


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Nobody in NASA has a clue if there is life outside Earth.

None of the scientists have any more valid information on that than any other human because right now we only have one data point and that is earth.

Until we get another data point from some place else all we have are jackshit guesses.
Wrong in so many ways.
Given: life (as we know it) exists on Earth.
Given: Earth exists in an unimaginably vast universe.
Given: physical and chemical principles on Earth are part of that universe.
Given: life (as we know it) depends on these physical and chemical principles.
Then: life (as we know it) could exist elsewhere than on Earth.
What is 'alien' in such a logical conclusion?

Nobody in NASA has a clue if there is life outside Earth.

None of the scientists have any more valid information on that than any other human because right now we only have one data point and that is earth.

Until we get another data point from some place else all we have are jackshit guesses.
Wrong in so many ways.

So show me where there is life outside of earth. Show me the money!
Over time is really long time. None of it is observable nor testable.
Yes, you have always struggled with this concept, because you are a young earth creationist. That's your problem . Elementary school children seem to be able to get it. Maybe grab yourself a juice box and a 5th grade science text.

And yes, it is testable.

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