Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant

Patriot Act and wireless wiretapping? I'll bet you voted for it.

FBI always serves their warrants "pre-dawn", which it's not. It's actually just after dawn because people are still home but light enough to see what they're doing.

Don't you want the truth to come out?

Why not?

Because you believe Trump is guilty. If you didn't, you would be yelling for this investigation.

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Apparently they had probable cause.
How is that apparent?

He had to go to a judge with information which made the case for probable cause to get the warrant. That's how.

That doesn't mean he had such information. Your assumption that a leftwing judge wouldn't approve a worthless warrant doesn't pass the laugh test.

It means exactly that. I am assuming nothing. You are doing all the assuming here. .
ROFL! One thing I don't need to assume is the fact that you're an idiot.


If I am an idiot, you are mindless.
I doubt the actual link would be available.

But trump's lawyers made this statement:

"Dowd said that among the documents obtained by FBI agents were "privileged and confidential materials prepared for Mr. Manafort by his counsel to aid him in his cooperation with the Congressional committees," according to Fox News.

"These failures by Special Counsel to exhaust less intrusive methods is a fatal flaw in the warrant process and would call for a Motion to Suppress the fruits of the search," he wrote."

Dude, you don't have to put a code section in a search warrant or anything else beyond an indictment. As UnoriginalTree's link actually pointed out, a warrant has to clearly specify what is suspected to be there to be seized and how that is relevant to a suspected criminal violation. However, Mueller is actually tasked to investigate what contacts Russia had with the Trump campaign, and that need not be a criminal investigation of Trump, although at this point I think we all know Mueller is looking into whether actual laws were broken.
If no crime is involved then they don't have a justification for a warrant.

4th Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Apparently they had probable cause.
Or not

There would have been no FBI going into t hat house had there not been probable cause.
Once again, that's pure horseshit. How can there be probable cause when they haven't even list the crime that are investigating? Your gullibility and worship of authority is duly noted.
Also, you're wrong about the judge handing over a search warrant without very strong evidence of wrongdoing.

To quote you, that's not what the US is about.

Sent from my iPad using
The FBI pulled this same stunt when the conducted the Waco raid. It's nothing new for them.

It's a Republican-created agency (Herbert Hoover) that was directed by a Republican (James Comey) before a Republican (Christopher Wray) was appointed recently to take his place.
Still not happy, bubby? Oh poor little thing. You're so fucked up.
Still waiting for him to point out the Dem in this Republican investigation.
All the people working for Mewler are Dims, you witless baboon.

I doubt that. Mueller is a republican. You need to stop believing Trumps lies.
That's just a plain fact, moron, and Mewler changed his registration to "independent."

It's very telling that RWs don't believe a Republican can or would conduct an honest investigation.

Sent from my iPad using
It's a Republican-created agency (Herbert Hoover) that was directed by a Republican (James Comey) before a Republican (Christopher Wray) was appointed recently to take his place.
Still not happy, bubby? Oh poor little thing. You're so fucked up.
Still waiting for him to point out the Dem in this Republican investigation.
All the people working for Mewler are Dims, you witless baboon.

I doubt that. Mueller is a republican. You need to stop believing Trumps lies.
That's just a plain fact, moron, and Mewler changed his registration to "independent."

It's very telling that RWs don't believe a Republican can or would conduct an honest investigation.

Sent from my iPad using
If he's conducting an honest investigation, then why does he have only Democrats on his staff?
Also, you're wrong about the judge handing over a search warrant without very strong evidence of wrongdoing.

To quote you, that's not what the US is about.

Sent from my iPad using
Our government cease reflecting the principles this country was founded on over 100 years ago. Now it is thoroughly corrupt. It's run for by the powerful for the benefit of the powerful. These are the final days of the Empire.


Had they found something, Mueller & Comey would have leaked the RAID and what they found like a menstruating bitch on her period to THE MEDIA!

SO Y'all can fuck off, and decrease the surplus population!
The FBI pulled this same stunt when the conducted the Waco raid. It's nothing new for them.

It's a Republican-created agency (Herbert Hoover) that was directed by a Republican (James Comey) before a Republican (Christopher Wray) was appointed recently to take his place.
Still not happy, bubby? Oh poor little thing. You're so fucked up.
Still waiting for him to point out the Dem in this Republican investigation.
All the people working for Mewler are Dims, you witless baboon.
Link? Proof of party affiliation? Should Mueller (R) hire Ivanka to even things out?

That's why Melania sat in to that "meeting" at the golf course.

All first ladies have pet causes. Michelle's was child obesity and jobs and housing for vets. Since she brings so much experience to the job, Melania's is "Covering Her Husband's Enormous Fat Ass".

Sent from my iPad using
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant

Patriot Act and wireless wiretapping? I'll bet you voted for it.

FBI always serves their warrants "pre-dawn", which it's not. It's actually just after dawn because people are still home but light enough to see what they're doing.

Don't you want the truth to come out?

Why not?

Because you believe Trump is guilty. If you didn't, you would be yelling for this investigation.

Sent from my iPad using
What Truth? Your Truth?

Or the Truth that 18 months of Illegal Surveillance and a year of Investigations by 6 different groups who in conjunction with several of Obama's heads of various intelligence agencies who said that there was No Evidence of Russian Collusion.

Based on that, I'd have to say Your Truth is a pack of lies and you know it.

And the investigation is a witch hunt and you could care less.

If you cared about Truth and Justice you'd not have given Clinton a pass on Lying about what she did and destroying evidence.with the consent and help of James Comey.
On Ignore Ghost.

The FBI pulled this same stunt when the conducted the Waco raid. It's nothing new for them.

It's a Republican-created agency (Herbert Hoover) that was directed by a Republican (James Comey) before a Republican (Christopher Wray) was appointed recently to take his place.
Still not happy, bubby? Oh poor little thing. You're so fucked up.
Still waiting for him to point out the Dem in this Republican investigation.
All the people working for Mewler are Dims, you witless baboon.
Link? Proof of party affiliation? Should Mueller (R) hire Ivanka to even things out?

That's why Melania sat in to that "meeting" at the golf course.

All first ladies have pet causes. Michelle's was child obesity and jobs and housing for vets. Since she brings so much experience to the job, Melania's is "Covering Her Husband's Enormous Fat Ass".

Sent from my iPad using
Even the good book talks about the fall of Great Nations as they descend in to moral corruption and how in the last days how people will delight in lies and evil sayings and false accusations, sexual perversions, murder, abuse and homosexuality.

Also, you're wrong about the judge handing over a search warrant without very strong evidence of wrongdoing.

To quote you, that's not what the US is about.

Sent from my iPad using
Our government cease reflecting the principles this country was founded on over 100 years ago. Now it is thoroughly corrupt. It's run for by the powerful for the benefit of the powerful. These are the final days of the Empire.
Last edited:
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
He's a god damn republican you fucking monkey!

If there was nothing there Mueller wouldn't be wasting his time

If you can't tell by now, clearly there is something there with this russia case. And it is clear that the Trump camp is obstructing. If they weren't then why did the FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home?

He's a RINO, at best.
In other words he isn't a loyal partisan hacks. Only one of those would have made you happy. Nixon wanted that too. The similarities are eerie
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
He's a god damn republican you fucking monkey!

If there was nothing there Mueller wouldn't be wasting his time

If you can't tell by now, clearly there is something there with this russia case. And it is clear that the Trump camp is obstructing. If they weren't then why did the FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home?

He's a RINO, at best.
In other words he isn't a loyal partisan hacks. Only one of those would have made you happy. Nixon wanted that too. The similarities are eerie
He's not a conservative Republican, dumbass. He has no principles other than promoting his own career.
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
He's a god damn republican you fucking monkey!

If there was nothing there Mueller wouldn't be wasting his time

If you can't tell by now, clearly there is something there with this russia case. And it is clear that the Trump camp is obstructing. If they weren't then why did the FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home?

He's a RINO, at best.
In other words he isn't a loyal partisan hacks. Only one of those would have made you happy. Nixon wanted that too. The similarities are eerie
He's not a conservative Republican, dumbass. He has no principles other than promoting his own career.
Only Rudy giulliani would have pleased you. Someone who like you would give up the investigation because the evidence shows collusion with Russia.

Truth is you know they colluded and you don't care
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
He's a god damn republican you fucking monkey!

If there was nothing there Mueller wouldn't be wasting his time

If you can't tell by now, clearly there is something there with this russia case. And it is clear that the Trump camp is obstructing. If they weren't then why did the FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home?

He's a RINO, at best.
In other words he isn't a loyal partisan hacks. Only one of those would have made you happy. Nixon wanted that too. The similarities are eerie
He's not a conservative Republican, dumbass. He has no principles other than promoting his own career.
Only Rudy giulliani would have pleased you. Someone who like you would give up the investigation because the evidence shows collusion with Russia.

Truth is you know they colluded and you don't care
Giuliani is far too liberal for me.
If he wasn't conducting an honest investigation then why did he have to conduct a raid on a false warrant the day after being given 20,000 documents?

It's not like he deleted 33,000 documents. Manafort was cooperating.

Still waiting for him to point out the Dem in this Republican investigation.
All the people working for Mewler are Dims, you witless baboon.

I doubt that. Mueller is a republican. You need to stop believing Trumps lies.
That's just a plain fact, moron, and Mewler changed his registration to "independent."

It's very telling that RWs don't believe a Republican can or would conduct an honest investigation.

Sent from my iPad using
If he's conducting an honest investigation, then why does he have only Democrats on his staff?
I agree. It is one step in the process. Once evidence is collected, however, the crime may change in a complaint, or indictment by a Grand Jury. Do you agree with that?

nope not at all. one needs a crime to request a warrant. Don't you live in the US? why are you for illegal searches and seizures? holy crap the countries in trouble if you think a cop can just walk in your house with no actual crime.

One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.

That's not a crime, moron. It's no more criminal than me having dinner with my in-laws. You idiots have been told that over and over and over, but you keep treating it as if it's a crime. What that shows is that you don't give a crap about truth or the facts. You have all earned the sobriquet "douche bag."

Fuck you. Not only can you not read with understanding, your propensity to call others morons strongly suggests you were called stupid too often in your formative years. Four dunce hats for this post.
Trump should look into why everyone tied to the Clintons kill themselves and see if he can get Mueller do the same :biggrin:

To date, Rosenstein (An OBAMA APPOINTEE) is running THE DOJ because Jeff Sessions stepped out of the way.

To date, McCabe (An Obama Appointee) is still deputy director of THE FBI and because of THE INVESTIGATION and because it started during THE OBAMA REGIME, McCabe is running THE FBI along with MUELLER.

Even the fired head of the DC VA hospital was rehired by some flakey "Merit Board" after The Trump Administration fired him for incompetence, and for not being able to account for millions of dollars in missing medical equipment, and will have to be fired under the new law Congress passed.

That's the left's "resistance" and how deep rooted and virulent it is.

TO DATE, RICE, POWERS, LYNCH, LERNER, KOSKINEN, HOLDER, COMEY still have their security clearances and access to classified intel.

You may think you have a NEW ADMINISTRATION, but Obama is in Washington DC for a reason. He is still running our Government through his proxies.

Let's face it, Mueller was not "Solicited" to be appointed by disgraced and fired James Comey to actually investigate anything about ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION as it was proven there was none.

He is there to protect the Democrat Party, to sweep their crimes under the rug, to create a diversion and help to continue the attack on The Trump Administration and undermine them, and to stop James Comey and Hillary Clinton from going to stop President Trump from cleaning up The Corruption in THE FBI and DOJ.

Mueller was appointed by Obama Appointee RosenShitz to protect The Obama Regime, and do all he can to keep the focus off of Rice, Powers, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Lerner, Holder, & Koskinen, but especially Obama Bin Spying.

If Mueller was there to actually investigate RUSSIAN COLLUSION, he'd start with THE DNC SERVER, THE PAKISTANI HACKERS SCHULTZ and CLINTON Hired. He'd want to find out how much DATA The AWAN BROTHERS Stole, and who they sold it to or gave it to, and he'd be asking why THE DNC needed to hire Pakistani Hackers with Criminal Records to work for them and why they gave them Super User Access to Classified Documents, and he'd be asking Why Hillary Clinton needed Schultz to bring her Pakistani Hacker with her to The Clinton Campaign.

He'd then ask that Julian Assange be given temporary asylum and immunity as well as owner, to testify before Congress that SETH RICH gave them the emails.

Then he would SUBPOENA the DNC Server, and have a joint task force headed up by THE NSA, and FBI, With A Trump Administration Hand Picked Cyber Security Expert go over THE DNC SERVER, and then they would give THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE RESULTS OF THEIR FINDINGS AND FULLY DISCLOSE EVERYTHING.

THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IN COLLUSION WITH THE CLINTON CABAL engaged in a coordinated attack on the incoming administration attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.

This is why they daily leaks from the Intelligence Community, Obama Appointees with Security Clearances inside and outside with access to classified information.

To Date, the following Trump Supporters have been attacked and disabled, through unsupported and mostly false allegations:


And others have been attacked but survived

Ivanka Trump
Eric Trump
Jared Kushner
Jeff Sessions

And the attackers and leakers are all Obama Regime holdovers, or ex office holders with security clearances, and many of them should be under criminal investigation

Farkas (actually urged spying on President Trump)
And many many others

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

nope not at all. one needs a crime to request a warrant. Don't you live in the US? why are you for illegal searches and seizures? holy crap the countries in trouble if you think a cop can just walk in your house with no actual crime.

One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.

That's not a crime, moron. It's no more criminal than me having dinner with my in-laws. You idiots have been told that over and over and over, but you keep treating it as if it's a crime. What that shows is that you don't give a crap about truth or the facts. You have all earned the sobriquet "douche bag."

Fuck you. Not only can you not read with understanding, your propensity to call others morons strongly suggests you were called stupid too often in your formative years. Four dunce hats for this post.
nice debate points there bubba. When I thought you were stupid, you come through. thanks! You stil can't back anything you've posted. da, da, da, .....da, da, da, da, da..........................da, da, da, da, da, da,.....da

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