MSNBC Reporter Admits Democratic Base Doesn't Want to Go Back to 'Normal

Masks Now, Masks Forever

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Of course it is. I just don't know if it is typical of the majority or just the fringe nut ball loudmouths. I look at it, kind of like the fringe nut balls on the far right get a lot of attention, but I meet very few of their fire breathers also. You might think I probably would. It doesn't get much more red state than TN.
I haven't traveled since early fall. Where are the masks still popular across the country? It certainly isn't here, but if somebody is wearing on, nobody pays that any attention either. I still see more clerks wearing them in stores than anybody else. They wear them at the office my daughter works at again, but not surprising. 7 our of 10 there have come down with Covid since the beginning of January including one off work, in the hospital on a ventilator, now.
Here in Florida it's almost a dead give a way that if you're wearing a mask then you're a liberal snowbird from up North or you're one of the poor schmucks who's forced to wear one because you work for a national corporation! Everyone else stopped wearing them a year ago when it became obvious they don't really do anything to stop the spread of Covid. To idiots like Joy Behar though...if you don't wear a mask it's because you're "the enemy" and need to be put in a camp! That has nothing to do with "science" it's all about posturing!
What a ridiculous thread to start. The GOP talking about going back to "normal" while they hold fantasies about a stolen election and attack our Democracy? This was supposed to be funny I`ll assume. :auiqs.jpg:
Be honest for once, August! The Democrats used Covid to enact voting rules that made it impossible to tell if votes were legitimate or not. All the GOP is doing is taking things back to the way that it used to be which means when an American votes...that vote isn't going to be cancelled out by a vote that shouldn't count!
Now that we know what happens when voting laws are too lax...(Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!) it's obvious we can't do that again because it damages the country!
Be honest for once, August! The Democrats used Covid to enact voting rules that made it impossible to tell if votes were legitimate or not. All the GOP is doing is taking things back to the way that it used to be which means when an American votes...that vote isn't going to be cancelled out by a vote that shouldn't count!
Now that we know what happens when voting laws are too lax...(Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!) it's obvious we can't do that again because it damages the country!
Trump lost fair and square. Stop being a snowflake and deal with it...or show us your evidence of massive fraud. :itsok:
I think many democrat politicians are rather intoxicated with the power to arrest anyone who disagrees with their mandates

Trudeau for instance

and an unknown number of the base who enjoyed staying at home while getting s government check in the mail

public school teachers for instance who are in no hurry to return to normal
Pretty sure you are correct, on the people that would like to stay at home and just get a check or checks. I can't see it the true allure, myself. If I were younger, that would be boring after a few months of reduced income to the point between bills and goals I would have to give up. Better to find your niche in the marketplace. I had a good time as largely a workaholic back in the day.
Here in Florida it's almost a dead give a way that if you're wearing a mask then you're a liberal snowbird from up North or you're one of the poor schmucks who's forced to wear one because you work for a national corporation! Everyone else stopped wearing them a year ago when it became obvious they don't really do anything to stop the spread of Covid. To idiots like Joy Behar though...if you don't wear a mask it's because you're "the enemy" and need to be put in a camp! That has nothing to do with "science" it's all about posturing!
Just people's reactions to the new paradigm introduced. The earth plus Covid. Some people deal with it easier than others. Does it bother you in your daily life? I doubt it.
whit the amount of anti vax out there, we want to keep our masks close,
Republicans want the inflation, the pandemic going on and they so they can win elections. They are counting on it.

The first lines of that article make him sound like Trump. Go figure. Another reason he's not too popular right now?
Cloth masks are basically worthless except to remind you there is a pandemic.

N95, KN95, KF94, surgical-style masks are far better but uncomfortable to wear for a long period of time.

Fashion statement for submissive sheep. Status symbol for complete idiots.
whit the amount of anti vax out there, we want to keep our masks close,
Republicans want the inflation, the pandemic going on and they so they can win elections. They are counting on it.

You do that, Killer. And stay the fuck away from me for your own health and safety. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

"I'm getting sick and tired of people who are unvaccinated. I wish them to all die and also to bypass the hospitals. Die at home."--Penelope, Jan 18th 2022

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