MSNBC Reporter Admits Democratic Base Doesn't Want to Go Back to 'Normal

Masks Now, Masks Forever

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What a ridiculous thread to start. The GOP talking about going back to "normal" while they hold fantasies about a stolen election and attack our Democracy? This was supposed to be funny I`ll assume. :auiqs.jpg:

Hey, you love us because we help you believe that you're superior.
Trump lost fair and square. Stop being a snowflake and deal with it...or show us your evidence of massive fraud. :itsok:
Trump lost...whether fair or not. To be quite honest...I've never wasted time on that election once it happened. When Biden was declared the winner...that was never going to change no matter what they uncovered later. I'm a realist.

As for election laws? All I'm asking for is election results that are trusted by the American people again. I'd like to see valid ID required to vote. My vote is important to me. I don't want to see it cancelled out be someone who's vote shouldn't count! Vote harvesting? Why is that allowed? It's obviously a practice that can be abused. Mailing out ballots to the address of where voters used to live? Again, a practice that can be abused.

We now live in an extremely partisan environment. If you don't want riots from one side or the other every time we have an election it's time to make our elections MORE secure...not less!
Just people's reactions to the new paradigm introduced. The earth plus Covid. Some people deal with it easier than others. Does it bother you in your daily life? I doubt it.
To be honest with you, White...I've NEVER understood what we were doing with Covid! I've never seen us shut down the entire country like we did this time around. It didn't make sense as it was happening and it REALLY doesn't make sense in hindsight!
We should have simply told the elderly and the infirm to stay home and self quarantine. Everyone else should have just gone about their lives as exposed to the virus...built up a resistance and reached herd immunity like we ALWAYS have!
Why we EVER listened to Anthony Fauci baffles me! He's one of the virus "groupies" that thought it would be cool to engineer a virus that highly contagious so that they could study it! He's the LAST guy on the planet that we should have been taking Covid advice from!
To be honest with you, White...I've NEVER understood what we were doing with Covid! I've never seen us shut down the entire country like we did this time around. It didn't make sense as it was happening and it REALLY doesn't make sense in hindsight!
We should have simply told the elderly and the infirm to stay home and self quarantine. Everyone else should have just gone about their lives as exposed to the virus...built up a resistance and reached herd immunity like we ALWAYS have!
Why we EVER listened to Anthony Fauci baffles me! He's one of the virus "groupies" that thought it would be cool to engineer a virus that highly contagious so that they could study it! He's the LAST guy on the planet that we should have been taking Covid advice from!
We've never had it before. Nobody alive remembers a worldwide pandemic and the phases it went through, the unstoppable procession, the variations, the randomness of how some people get it as a mild form, while others get it and go super critical, while riding it out, then not even realizing they needed to be in an ambulance until they drop dead on the lawn and people think you should be able to do something about it, but you can't even make them live long enough for the ambulance to arrive.

I have had many different views. You look back and think, OK he had one of the famous co-morbidities, but you never knew it. Hell, he must not have known. You hear of somebody dying and then hear "well, he was x, y, z, though seemed normal to you, just days earlier. Do most people know if they have one or more of the famous co-morbidities? After 2 years, I am pretty tired of hearing the phrase.

I am not too sure about the foretold herd immunity, more or less believing in the new paradigm.

What are people doing with it? The best they can, collectively and individually according to their own perceptions. I don't call the shots and neither do you. I have had it, beat it, and not particularly a special physical specimen. I have and will take precautions when they may do some good, but generally just going about my life. For me and mine in my situation, it's the way to go. It is for communities and individuals to go forward their way. I will not agonize over the decisions of others, accept the ones that knew what was going down but, made it worse for their own benefit. I put trump in that category. At times Fauci, other times not. I guess it's the difference between foolish and malicious and individual perception.
We've never had it before. Nobody alive remembers a worldwide pandemic and the phases it went through, the unstoppable procession, the variations, the randomness of how some people get it as a mild form, while others get it and go super critical, while riding it out, then not even realizing they needed to be in an ambulance until they drop dead on the lawn and people think you should be able to do something about it, but you can't even make them live long enough for the ambulance to arrive.

I have had many different views. You look back and think, OK he had one of the famous co-morbidities, but you never knew it. Hell, he must not have known. You hear of somebody dying and then hear "well, he was x, y, z, though seemed normal to you, just days earlier. Do most people know if they have one or more of the famous co-morbidities? After 2 years, I am pretty tired of hearing the phrase.

I am not too sure about the foretold herd immunity, more or less believing in the new paradigm.

What are people doing with it? The best they can, collectively and individually according to their own perceptions. I don't call the shots and neither do you. I have had it, beat it, and not particularly a special physical specimen. I have and will take precautions when they may do some good, but generally just going about my life. For me and mine in my situation, it's the way to go. It is for communities and individuals to go forward their way. I will not agonize over the decisions of others, accept the ones that knew what was going down but, made it worse for their own benefit. I put trump in that category. At times Fauci, other times not. I guess it's the difference between foolish and malicious and individual perception.
With all due did Trump benefit from Covid? Before it hit he had the US economy rolling with some of the best unemployment and wage increase numbers we've ever had! Without Covid...Joe Biden would be back in Delaware drooling on himself! There's no way in the world that he beats Trump unless Covid happens and unless the entire country closes down in response to it! That gave the Main Stream Media the opportunity to claim that Trump handled the pandemic badly and let Biden proclaim that HE would do better! The reality is that NOBODY handled this well at the beginning...not Trump, not Pelosi, not the CDC, not the WHO! They were all playing catchup. But ask yourself who REALLY responded better to a crisis...the President who invoked the War Powers act to get so many ventilators built that we were supplying them to other countries and fast tracked the vaccines so that we had something to fight back with...or the President who's had more people die on HIS watch than Trump did on his? What has Joe Biden done since taking office to fight this pandemic? He was given the vaccines by Trump. What has BIDEN done?
With all due did Trump benefit from Covid? Before it hit he had the US economy rolling with some of the best unemployment and wage increase numbers we've ever had! Without Covid...Joe Biden would be back in Delaware drooling on himself! There's no way in the world that he beats Trump unless Covid happens and unless the entire country closes down in response to it! That gave the Main Stream Media the opportunity to claim that Trump handled the pandemic badly and let Biden proclaim that HE would do better! The reality is that NOBODY handled this well at the beginning...not Trump, not Pelosi, not the CDC, not the WHO! They were all playing catchup. But ask yourself who REALLY responded better to a crisis...the President who invoked the War Powers act to get so many ventilators built that we were supplying them to other countries and fast tracked the vaccines so that we had something to fight back with...or the President who's had more people die on HIS watch than Trump did on his? What has Joe Biden done since taking office to fight this pandemic? He was given the vaccines by Trump. What has BIDEN done?
Look at the people on here, whining that Covid cost him the election. Many people donated to his campaign because they thought he was being hosed and if allowed to happen, they would lose the election, and yes, he did lose. Donations to anything trump become highly fungible, mostly at the discretion of accountants (Donny's accountants). He benefitted.
Good thing you didn't quote him (whoever he is) as your linked vid actually said a large number of Democrats and Democrat governor are ready to change, even declaring victory after vaccines and masks that had been part of their platform had worked. He did say the base is divided, as to some it has become part of their identity, but did not say it was any kind of majority.
Indeed, those clingers to that identity are NUTs.
So youre saying that a large number of democrats now believe republicans have been right since the beginning, but there are still a bunch of moronic democrats who still have their heads in the sand?
So youre saying that a large number of democrats now believe republicans have been right since the beginning, but there are still a bunch of moronic democrats who still have their heads in the sand?
No. Just point out the difference in direction and tone of the linked article to that of the post using it to support the argument by the OP. Sometimes, if not for being disingenuous, he would have no genuine point at all. It is often the point of political argument on here.
Look at the people on here, whining that Covid cost him the election. Many people donated to his campaign because they thought he was being hosed and if allowed to happen, they would lose the election, and yes, he did lose. Donations to anything trump become highly fungible, mostly at the discretion of accountants (Donny's accountants). He benefitted.
So a pandemic that cost him the election was a benefit? Is that what you're really going with, White? That's the kind of comment someone clueless like Winger or Penny would make...I expected better of you.
Donald Trump may be the first American President in the last one hundred years to be worth much LESS after leaving office than he was before becoming President, White! Claiming that he somehow benefited financially from being President is amusing it's so off base! Clinton and Obama were made very wealthy by being President. Trump took a large financial hit being President. Don't let your dislike of the man blind you to the truth!
So a pandemic that cost him the election was a benefit? Is that what you're really going with, White? That's the kind of comment someone clueless like Winger or Penny would make...I expected better of you.
No. His handling of the pandemic was only one thing. Why? Do you think it was the pandemic and his handling of it that cost him the election?
Are you saying nobody donated, just because they felt a need to help fight against the negative press of his handling of the pandemic. I am pretty sure, by reading the rhetoric on here, that they did.
Are you saying the scrupulous way trump has handled charity money precludes personal gain from other type donations?
He was in it for the money, power and personal benefits from the beginning.
With all due did Trump benefit from Covid? Before it hit he had the US economy rolling with some of the best unemployment and wage increase numbers we've ever had! Without Covid...Joe Biden would be back in Delaware drooling on himself! There's no way in the world that he beats Trump unless Covid happens and unless the entire country closes down in response to it! That gave the Main Stream Media the opportunity to claim that Trump handled the pandemic badly and let Biden proclaim that HE would do better! The reality is that NOBODY handled this well at the beginning...not Trump, not Pelosi, not the CDC, not the WHO! They were all playing catchup. But ask yourself who REALLY responded better to a crisis...the President who invoked the War Powers act to get so many ventilators built that we were supplying them to other countries and fast tracked the vaccines so that we had something to fight back with...or the President who's had more people die on HIS watch than Trump did on his? What has Joe Biden done since taking office to fight this pandemic? He was given the vaccines by Trump. What has BIDEN done?

Well he allowed us to nearly run out of test kits a year and a half after we got hit with Covid. Same goes for masks. He reduced our medical staff by having them fired for not taking the shot. He stopped therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies for political reasons. I would say he's done quit a lot when it comes to covid.
With all due did Trump benefit from Covid? Before it hit he had the US economy rolling with some of the best unemployment and wage increase numbers we've ever had! Without Covid...Joe Biden would be back in Delaware drooling on himself! There's no way in the world that he beats Trump unless Covid happens and unless the entire country closes down in response to it! That gave the Main Stream Media the opportunity to claim that Trump handled the pandemic badly and let Biden proclaim that HE would do better! The reality is that NOBODY handled this well at the beginning...not Trump, not Pelosi, not the CDC, not the WHO! They were all playing catchup. But ask yourself who REALLY responded better to a crisis...the President who invoked the War Powers act to get so many ventilators built that we were supplying them to other countries and fast tracked the vaccines so that we had something to fight back with...or the President who's had more people die on HIS watch than Trump did on his? What has Joe Biden done since taking office to fight this pandemic? He was given the vaccines by Trump. What has BIDEN done?
Gave up and passed the buck. For some insane reason, the left sees this as "leadership".
No. His handling of the pandemic was only one thing. Why? Do you think it was the pandemic and his handling of it that cost him the election?
Are you saying nobody donated, just because they felt a need to help fight against the negative press of his handling of the pandemic. I am pretty sure, by reading the rhetoric on here, that they did.
Are you saying the scrupulous way trump has handled charity money precludes personal gain from other type donations?
He was in it for the money, power and personal benefits from the beginning.
Come on, White! Stop posting things that don't make a bit of sense! Being President for Trump was ALWAYS about the power and prestige of the office! I totally agree with you on that. Donald Trump is (like most of our politicians these days!) a total narcissist. You go off the rails however when you claim that he did it for the money because quite frankly the facts don't back you up on that narrative AT ALL! Being President has cost Donald Trump a ton of money. His children as well. You don't take a job and take a dollar a year as your "salary" if you're in it for the money! I'm sorry but you don't! Clinton didn't do that...neither did W...neither did Barry! You'll never see Joe Biden work for free. As I said before...Donald Trump is probably the only US President to be worse off financially AFTER leaving office than he was before!
No. His handling of the pandemic was only one thing. Why? Do you think it was the pandemic and his handling of it that cost him the election?
Are you saying nobody donated, just because they felt a need to help fight against the negative press of his handling of the pandemic. I am pretty sure, by reading the rhetoric on here, that they did.
Are you saying the scrupulous way trump has handled charity money precludes personal gain from other type donations?
He was in it for the money, power and personal benefits from the beginning.
As for what cost Trump the election? He was blamed by the Main Stream Media for the deaths of Americans by the Covid strain! He was portrayed as not doing enough to protect the country. Think about that though...when faced with an unprecedented pandemic and unprecedented challenges...Trump responded by fast tracking vaccines...producing tens of thousands of ventilators by invoking the War Powers Act...and mobilizing the military to rush medical aid to cities like New York. Compare that to what Joe Biden has done! He wasn't even able to provide enough test kits to fill the needs of the country. More people have died on Biden's watch than on Trump's and that's WITH the vaccines and other treatments that he was handed by Trump!
To be quite frank, White...I'm amused by the left's attempts to paint the Trump family as "gold diggers" taking advantage of Trump's time in office when you've got liberal politicians like Joe Biden enriching his family for decades with sweetheart deals for his kid Hunter! You've got Hillary Clinton using her charitable foundation as a way to pay for her political machine...with millions pouring in from foreign entities trying to buy favor from the person they thought would be President! You've got Nancy Pelosi cashing in on insider information given to her husband that made them hundreds of millions of dollars while the rest of us were getting slaughtered in the markets! Trump isn't the person cashing in on their office. He never was! The people that YOU support however have been cashing in and they haven't even bothered to hide what it is that they've been doing! They have that little respect for you!
No. His handling of the pandemic was only one thing. Why? Do you think it was the pandemic and his handling of it that cost him the election?
Are you saying nobody donated, just because they felt a need to help fight against the negative press of his handling of the pandemic. I am pretty sure, by reading the rhetoric on here, that they did.
Are you saying the scrupulous way trump has handled charity money precludes personal gain from other type donations?
He was in it for the money, power and personal benefits from the beginning.

"No. His handling of the pandemic was only one thing."

Let's check.

“Biden Adviser Gives Trump Credit for ‘Great Thing’ He Did for the American PeopleBiden’s COVID adviser Andy Slavitt gave credit to work done under the Trump administration to get vaccines rolled out.
“So you are grateful for the work that came prior to it?” Bill Hemmer asked.
“No question,” Slavitt responded.
“So you would tip your hat to Operation Warp Speed?” Hemmer continued.
“I would absolutely tip my hat,” the Biden adviser replied. “This is a scientific process that actually began more than a decade ago with scientists inside the NIH and inside BARDA creating this mRNA vaccine. I think the Trump Administration made sure that we got, in record time, vaccine up and out. That’s a great thing and it’s something that we should all be excited about.” WATCH: Biden Adviser Gives Trump Credit for 'Great Thing' He Did for the American People

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak”
Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus - The New American

Were you lying?
Come on, White! Stop posting things that don't make a bit of sense! Being President for Trump was ALWAYS about the power and prestige of the office! I totally agree with you on that. Donald Trump is (like most of our politicians these days!) a total narcissist. You go off the rails however when you claim that he did it for the money because quite frankly the facts don't back you up on that narrative AT ALL! Being President has cost Donald Trump a ton of money. His children as well. You don't take a job and take a dollar a year as your "salary" if you're in it for the money! I'm sorry but you don't! Clinton didn't do that...neither did W...neither did Barry! You'll never see Joe Biden work for free. As I said before...Donald Trump is probably the only US President to be worse off financially AFTER leaving office than he was before!
He is like you said in it for the power. I doubt he has lost much money, certainly not enough to matter to his lifestyle, now or into the foreseeable future. So like you said, Come on Oldstyle! The man does not support the constitution, unless it enables him to keep the power and perks at all costs to the country, but breaking it would, and he has proven more than willing. That is a pretty big disqualifier. A dealbreaker. But then, he is famous for breaking deals for personal benefit. Right?
As for what cost Trump the election? He was blamed by the Main Stream Media for the deaths of Americans by the Covid strain! He was portrayed as not doing enough to protect the country. Think about that though...when faced with an unprecedented pandemic and unprecedented challenges...Trump responded by fast tracking vaccines...producing tens of thousands of ventilators by invoking the War Powers Act...and mobilizing the military to rush medical aid to cities like New York. Compare that to what Joe Biden has done! He wasn't even able to provide enough test kits to fill the needs of the country. More people have died on Biden's watch than on Trump's and that's WITH the vaccines and other treatments that he was handed by Trump!
If that is all you see, fine for you. Not for me.

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