Nancy Pelosi Introduces Bill To Legalize Voter Fraud


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is why Democrats are becoming more transparent with their socialist ideology. They feel they can just create votes by using California style voter laws at the federal level. Nancy Pelosi has created what she calls an anti-corruption bill, H.R. 1 which is dressed up as an attack on Trump, but really is much more:


March 4, 2019
House Democrats' H.R. 1 is the ballot harvester's delight
By Monica Showalter
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has cooked up something new for Monday morning, a so-called "sweeping anti-corruption package" communistically titled the "For the People Act." or H.R. 1, which pretty much seeks to bring the California model of politics to the rest of the states in terms of rigging elections. A more accurate title for this nasty brew would be the "Ballot Harvester's Delight Bill of 2019." Or as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put it, "The Democrat Politician Protection Plan."

Here's how bad it is, according to center-left Axios:

The bill's key provisions:

  • Campaign finance: Create a small donor, matching-fund system for congressional and presidential candidates; expand the prohibition of foreign political donations; require super PACs and "dark money" political groups to make their donors public; and restructure the Federal Election Commission.
  • Ethics: Mandate that presidents and vice presidents release 10 years of their tax returns; create an ethics code for the Supreme Court; and bar members of Congress from serving on corporate boards.
  • Voting rights: Allow citizens to register to vote online and be registered automatically; require paper ballots in federal elections; make Election Day a federal holiday; prohibit voter roll purging; and end partisan gerrymandering by having independent commissions redraw congressional districts.
The matching fund system is disgusting all by itself, enabling leftists to not have to raise campaign money to hold onto office even after presenting a raft of bad ideas. Imagine Ilhan Omar getting free taxpayer money to buy television ads and take advantage of her name-recognition (bad as it is) to hold onto her congressional seat. Free money for pols to advertise themselves on television or in other matters always ensures that they'll find a way to get more of it. I always vote 'no' on that little tax box for the donation of a dollar of taxes to presidential campaigns and the fact that most of us do pretty well tells us how unpopular that idea is.

But it gets worse, far worse. The tax returns item is obviously aimed at President Trump because he made a lot of money in business before he became president, and as such amounts to a shot against him alone. Most us would be fine with billionaires releasing their tax forms if it included all billionaires, with George Soros in the mix. And everyone else, too while we are at it - I'm looking at you, Nancy Pelosi. If she doesn't want to join the fun, then maybe we should leave the IRS to look at the matter and inform us when there's a problem.

Worst of all is that third provision described in the Axios report. Online voter registation, the bots' paradise? Just say no. Automatic voter registration whether you like it or not? Such as they have in California, which has resulted in tens of thousands of illegally registered non-citizen voters? Way to go - just Californify the whole nation. Paper ballots? What they mean by that is involuntary mail-in ballots, the kind I get without ever asking for them here in California - which is precisely what enables ballot-harvesting by foreign nationals in California's election. Given the potential for fraud with electronic systems, paper ballots sound all so very nice, but we all know how Democrats use them to their advantage in California -- they were ahead of all of us. An end to voter-roll purging? After people have moved and registered elsewhere, but the mail-in ballots are still appearing at their mailboxes as the ballot-harvesters watch election returns and check voter rolls to see who hasn't voted? Such a huge recipe for fraud. Inactive voters should be thrown out immediately. Judicial Watc had to sue Los Angeles, home of the nation's largest concentration of illegal immigrants, to force the county to purge its massive, 1.5-million-strong inactive voter roll tally, given its potential for ballot-box stuffing.

As for partisan gerrymandering, yes, bad stuff, but since when has an independent commission ever been independent? Democrats will stack those things and call them 'independent.' To heck with that, far better to just elect people who will have to answer to the voters for sneaky maneuvers made. The voters are the only truly independent commission.

Bloomberg dismisses the bill contemptuously as a 'dead-end' bill because it has no chance of passing the Senate or being signed by President Trump. That's fair enough. But given that Democrats are laying out what they stand for by it, it also serves as a warning of what they really have in mind should they take power. This is it - the full Californification of U.S. electoral politics to ensure that the entire U.S. becomes a permanently blue state, based on tactics duplicated from Mexico's PRI party, the one Mario Vargas Llosa described as "the perfect dictatorship" given that it ruled unopposed in what was billed as a 'democracy' for more than 70 years.

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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

House to vote on sweeping anti-corruption package

California and Los Angeles County to Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters from Voter Rolls – Settle Judicial Watch Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch
I don't agree that people should be forced to vote, or automatically registered to vote. Many don't ever want to vote and they shouldn't be forced to.
Screw the legal US Citizen...

This bitch needs to be tried for treason.. When are we the people going to start holding these people to their oaths of office? Giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

I've been saying this for years.
California established the precedent....and Democrats in Washington want to make it federal law.

Legal voter fraud.
This is why Democrats are becoming more transparent with their socialist ideology. They feel they can just create votes by using California style voter laws at the federal level. Nancy Pelosi has created what she calls an anti-corruption bill, H.R. 1 which is dressed up as an attack on Trump, but really is much more:


March 4, 2019
House Democrats' H.R. 1 is the ballot harvester's delight
By Monica Showalter
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has cooked up something new for Monday morning, a so-called "sweeping anti-corruption package" communistically titled the "For the People Act." or H.R. 1, which pretty much seeks to bring the California model of politics to the rest of the states in terms of rigging elections. A more accurate title for this nasty brew would be the "Ballot Harvester's Delight Bill of 2019." Or as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put it, "The Democrat Politician Protection Plan."

Here's how bad it is, according to center-left Axios:

The bill's key provisions:

  • Campaign finance: Create a small donor, matching-fund system for congressional and presidential candidates; expand the prohibition of foreign political donations; require super PACs and "dark money" political groups to make their donors public; and restructure the Federal Election Commission.
  • Ethics: Mandate that presidents and vice presidents release 10 years of their tax returns; create an ethics code for the Supreme Court; and bar members of Congress from serving on corporate boards.
  • Voting rights: Allow citizens to register to vote online and be registered automatically; require paper ballots in federal elections; make Election Day a federal holiday; prohibit voter roll purging; and end partisan gerrymandering by having independent commissions redraw congressional districts.
The matching fund system is disgusting all by itself, enabling leftists to not have to raise campaign money to hold onto office even after presenting a raft of bad ideas. Imagine Ilhan Omar getting free taxpayer money to buy television ads and take advantage of her name-recognition (bad as it is) to hold onto her congressional seat. Free money for pols to advertise themselves on television or in other matters always ensures that they'll find a way to get more of it. I always vote 'no' on that little tax box for the donation of a dollar of taxes to presidential campaigns and the fact that most of us do pretty well tells us how unpopular that idea is.

But it gets worse, far worse. The tax returns item is obviously aimed at President Trump because he made a lot of money in business before he became president, and as such amounts to a shot against him alone. Most us would be fine with billionaires releasing their tax forms if it included all billionaires, with George Soros in the mix. And everyone else, too while we are at it - I'm looking at you, Nancy Pelosi. If she doesn't want to join the fun, then maybe we should leave the IRS to look at the matter and inform us when there's a problem.

Worst of all is that third provision described in the Axios report. Online voter registation, the bots' paradise? Just say no. Automatic voter registration whether you like it or not? Such as they have in California, which has resulted in tens of thousands of illegally registered non-citizen voters? Way to go - just Californify the whole nation. Paper ballots? What they mean by that is involuntary mail-in ballots, the kind I get without ever asking for them here in California - which is precisely what enables ballot-harvesting by foreign nationals in California's election. Given the potential for fraud with electronic systems, paper ballots sound all so very nice, but we all know how Democrats use them to their advantage in California -- they were ahead of all of us. An end to voter-roll purging? After people have moved and registered elsewhere, but the mail-in ballots are still appearing at their mailboxes as the ballot-harvesters watch election returns and check voter rolls to see who hasn't voted? Such a huge recipe for fraud. Inactive voters should be thrown out immediately. Judicial Watc had to sue Los Angeles, home of the nation's largest concentration of illegal immigrants, to force the county to purge its massive, 1.5-million-strong inactive voter roll tally, given its potential for ballot-box stuffing.

As for partisan gerrymandering, yes, bad stuff, but since when has an independent commission ever been independent? Democrats will stack those things and call them 'independent.' To heck with that, far better to just elect people who will have to answer to the voters for sneaky maneuvers made. The voters are the only truly independent commission.

Bloomberg dismisses the bill contemptuously as a 'dead-end' bill because it has no chance of passing the Senate or being signed by President Trump. That's fair enough. But given that Democrats are laying out what they stand for by it, it also serves as a warning of what they really have in mind should they take power. This is it - the full Californification of U.S. electoral politics to ensure that the entire U.S. becomes a permanently blue state, based on tactics duplicated from Mexico's PRI party, the one Mario Vargas Llosa described as "the perfect dictatorship" given that it ruled unopposed in what was billed as a 'democracy' for more than 70 years.

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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

House to vote on sweeping anti-corruption package

California and Los Angeles County to Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters from Voter Rolls – Settle Judicial Watch Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch
^ scared that more people will vote, scared that foreign money won’t flood into Trump’s campaign again, scared that massive, secretive political organizations won’t be able to swing elections out of the hands of the peasantry.
It's gonna take a revolution to get our country back. Too many people are ignorant, complacent, on public assistance, here illegally, or think that socialism means free shit.
Anti-corruption laws always trigger conservatives. That was the point of presenting it, to demonstrate how dependent on corruption modern conservatives are.
If that's what they really was we would welcome it. But since it is simply more corruption you welcome it.
If that's what they really was we would welcome it. But since it is simply more corruption you welcome it.

Let me summarize it for you.

Ends dark money by requiring Super PACs to make their donors public
Create a government 6-to-1 match for small donations, to encourage candidates getting donations from people instead of lobbyists.
Imposes lobbying registration requirements and provide more oversight of foreign agents
Sets up nonpartisan redistricting commissions to end partisan gerrymandering
Non-binding resolution of support for D.C. statehood
New rules and prohibitions on presidential transition teams and inaugural committees
Allowing campaign funds for some personal costs like health insurance and child care, to make running for office easier for people who aren't rich
Same-day and automatic voter registration and an allowance for states to lower the voter registration age (not the voting age) to 16
Allowing universities to handle voter registrations
Requiring paper ballots in federal elections
Prepaid postage on absentee ballots
Making lying to voters about voting processes — locations, dates, eligibility to vote—within 60 days of an election a crime
Requiring public-facing websites with 50 million or more unique visitors a month to maintain a record of advertisers whose aggregate purchase requests exceed $500 per year
Requiring online public disclosure of congressionally mandated reports

That all looks to be anti-corruption. What part of it are you saying is secretly corrupt? Any conservatives, feel free to chime in on what anti-corruption laws offend you most.
Anti-corruption laws always trigger conservatives. That was the point of presenting it, to demonstrate how dependent on corruption modern conservatives are.
They call it an anti-corruption law to disguise the true purpose of the bill.

It's like the ACA...."AFFORDABLE CARE ACT".
Total horse shit.
It never did anything to make health care affordable.
What it did do was increase the costs of health care and massively increase he paperwork involved in filing your taxes.
'NancyPants' is too long in the tooth and way over her skies on this one.
I got a better idea, Mamooth. One man one vote. Thumbprint and eyescans. Anyone trying to scam the vote system goes to prison and fasts for 3 days to start. Twenty years later he has to pay the room, board, and service fees his incarceration incurred on this nation plus $100,000 for the heinous crime he or she committed. All voting rights for life are cancelled.

Next case!
I got a better idea, Mamooth. One man one vote.
Seems you've been snookered again. Really wanna "Make America Great Again"? Wake up. When you cry about "Voter Fraud" you're engaged in fraud. Crying fake tears over Fake News. As always, the significant issue and crime remains Election Fraud. Nothing to do with the voters.Tampering with other's votes after the fact and interfering with their "One man one vote" rights to begin with are the problem. If you gave a crap you'd read and listen to independent / non-corporate sponsored news instead of just regurgitating this swill from paid hacks and liars.
This is why Democrats are becoming more transparent with their socialist ideology. They feel they can just create votes by using California style voter laws at the federal level. Nancy Pelosi has created what she calls an anti-corruption bill, H.R. 1 which is dressed up as an attack on Trump, but really is much more:


March 4, 2019
House Democrats' H.R. 1 is the ballot harvester's delight
By Monica Showalter
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has cooked up something new for Monday morning, a so-called "sweeping anti-corruption package" communistically titled the "For the People Act." or H.R. 1, which pretty much seeks to bring the California model of politics to the rest of the states in terms of rigging elections. A more accurate title for this nasty brew would be the "Ballot Harvester's Delight Bill of 2019." Or as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put it, "The Democrat Politician Protection Plan."

Here's how bad it is, according to center-left Axios:

The bill's key provisions:

  • Campaign finance: Create a small donor, matching-fund system for congressional and presidential candidates; expand the prohibition of foreign political donations; require super PACs and "dark money" political groups to make their donors public; and restructure the Federal Election Commission.
  • Ethics: Mandate that presidents and vice presidents release 10 years of their tax returns; create an ethics code for the Supreme Court; and bar members of Congress from serving on corporate boards.
  • Voting rights: Allow citizens to register to vote online and be registered automatically; require paper ballots in federal elections; make Election Day a federal holiday; prohibit voter roll purging; and end partisan gerrymandering by having independent commissions redraw congressional districts.
The matching fund system is disgusting all by itself, enabling leftists to not have to raise campaign money to hold onto office even after presenting a raft of bad ideas. Imagine Ilhan Omar getting free taxpayer money to buy television ads and take advantage of her name-recognition (bad as it is) to hold onto her congressional seat. Free money for pols to advertise themselves on television or in other matters always ensures that they'll find a way to get more of it. I always vote 'no' on that little tax box for the donation of a dollar of taxes to presidential campaigns and the fact that most of us do pretty well tells us how unpopular that idea is.

But it gets worse, far worse. The tax returns item is obviously aimed at President Trump because he made a lot of money in business before he became president, and as such amounts to a shot against him alone. Most us would be fine with billionaires releasing their tax forms if it included all billionaires, with George Soros in the mix. And everyone else, too while we are at it - I'm looking at you, Nancy Pelosi. If she doesn't want to join the fun, then maybe we should leave the IRS to look at the matter and inform us when there's a problem.

Worst of all is that third provision described in the Axios report. Online voter registation, the bots' paradise? Just say no. Automatic voter registration whether you like it or not? Such as they have in California, which has resulted in tens of thousands of illegally registered non-citizen voters? Way to go - just Californify the whole nation. Paper ballots? What they mean by that is involuntary mail-in ballots, the kind I get without ever asking for them here in California - which is precisely what enables ballot-harvesting by foreign nationals in California's election. Given the potential for fraud with electronic systems, paper ballots sound all so very nice, but we all know how Democrats use them to their advantage in California -- they were ahead of all of us. An end to voter-roll purging? After people have moved and registered elsewhere, but the mail-in ballots are still appearing at their mailboxes as the ballot-harvesters watch election returns and check voter rolls to see who hasn't voted? Such a huge recipe for fraud. Inactive voters should be thrown out immediately. Judicial Watc had to sue Los Angeles, home of the nation's largest concentration of illegal immigrants, to force the county to purge its massive, 1.5-million-strong inactive voter roll tally, given its potential for ballot-box stuffing.

As for partisan gerrymandering, yes, bad stuff, but since when has an independent commission ever been independent? Democrats will stack those things and call them 'independent.' To heck with that, far better to just elect people who will have to answer to the voters for sneaky maneuvers made. The voters are the only truly independent commission.

Bloomberg dismisses the bill contemptuously as a 'dead-end' bill because it has no chance of passing the Senate or being signed by President Trump. That's fair enough. But given that Democrats are laying out what they stand for by it, it also serves as a warning of what they really have in mind should they take power. This is it - the full Californification of U.S. electoral politics to ensure that the entire U.S. becomes a permanently blue state, based on tactics duplicated from Mexico's PRI party, the one Mario Vargas Llosa described as "the perfect dictatorship" given that it ruled unopposed in what was billed as a 'democracy' for more than 70 years.

More Links
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

House to vote on sweeping anti-corruption package

California and Los Angeles County to Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters from Voter Rolls – Settle Judicial Watch Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch
^ scared that more people will vote, scared that foreign money won’t flood into Trump’s campaign again, scared that massive, secretive political organizations won’t be able to swing elections out of the hands of the peasantry.

The removal of or purging of voters who no longer have the right to vote in an Election where their vote would be counted based on their residence is just common sense. The Dems in California count votes from people who don't even live there anymore
If that's what they really was we would welcome it. But since it is simply more corruption you welcome it.

Let me summarize it for you.

Ends dark money by requiring Super PACs to make their donors public
Create a government 6-to-1 match for small donations, to encourage candidates getting donations from people instead of lobbyists.
Imposes lobbying registration requirements and provide more oversight of foreign agents
Sets up nonpartisan redistricting commissions to end partisan gerrymandering
Non-binding resolution of support for D.C. statehood
New rules and prohibitions on presidential transition teams and inaugural committees
Allowing campaign funds for some personal costs like health insurance and child care, to make running for office easier for people who aren't rich
Same-day and automatic voter registration and an allowance for states to lower the voter registration age (not the voting age) to 16
Allowing universities to handle voter registrations
Requiring paper ballots in federal elections
Prepaid postage on absentee ballots
Making lying to voters about voting processes — locations, dates, eligibility to vote—within 60 days of an election a crime
Requiring public-facing websites with 50 million or more unique visitors a month to maintain a record of advertisers whose aggregate purchase requests exceed $500 per year
Requiring online public disclosure of congressionally mandated reports

That all looks to be anti-corruption. What part of it are you saying is secretly corrupt? Any conservatives, feel free to chime in on what anti-corruption laws offend you most.
Okay let's start, same day and automatic registration. Political party's could hoard votes in an Election they are Winning or losing soundly and direct the voters hey have hoarded to go and register and vote in another area where the votes are most needed. Voters can claim they just moved there yesterday but need to vote. Stupid Idea! would be wrought with fraud and abuse, Probably on both sides, and it would never pass in Congress or Senate.

Allowing Universities to handle registrations. Out sourcing Voter registration duties is also stupid ! Fill out Voter registration. University then determines who's registrations are filed. The prove who you are and where you live system works fine.If not what's the problem with it. If voter Fraud is the issue then closer oversight of who is permitted to vote seems to be legitimate answer. I can't think of to many Legal American citizens who don't have ID or can't prove where they live. You need some form of identification for the things you do everyday. Only Illegals can't get ID,or vote I get it! so does everyone else!
It's gonna take a revolution to get our country back. Too many people are ignorant, complacent, on public assistance, here illegally, or think that socialism means free shit.

Sheeple of the left rise up and come get your free shit. We're going to take over the Energy and Manufacturing, Agriculture and Communications industries. We will take control and you will have to have a job to be entitled to the free "shit" that we are now willing to give you. You will work for a Govt run collective industry and be given a monthly allowance you won't be able to own a vehicle, cell phone, or listen to or watch anything that is not approved by the Govt "for your own good ". We will control the Media and the Courts and pass legislation to keep ourselves in Power indefinitely because the people are to ignorant to make decisions on their own. All the Idiots who voted us into office and don't want to work will be rounded up and moved into labor jobs for infrastructure projects to earn their allowance. Unable to work we have a really good Health care plan for you. It's called oh well sucks to be you, you contribute nothing to the Common good, Sorry we lied! :1peleas:
YouTube is hiding what's in this bill. If you try to see a video of it they direct you everywhere else.
They want to pass it before we see what's in it.......

H.R. 1 Is Nothing But a Power Grab Designed to Elect Democrats

H.R. 1 Is Nothing But a Power Grab Designed to Elect Democrats

House Resolution 1 should really be called the ‘Fill the Swamp Act.’ This crooked piece of legislation would mandate a colossal takeover of the state election process to empower big government liberals and corporate interests. So, of course, Democrats are trying to force it through.

It seems every year that passes more and more power is shifted away from the people and into the hands of a wealthy, elite few in Washington. These politicians and bureaucrats love micromanaging more and more of our everyday lives. From our roads and bridges, our firearms, our relationships with our doctors, our elementary schools, our farms and even our toilets, these freedom and federalism hating politicians cannot help themselves from interfering with Americans’ choices.

But now, on top of all that, they want to dictate how states run their elections? They want to tell Tennessee to enact same-day voter registration, with no time for verification? They want to tell Tennessee we cannot require IDs to be shown at the polls, increasing the likelihood of fraud? They want to tell Tennessee that some unaccountable commission must draw its districts? They want to tell Tennessee it must subsidize far-left candidates in other states with taxpayer money?

How dare they try to strip Tennessee of its autonomy. H.R. 1 is nothing other than a power-grab designed to elect Democrats that will give the federal government even more power. This bill is wrong, and the American people deserve to know.

Democrats are shopping it under the auspices of being concerned about voter fraud. Welcome to the party – Republicans have been raising concerns with deceased folks voting for years. If fraud is really a concern, then let’s allow states to require voter identification.

But no, that’s not really what they are after. They’d welcome fraud if it benefited them. After all, we’ve heard Democrats wail for one and a half years about widespread election meddling by foreign actors. But their words ring hollow -- If Democrats want to cut down on foreign interference in our elections, then why are they allowing illegal aliens to vote?

The fact is there is no constitutional authority for the federal government to seize control of Tennessee or any other state’s election process.
I got a better idea, Mamooth. One man one vote.

That's the core Democratic position, and it's position you oppose fanatically, being that you bust your butts to first make sure Democrats can't vote, then you bust your butt to make sure Democratic votes aren't counted.

Why do you despise the "one man, one vote" principle so much? Why do you fight so hard against it?

Oh, that's right. You know you'll lose if you don't cheat, so you devote your life to finding more and better ways to cheat.

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