Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
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Yeah, it's pretty amazing how far the government has and wants to intrude on people's lives. What a mess.
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

The sad part is not so much that they want to try to make a difference in a positive way, it's that they are picking on the wrong things. What kids eat from bake sales and from parties in the classroom is so minimal in the scope of things that the concept is just stupid. If they want to make a real difference, stop allowing Little Caesar's and Taco Bell to comprise the bulk of the lunch menu at so many of these schools. Have the schools make and provide healthy meals with an assortment of foods from all the food groups. But even more importantly than that, programs should be put in place to make kids get an adequate amount of exercise. It's not happening at home or away from school, so make it happen in school. State's could easily mandate one hour of gym class per day per student. Yes, it would cost some money, and they might even have to extend the school day, but doing something like that would make more sense than anything else. The biggest reason kids get fat is because they are not active enough.

Here is a fact. Kids who don't exercise get fat. Being fat slows down a person's metabolism because maintaining body fat does not consume many calories when a person is inactive. On the other hand, kids who play and get plenty of physical activity tend to have more muscle and less body fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat does even when a person is sleeping. It increases metabolism which burns even more calories. It's pretty basic; the kid who is outside most of the time playing sports or riding his bike is much less likely to be overweight than the kid who sits in front of the tv all day playing video games. And the kid inside will eat more junk too. Exercise is the key, much more so than what the kids eat.
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

The sad part is not so much that they want to try to make a difference in a positive way, it's that they are picking on the wrong things. What kids eat from bake sales and from parties in the classroom is so minimal in the scope of things that the concept is just stupid. If they want to make a real difference, stop allowing Little Caesar's and Taco Bell to comprise the bulk of the lunch menu at so many of these schools. Have the schools make and provide healthy meals with an assortment of foods from all the food groups. But even more importantly than that, programs should be put in place to make kids get an adequate amount of exercise. It's not happening at home or away from school, so make it happen in school. State's could easily mandate one hour of gym class per day per student. Yes, it would cost some money, and they might even have to extend the school day, but doing something like that would make more sense than anything else. The biggest reason kids get fat is because they are not active enough.

Here is a fact. Kids who don't exercise get fat. Being fat slows down a person's metabolism because maintaining body fat does not consume many calories when a person is inactive. On the other hand, kids who play and get plenty of physical activity tend to have more muscle and less body fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat does even when a person is sleeping. It increases metabolism which burns even more calories. It's pretty basic; the kid who is outside most of the time playing sports or riding his bike is much less likely to be overweight than the kid who sits in front of the tv all day playing video games. And the kid inside will eat more junk too. Exercise is the key, much more so than what the kids eat.

The parents have a lot to do with this. They helped shape their kids' eating habits from the start.

I would like to see a study done on whether kids gain weight more over the summer months or during the school year. My kids used to gain weight during the school year before I started packing their lunch. At one time, and maybe this hasn't changed yet, the schools were deliberately providing high calories meals on the assumption that the children wouldn't eat outside of school. I had to send lunches to school with my children to prevent the weight gain. Of course now, that may be more difficult. I would have been pissed if someone at the school had determined my lunches were insufficient and placed school lunches in front of my kids.

If it turned out that children were getting fatter at school, then the school needs to change their ways. If it turns out that some children are gaining more weight over the summer, then it's the parents fault. I hate to think what the government would do about it if the parents were at fault. Even if a child eats balanced meals at school, that doesn't mean they don't consume fatty foods once they leave there.

Also, you have to eat to lose fat. It takes energy to burn fat and the body needs calories to burn. Certain foods, like tomatoes, take a lot of calories to digest, so that is a good diet food. I used to see a lot of children throwing most of their school lunches in the trash. If they won't eat them, what's the point?
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Politicians and state civil servant educators know whats best for the kiddies........dont you worry
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

Wait until Obamacare, they WILL ban fat people from buying junk food.

You'll need a license to buy a flippn' cheeseburger.

That was the plan from the very beginning. Obamacare will allow government to control all industry under the ruse of "health care costs," of course Obamabots will buy it hook line and sinker and will parrot the line "you don't have the right to eat what you want because I'm paying for your health care and your fat ass costs me money."

Of course when people are brainwashed into that mindset the government will go all out on fast food and companies "deemed to contribute to poor health" and regulate the fuck out of them and tax the fuck out of them..

That is the intent of Obamacare - nothing more than an excuse to control the individual and the business by making their individual choices "everyones business."
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Why are their kids so fat? Hmmmmm, maybe if they took a gym class......

The Boston Foundation, which testified in support of mandating minimum time requirements for gym class, estimated that in 2009, 50 percent of students in Massachusetts public schools participated in no physical education class. Today, according to the foundation, 30 percent of Boston public schools offer no gym classes at all.

Read more: Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

This is ridiculous. Public schools and PTAs should be allowed to sell whatever they want to raise funds. Baked goods, kisses at a kissing booth, pornography, drugs - the state has no business regulating that sort of thing.
Why are their kids so fat? Hmmmmm, maybe if they took a gym class......

The Boston Foundation, which testified in support of mandating minimum time requirements for gym class, estimated that in 2009, 50 percent of students in Massachusetts public schools participated in no physical education class. Today, according to the foundation, 30 percent of Boston public schools offer no gym classes at all.

Read more: Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester

feel free to donate the money to cover the cost.
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

This is ridiculous. Public schools and PTAs should be allowed to sell whatever they want to raise funds. Baked goods, kisses at a kissing booth, pornography, drugs - the state has no business regulating that sort of thing.

I know a couple hot teachers at my sons school I'd like to see in that 3rd category:eusa_drool:
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

This is ridiculous. Public schools and PTAs should be allowed to sell whatever they want to raise funds. Baked goods, kisses at a kissing booth, pornography, drugs - the state has no business regulating that sort of thing.

I know a couple hot teachers at my sons school I'd like to see in that 3rd category:eusa_drool:
And the state has no authority to require its teachers not also be porno stars.

What the loonie left is failing to realize is that the state has no authority.
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

Wait until Obamacare, they WILL ban fat people from buying junk food.

You'll need a license to buy a flippn' cheeseburger.

That was the plan from the very beginning. Obamacare will allow government to control all industry under the ruse of "health care costs," of course Obamabots will buy it hook line and sinker and will parrot the line "you don't have the right to eat what you want because I'm paying for your health care and your fat ass costs me money."

Of course when people are brainwashed into that mindset the government will go all out on fast food and companies "deemed to contribute to poor health" and regulate the fuck out of them and tax the fuck out of them..

That is the intent of Obamacare - nothing more than an excuse to control the individual and the business by making their individual choices "everyones business."

You're right, they will. This whole attempt to regulate everything we eat is their way of saying that if they pay for something, they get to control it. However, that mindset changes when it comes to paying people welfare for having a bunch of children they can't afford. Then it's none of our business.

I wish many of those mindless government dependents would wake up and realize how they have been playing into the hands of radicals for years. They are a class of people that the left has worked hard creating over the years. Now they will use them, first for votes, then for an excuse to install radical policies. We always hear that we must sacrifice for the greater good. We've heard all this language before from past dictators.

We're all being expected to turn over all decisions to government and to keep our opinions to ourselves. We matter not. Someone much smarter than us will take the reins of our lives.

Government is the cause of most problems in this country. They aren't the solution. The people are, but since they are blaming us and not themselves, we'll be the ones to pay for their stupid mistakes and lust for power.

Politicians and state civil servant educators know whats best for the kiddies........dont you worry

Yes, as Reagan said, the 9 scariest words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
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Why are their kids so fat? Hmmmmm, maybe if they took a gym class......

The Boston Foundation, which testified in support of mandating minimum time requirements for gym class, estimated that in 2009, 50 percent of students in Massachusetts public schools participated in no physical education class. Today, according to the foundation, 30 percent of Boston public schools offer no gym classes at all.

Read more: Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester

feel free to donate the money to cover the cost.

Maybe they could have a bake sale?
Why are their kids so fat? Hmmmmm, maybe if they took a gym class......

The Boston Foundation, which testified in support of mandating minimum time requirements for gym class, estimated that in 2009, 50 percent of students in Massachusetts public schools participated in no physical education class. Today, according to the foundation, 30 percent of Boston public schools offer no gym classes at all.

Read more: Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester

I think metabolism plays a role in an individuals weight.

I can eat whatever I want and not gain a pound, yet my aunt that has a thyroid problem would gain weight if she ate half of what I did....

Of course there are people out there who are total pigs and are only fat because they eat too much but some people are overweight just because they have a low metabolism or a thyroid problem and NOT an eating problem.
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

If we reformed the education system and diverted more money into education instead of the defense budget, schools wouldn't need to sell crap food at bake sales to begin with.
Why are their kids so fat? Hmmmmm, maybe if they took a gym class......

The Boston Foundation, which testified in support of mandating minimum time requirements for gym class, estimated that in 2009, 50 percent of students in Massachusetts public schools participated in no physical education class. Today, according to the foundation, 30 percent of Boston public schools offer no gym classes at all.

Read more: Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester Mandatory gym classes get look in era of local aid cuts, paid sports - Gloucester, MA - Wicked Local Gloucester

I think metabolism plays a role in an individuals weight.

I can eat whatever I want and not gain a pound, yet my aunt that has a thyroid problem would gain weight if she ate half of what I did....

Of course there are people out there who are total pigs and are only fat because they eat too much but some people are overweight just because they have a low metabolism or a thyroid problem and NOT an eating problem.

Okay discounting thyroid problems, a persons metabolism for the most part is proportional to their level of phyical activity.
No more bake sales so kids can raise funds. So, where are they going to get money for the extra things they need in class rooms or for the booster club? If the government is going to ban bake sales, then Girl Scout cookies will be next. Then they better ban grocery stores and convenience stores from selling junk. Better close all restaurants that aren't specializing in health foods. Just how do they think they will control what we all eat if we still have freedom to purchase what we want? I'm sure their little pea brains are straining to come up with ways to control us even more.

They claim it's to combat obesity, which doesn't apply to me. I am 5'5" and weigh 106 lbs. Will I still be punished because a percent of the population is overweight? Shouldn't they just ban overweight people from purchasing junk? How do we know that sugar and fast food made them fat? Maybe it's potatoes and gravy. Maybe they have a health problem that contributes, but some dictators think stopping kids from selling cookies will solve the problem, as if bake sales are the only source of sugar. They won't stop here.

How long before they are going to force us to get permits if we are going to have guests over for a party? Maybe the food police will have to inspect our food before we serve it. Soon, they can dictate what we serve our family at the holidays. They are already inspecting our kid's lunches. They won't stop until they control everything. Ain't it great having government in your face, on your back and under your skin?

Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales
Nanny State Of Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales - Bake Sales Ban - Fox Nation

Parents: Rule Half-Baked
Parents: Rule’s half-baked -

If we reformed the education system and diverted more money into education instead of the defense budget, schools wouldn't need to sell crap food at bake sales to begin with.

Defense is a required oversight of the federal government. Not so of education. You and your state are free to dump as much money as you like into education...cuz that's worked out so well thus far...:cuckoo:

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