MYPillow Wants FBI To Give Back His Phone


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Mike Lindell had his phone seized by the FBI.
He is under investigation and is now suing to get his phone back.

"Attorneys for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have released the search warrant that FBI investigators used to seize the Trump ally's cell phone, showing agents took the CEO and high-profile election denier's phone as part of an investigation into whether Lindell and others may have violated three federal statutes through an alleged election security breach in Colorado."

"According to the search warrant, which was uploaded to the court docket in Lindell’s lawsuit against the FBI Wednesday after some of its contents were first reported by news outlets, Lindell is listed as one of seven subjects in the federal government’s investigation, along with Mesa County, Colorado, election clerk Tina Peters—who has already been indicted by state prosecutors—and other election workers and right-wing allies.

"Attorneys for the pillow magnate filed a new motion Thursday seeking the return of his phone, arguing that losing access to the device has harmed his business and his personal health because he relies on it for his hearing aids"

"Except for face-to-face communications, I have depended on my cellphone for many years as my exclusive means of communication in my business and personal dealings," Lindell claimed. "On my cellphone, I have passwords for specific apps and for my company financial accounts (e.g. to wire funds) that are not stored anywhere else (including the cloud)."

"Not having my cellphone has already damaged my ability to conduct my business. I typically receive and send hundreds of text messages a day. For that reason, the data collected on my cellphone is exceptionally voluminous and multifarious. My hearing aids are also tied to this cellphone."

Mike Lindell had his phone seized by the FBI.
He is under investigation and is now suing to get his phone back.

"Attorneys for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have released the search warrant that FBI investigators used to seize the Trump ally's cell phone, showing agents took the CEO and high-profile election denier's phone as part of an investigation into whether Lindell and others may have violated three federal statutes through an alleged election security breach in Colorado."

"According to the search warrant, which was uploaded to the court docket in Lindell’s lawsuit against the FBI Wednesday after some of its contents were first reported by news outlets, Lindell is listed as one of seven subjects in the federal government’s investigation, along with Mesa County, Colorado, election clerk Tina Peters—who has already been indicted by state prosecutors—and other election workers and right-wing allies.

"Attorneys for the pillow magnate filed a new motion Thursday seeking the return of his phone, arguing that losing access to the device has harmed his business and his personal health because he relies on it for his hearing aids"

"Except for face-to-face communications, I have depended on my cellphone for many years as my exclusive means of communication in my business and personal dealings," Lindell claimed. "On my cellphone, I have passwords for specific apps and for my company financial accounts (e.g. to wire funds) that are not stored anywhere else (including the cloud)."

"Not having my cellphone has already damaged my ability to conduct my business. I typically receive and send hundreds of text messages a day. For that reason, the data collected on my cellphone is exceptionally voluminous and multifarious. My hearing aids are also tied to this cellphone."

That's good. Making him busy will keep him out of trouble for a while. Install Roblox on his phone before giving it back so he has something to do instead of tantrumming.
He is under investigation and is now suing to get his phone back.

Actually, he is not personally under investigation.

Even your sources admits that, if you follow the links through. :rolleyes:


I don't know why you folks don't READ, you only bleev what you want to bleev, rather than empirical reality.
Mike Lindell had his phone seized by the FBI.
He is under investigation and is now suing to get his phone back.

"Attorneys for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have released the search warrant that FBI investigators used to seize the Trump ally's cell phone, showing agents took the CEO and high-profile election denier's phone as part of an investigation into whether Lindell and others may have violated three federal statutes through an alleged election security breach in Colorado."

"According to the search warrant, which was uploaded to the court docket in Lindell’s lawsuit against the FBI Wednesday after some of its contents were first reported by news outlets, Lindell is listed as one of seven subjects in the federal government’s investigation, along with Mesa County, Colorado, election clerk Tina Peters—who has already been indicted by state prosecutors—and other election workers and right-wing allies.

"Attorneys for the pillow magnate filed a new motion Thursday seeking the return of his phone, arguing that losing access to the device has harmed his business and his personal health because he relies on it for his hearing aids"

"Except for face-to-face communications, I have depended on my cellphone for many years as my exclusive means of communication in my business and personal dealings," Lindell claimed. "On my cellphone, I have passwords for specific apps and for my company financial accounts (e.g. to wire funds) that are not stored anywhere else (including the cloud)."

"Not having my cellphone has already damaged my ability to conduct my business. I typically receive and send hundreds of text messages a day. For that reason, the data collected on my cellphone is exceptionally voluminous and multifarious. My hearing aids are also tied to this cellphone."

Actually, he is not personally under investigation.

Even your sources admits that, if you follow the links through. :rolleyes:

View attachment 699882

I don't know why you folks don't READ, you only bleev what you want to bleev, rather than empirical reality.

There's more... Like identity theft and tampering with election equipment. The moron posted information on his website that he had no legal access to.
Actually, he is not personally under investigation.

Even your sources admits that, if you follow the links through. :rolleyes:

View attachment 699882

I don't know why you folks don't READ, you only bleev what you want to bleev, rather than empirical reality.

Under or part of. He is involved.
Mike Lindell had his phone seized by the FBI.
He is under investigation and is now suing to get his phone back.

"Attorneys for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have released the search warrant that FBI investigators used to seize the Trump ally's cell phone, showing agents took the CEO and high-profile election denier's phone as part of an investigation into whether Lindell and others may have violated three federal statutes through an alleged election security breach in Colorado."

"According to the search warrant, which was uploaded to the court docket in Lindell’s lawsuit against the FBI Wednesday after some of its contents were first reported by news outlets, Lindell is listed as one of seven subjects in the federal government’s investigation, along with Mesa County, Colorado, election clerk Tina Peters—who has already been indicted by state prosecutors—and other election workers and right-wing allies.

"Attorneys for the pillow magnate filed a new motion Thursday seeking the return of his phone, arguing that losing access to the device has harmed his business and his personal health because he relies on it for his hearing aids"

"Except for face-to-face communications, I have depended on my cellphone for many years as my exclusive means of communication in my business and personal dealings," Lindell claimed. "On my cellphone, I have passwords for specific apps and for my company financial accounts (e.g. to wire funds) that are not stored anywhere else (including the cloud)."

"Not having my cellphone has already damaged my ability to conduct my business. I typically receive and send hundreds of text messages a day. For that reason, the data collected on my cellphone is exceptionally voluminous and multifarious. My hearing aids are also tied to this cellphone."

Under investigation for????? You do realize by attacking the political opposition it weakens the stability of the FBI? I had an great uncle who criticized FDR the FBI came after him he told them to eat shit and die.
Under or part of. He is involved.
There's more... Like identity theft and tampering with election equipment. The moron posted information on his website that he had no legal access to.

Heaven forbid the nation know the facts and truth. :rolleyes:


Prosecute the MF for exposing corruption and threatening the illegitimacy of the current administration.


I never thought I would see the day that supposed liberals and leftists would be standing up for the rights of huge corporations.

. . . oh the pitiful hypocrisy of corruption.

When my child would misbehave, I would sometimes take her phone for a few days. It was effective in preventing her from acting like a spoiled little shit. It doesn't seem to be working as well on Mike Pillow. Perhaps he isn't as mature as she was.

Heaven forbid the nation know the facts and truth. :rolleyes:


Prosecute the MF for exposing corruption and threatening the illegitimacy of the current administration.


I never thought I would see the day that supposed liberals and leftists would be standing up for the rights of huge corporations.

. . . oh the pitiful hypocrisy of corruption.


Either you obey the law or you don't whether you're a private citizen, a politician or a corporation.
He has another phone.

I know because my wife gets daily text from him letting her know about some speical my pillow deal.
When my child would misbehave, I would sometimes take her phone for a few days. It was effective in preventing her from acting like a spoiled little shit. It doesn't seem to be working as well on Mike Pillow. Perhaps he isn't as mature as she was.
He has the FBI in a sweat. Why do you think that is?
Either you obey the law or you don't whether you're a private citizen, a politician or a corporation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Find a lawyer with balls and sue the FBI... they will give back the phone.... no one fights back and so they feel they can do anything....

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