In 1992, HW Bush was closing fast. The media bias was absolute, but the American people were beginning to see the Clintons for what they are - crooks and liars. Bill was up close to double digits, and then the lead fell, fell fell... to 2 points with 2 weeks to go.
Then a completely fabricated Clinton/Zionism sponsored hit about Iran-Contra came with one week to go. It had no merit, no truth, and nothing knew. But the Israeli owned "US media," salivating about having Bill sell out our troops in Iraq (his campaign promise to "finish the job"), hit on all cylinders. It was THE ONLY "news." Larry King treated HW like a high school bully in detention, insulting him, talking down to him, and disrespecting him absolutely. Had I been on the set. Mr. King's neck would've been snapped, and his treasonous corpse sent to Tel Aviv with a US flag on it.
Mr. Trump, expect something like this. You are too close in the polls for comfort in Hillaryland and Tel Aviv. It will hit. The media will hype it. It will have no truth.
Get everything you can about this issue with one week to go, and make sure you are ready to counter it by pointing out it happened to HW in 1992.
Then a completely fabricated Clinton/Zionism sponsored hit about Iran-Contra came with one week to go. It had no merit, no truth, and nothing knew. But the Israeli owned "US media," salivating about having Bill sell out our troops in Iraq (his campaign promise to "finish the job"), hit on all cylinders. It was THE ONLY "news." Larry King treated HW like a high school bully in detention, insulting him, talking down to him, and disrespecting him absolutely. Had I been on the set. Mr. King's neck would've been snapped, and his treasonous corpse sent to Tel Aviv with a US flag on it.
Mr. Trump, expect something like this. You are too close in the polls for comfort in Hillaryland and Tel Aviv. It will hit. The media will hype it. It will have no truth.
Get everything you can about this issue with one week to go, and make sure you are ready to counter it by pointing out it happened to HW in 1992.