Nevada will almost certainly go Trump

You also are assuming all of those registered Democrats are voting for Harris.
Harris has much stronger support among Democrats than Trump has among Republicans.

A lot of white women registered Republicans will be voting for Harris, just like they voted for Haley in the primaries. They hate Trump.

They are not. A lot of them, such as thr working class, are fed up with the giveaways to “favored” groups - like college graduates with student loans - along with all the woke nonsense like what is being emphasized in schools, the invasion from the south of illegal aliens competing with them for jobs and driving up rent, and being unable to afford basic groceries.
Wishful thinking on your part.

A lot more women
are pissed off about the overturning of Roe vs Wade. And that will be the #1 reason why Trump loses this election.

Add to that that a lot of them simply don’t want to vote for an airhead who can’t answer basic questions, lies about her positions, a complete phony, and is only where she is because she is a Female Black.
Harris kicked the living shit out of Trump during that debate. That is why Trump was too afraid to face her again. It was an epic disaster for Trump.

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I say this was a heavy heart but the republicans are literally pulling uncle tom off the fucking couch in Nevada and getting out their vote. Nevada will almost certainly go Trump. Florida is 10+% for Trump in the early vote as of this moment and won't be close at all. Democrats are completely fucked in both states. Arizona is currently 100k in the positive for republicans aka Donald Trump.

I always feared that Harris was an weak candidate and we're about to learn just how weak she is or rather I am wrong about her. Maybe we'll get lucky and hold the rust belt but damn that will be a close sucker. I fear that what is just blocked the light of the moon to my west maybe a thousand foot tall red wave from hell coming my way. Pray that isn't the case and it is just the leading edge of a storm system blocking that light and good luck will meet my next day!.

How big? IF Trump wins the rust belt he'll likely pull at least 3 of the senate seats over to the republicans...Ohio, Wis and Pa??? Possibly also Michigan? The good news is if he loses then democrats will probably hold them all.

IF this wave is as big as I fear then it will wash through the blue states like California and probably add upwards of 20 seats to the republican house. If the national polling is right this is pretty likely. More likely then the rust belt going Trump or those senate seats flipping republican. IF the hispanic vote is causing nevada and arizona to trend 5+ percent right then I can't see the house not going far right and netting republicans a huge gain.

Yeah, you really fucked up by carrying out a coup against the elected nominee.

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