NASA Admits That Winters are Going to Get Colder…Much Colder


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
NASA Admits That Winters are Going to Get Colder…Much Colder

The Maunder Minimum (also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum) is the name used for the period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare, as noted by solar observers of the time.

Like the Dalton Minimum and Spörer Minimum, the Maunder Minimum coincided with a period of lower-than-average global temperatures.

During one 30-year period within the Maunder Minimum, astronomers observed only about 50 sunspots, as opposed to a more typical 40,000-50,000 spots. (Source)

Climatologist John Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, thinks that last year’s winter, described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record” is going to be a regular occurrence over the coming decades.

Casey asserts that there is mounting evidence that the Earth is getting cooler due to a decline in solar activity. He warns in his latest book, Dark Winter that a major alteration of global climate has already started and that at a minimum it is likely to last 30 years.

Casey predicts food shortages and civil unrest caused by those shortages due largely to governments not preparing for the issues that colder weather will bring. he also predicts that wickedly bitter winter temperatures will see demand for electricity and heating outstrip the supply.

Casey isn’t alone in his thinking. Russian climate expert and astrophysicist Habibullo Abdussamatov goes one step further and states that we are at the very beginning of a new ice age.

Dr. Abdussamatov points out that Earth has experienced such occurrences five times over the last 1,000 years, and that:

“A global freeze will come about regardless of whether or not industrialized countries put a cap on their greenhouse gas emissions. The common view of Man’s industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect.” (source)

There you have it...A global consensus that were going to get much colder very quickly... Contrary to the alarmist hype and bull shit.. Backed up with facts and data..

A former NASA consultant is not the consensus of NASA.

This is an unethical and lying OP.

Climatologist John Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, thinks that last year’s winter, described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record” is going to be a regular occurrence over the coming decades.
A former NASA consultant is not the consensus of NASA.

This is an unethical and lying OP.

Climatologist John Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, thinks that last year’s winter, described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record” is going to be a regular occurrence over the coming decades.
let me guess... you failed to read any of the links in the article.. The one from David Hathaway and other NASA scientists..

Funny you call me a liar when you cant even read the article. now who has the lack of any credibility..
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A former NASA consultant is not the consensus of NASA.

This is an unethical and lying OP.

Climatologist John Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, thinks that last year’s winter, described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record” is going to be a regular occurrence over the coming decades.
let me guess... you failed to read any of the links in the arCrticle.. The one from David Hathaway and other NASA scientists..

Funny you call me a liar when you cant even read the article. now who has the lack of any credibility..
Credibility? From the doofus that claimed the Corps of Discovery saw a vast hydrothermal explosion in the Yellowstone six years after the expedition had ended? And claimed to have read journals that an illiterate mountain man, John Colter had written. Talk about credibility.
A former NASA consultant is not the consensus of NASA.

This is an unethical and lying OP.

Climatologist John Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, thinks that last year’s winter, described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record” is going to be a regular occurrence over the coming decades.
let me guess... you failed to read any of the links in the arCrticle.. The one from David Hathaway and other NASA scientists..

Funny you call me a liar when you cant even read the article. now who has the lack of any credibility..
Credibility? From the doofus that claimed the Corps of Discovery saw a vast hydrothermal explosion in the Yellowstone six years after the expedition had ended? And claimed to have read journals that an illiterate mountain man, John Colter had written. Talk about credibility.

SO both you and Crick have cognitive thought process, critical thinking skill issues.. What a doofuss.. And you say your a scientist... where did you get your credentials, a cracker jack box or fantasy land?
billy's cognitive dissonance rests on that NASA in fact admits nothing, au contraire, alleged by the OP.

billy is either mentally feeble, poorly educated, or malignantly motivated.
NASA Admits That Winters are Going to Get Colder…Much Colder

The Maunder Minimum (also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum) is the name used for the period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare, as noted by solar observers of the time.

Like the Dalton Minimum and Spörer Minimum, the Maunder Minimum coincided with a period of lower-than-average global temperatures.

During one 30-year period within the Maunder Minimum, astronomers observed only about 50 sunspots, as opposed to a more typical 40,000-50,000 spots. (Source)

Climatologist John Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, thinks that last year’s winter, described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record” is going to be a regular occurrence over the coming decades.

Casey asserts that there is mounting evidence that the Earth is getting cooler due to a decline in solar activity. He warns in his latest book, Dark Winter that a major alteration of global climate has already started and that at a minimum it is likely to last 30 years.

Casey predicts food shortages and civil unrest caused by those shortages due largely to governments not preparing for the issues that colder weather will bring. he also predicts that wickedly bitter winter temperatures will see demand for electricity and heating outstrip the supply.

Casey isn’t alone in his thinking. Russian climate expert and astrophysicist Habibullo Abdussamatov goes one step further and states that we are at the very beginning of a new ice age.

Dr. Abdussamatov points out that Earth has experienced such occurrences five times over the last 1,000 years, and that:

“A global freeze will come about regardless of whether or not industrialized countries put a cap on their greenhouse gas emissions. The common view of Man’s industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect.” (source)

There you have it...A global consensus that were going to get much colder very quickly... Contrary to the alarmist hype and bull shit.. Backed up with facts and data..


damn it

just when i was going to start up

a carbon offset business

I said it before, look at all the fraud they have to commit just to get todays temp 4F BELOW 1997
Why is my winter weather warmer then what it was 10-15 years ago??? All you loserterians have is smoke blown up ass.

That is what your economic beliefs are also based on.

false memories perhaps

early onset Alzheimers

good question though
"Casey also has no background in climate science, possessing only an undergraduate degree in physics and math and a master's in management. Since we pointed that out in 2010, Casey has pumped up his biography, adding that he is "one of America's most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts," even though he does not appear to have ever published a single peer-reviewed paper on the subject."

Wash. Examiner Duped By "Global Cooling" "Scam Artist" -- Even After We Warned Them
Why is my winter weather warmer then what it was 10-15 years ago??? All you loserterians have is smoke blown up ass.

That is what your economic beliefs are also based on.

Because the climate fluctuates and has done so for billions of years?
The really funny thing is that Billy's thread here is recycling outright kookery from 2.5 years ago.

That's how desperate things are in Denierstan; they can't even come up with new idiot conspiracy theories. They've been using "ice age any day now!" for the past 20 years. It keeps warming strongly instead, but they still _believe_ with the fervor of fanatics. Denialism is sort of a doomsday cult, with their various predicted doomsdays coming from ice, earthquakes, volcanoes, asteroid impacts ... as long as it's not global warming, they incorporate it into their doomsday scenarios.

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