Justice Coming When Trump Wins. Bill Gates Donates $50 Million to Kamala Harris to Stop Trump, RFK Jr. Will be in the White House


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Is Bill Gates stressing that RFK Jr. with have the ear of the president and is a skilled litigator? RFK Jr. would be in position to deliver a bodyblow to WEF, mandatory vaccine-digital ID Agenda 2030. And Gates has left a trail of evidence a mile wide.

"Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people in the world, donated $50 million toward VP Kamala Harris’s presidential election campaign against Donald Trump, according to a New York Times report.

Gates “has not publicly endorsed Ms. Harris” and his $50 million donation to a nonprofit Democratic-aligned political action committee was intended to remain private, per the NYT report. The tech billionaire made the donation to Future Forward, a Silicon Valley PAC that is supporting Harris,"

'Bill Gates' dark money funding Harris' campaign': RFK Jr.

Dr. Arne Burkhardt, World Famous Pathologist Who Proved the COVID Vaccines Kill Millions

Dr. Burkhardt's EU presentation microscope slides:

Dr. Burkhardt info:

"Grand Slam: Bill Gates Funding Behind COVID, Bird Flu, and Monkeypox “Simulations” and Gain-of-Function Research Long Before Outbreaks"

"Of all the startling coincidences which tie Bill Gates’ bottomless funding to all key aspects of the drive toward universal mandatory vaccination and consequent global, biometric digital ID, none is more suspicious than Gates organization and funding of COVID, Bird Flu, and Monkeypox “simulations” and research, all before all three of these became household words.

Bird Flu

In 2019 Gates announced yet another multi-million dollar grant to Yoshihiro Kawaoka, the University of Wisconsin Bird Flu researcher who has drawn the ire of scientists for, in the words of the journal Science, “Controversial lab studies that modify bird flu viruses in ways that could make them more risky to humans.”

Science wrote in February 2019:

“Controversial lab studies that modify bird flu viruses in ways that could make them more risky to humans will soon resume after being on hold for more than 4 years. Science Insider has learned that last year, a U.S. government review panel quietly approved experiments proposed by two labs that were previously considered so dangerous that federal officials had imposed an unusual top-down moratorium on such research.”

In 2009, Prof. Kawaoka received a $9.5 million grant from Gates for bird flu research. According to a UW press release, the study would examine:

“viral proteins that allow avian influenza viruses to bind to human receptors or facilitate efficient replication in human cells.”

Prof. Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, told Science: “This work should never have been done,”

Also kicking in few million dollars occaisionally to Prof. Kawaoka for his gain-of-function research was Anthony Fauci, through the NIAID.


Another leading candidate for taking on the mantle of “Disease X,” the World Health Organizations placeholder for whatever will become the “next” pandemic, as if these have evolved from a once in 50 years scenario to one every few years, is Monkeypox. Strangely enough, Gates money was being spent on a “simulation” of a Monkeypox outbreak, 5 months before the first European case of monkeypox was identified on May 7, 2022.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense wrote on May 23, 2022:

“The World Health Organization on Friday held an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreak of monkeypox after more than 100 cases were reported across 12 countries, as a report surfaced showing the Gates Foundation, WHO and Pharma execs in March 2021 conducted a monkeypox pandemic “simulation.”“

Cover: 2021 paper “Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats” sponsored by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI.)

Below: 2017 grant page at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, for $250,000 grant to the Nuclear Threat Initiative

The exercise , “Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats” was hosted by the virtual Munich Security Conference. The conference was sponsored by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Open Philanthropy Project, both recipients of many grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2023 Gates gave $5 million to the Open Philanthropy Project. In 2022 Gates and Open Philanthropy launched a $90 million project to “support new antiviral medicines for future pandemics.”

In February 2021 the Munich Security Conference issued an annual report in which it declared Bill Gates one of “the world’s most senior decision makers.” Gates has never been elected to anything and is not even a college graduate.

In January of 2020, the Nuclear Threat Initiative collaborated with the World Economic Forum to release a report entitled “Biosecurity Innovation and Risk Reduction: A global Framework for Accessible, Safe and Secure DNA Synthesis.”

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is private entity consisting of many of the world’s wealthiest people, who gather annually in Davos, Switzerland to discuss global trends and the future of humanity.

The WEF was founded in 1971 by German economist Klaus Schwab, who once wrote of his dream to be able to track and monitor people like packages:

Schwab wrote in his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

“Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.” – Klaus Schwab,

A strict regime of mandatory, global vaccinations backed by biometric, digital ID as proof of “health status” would produce the infrastructure necessary for this level of social control.

Gates with Kaus Schwab, Founder of World Economic Forum

Below: WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari, “souls and free will” are “over.” (view at Rumble)

COVID: Event 201 Run Two Months Before First Cases Reported

Of course the most infamous of the dead-on predictions of the global elites of what’s coming next is Event 201, which any “conspiracy theorist” can tell you was planned and completed two months before the first cases were reported out of bat caves in China.

In New York on October 18, 2019, Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) held a pandemic simulation exercise which foresaw a novel coronavirus arising from bats, emerging from somewhere on the planet. the first documented cases of a new bat-based respiratory illness from caves in Wuhan were not until December 12, 2019. See: Dr. Mercola, “How Bill Gates Premeditated COVID Vaccine Injury Censorship”

Bill Gates the Cheshire Cat of the Emerging Dystopia

Anywhere one cares to turn to examine how we got from a relatively free society to one in which we all hold our breaths waiting for the next wave of health crisis-induced lockdowns, Bill Gates’ trademark arrogant smirk can be seen. Gates directly funded the most influential yet fraudulent psuedo-scientific report in world history, “Report 9” by Imperial College Prof. Neil Ferguson, which predicted 2.2 million dead in the US alone if businesses were not closed and if people did not cease to gather in large numbers.

The National Review writes:

“Johan Giesecke, the former chief scientist for the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, has called Ferguson’s model “the most influential scientific paper” in memory. He also says it was, sadly, “one of the most wrong.””

Ferguson and his MRC Centre for Global Disease Analysis is the source of the often quoted figure that COVID vaccines have saved 20 milion lives, from a hotly contested study often labeled as "nonsense."

Gates funding is behind a group called "No License for Disinformation" which sought to revoke the medical license of any doctor who followed the science on the effective and safe treatments Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID. This was brought to light when Houston Dr. Mary Bowden, who said positive things about Ivermectin, hired private investigator to find out who was behind the attack on her medical license.

Gates is the founder and the major funder of the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which turned out a study used by Anthony Fauci in December of 2020 to say that, if only everyone in the nation wore masks consistently, 130,000 lives could be saved.

In what has emerged to be a massive Crime Against Humanity, Gates funding and initiative is behind an attempt to squash the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID, through fraudulent studies which administered known lethal doses to test subjects. These were the WHO Solidarity Trials and the UK Recovery Trials. (See: Cold Blooded Murder: Bill Gates Funded Trials on Hydroxychloroquine Designed to Kill Subjects and Show No Benefit Against COVID)

Scratch the surface of any critical piece of the COVID narrative, and there is the Bill Gates Cheshire Cat smiling.

Gates money is also behind many of the “fact-checkers” which squash qualified medical, dissenting opinion. One of the most well-known “fact-check” websites, PolitiFact.com, which heavily counters unflattering “conspiracy theories” concerning Bill Gates, is funded by the Poynter Institute, to which Bill Gates has donated.

A long-suppressed documentary on Bill Gates shows Gates last year predicting an even worse pandemic than COVID-19. Gates says the next one “will get attention,” and presumably require stronger vaccination policies."

Bill Gates in documentary: The next pandemic “WILL get attention.” (View Clip on Rumble) (Full documentary on Gates)

Full Bill Gates documentary (post-COVID) (view at Rumble)

Below, Gates: “You don’t get a choice” but to submit to COVID vaccines (view at Rumble)
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Is it me, or is politics getting too weird to pay attention to?

I have my "doomsday prepper" basement ready, just in case.
Guess you missed COVID when 90% of stores closed overight.
Bill Gates is an idiot savant. Good with computers but not much else.
Melinda Gates divorced Bill when she found out how much time he spent with Jeffrey Epstein.
Noooooo… when she found out how much time he spent with you..
Ohhh if he HAD spent all that time with me, she would have been kicked to the curb penniless. I'd have a fat divorce settlement. I'd donate a few mil to Trump.
Ohhh if he HAD spent all that time with me, she would have been kicked to the curb penniless. I'd have a fat divorce settlement. I'd donate a few mil to Trump.
Actually, why bother with divorce. That kind of money could hire the entire Tren de Aragua!
Ohhh if he HAD spent all that time with me, she would have been kicked to the curb penniless. I'd have a fat divorce settlement. I'd donate a few mil to Trump.
Sadly you continue living in that trailer
Is Bill Gates stressing that RFK Jr. with have the ear of the president and is a skilled litigator? RFK Jr. would be in position to deliver a bodyblow to WEF, mandatory vaccine-digital ID Agenda 2030. And Gates has left a trail of evidence a mile wide.

"Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people in the world, donated $50 million toward VP Kamala Harris’s presidential election campaign against Donald Trump, according to a New York Times report.

Gates “has not publicly endorsed Ms. Harris” and his $50 million donation to a nonprofit Democratic-aligned political action committee was intended to remain private, per the NYT report. The tech billionaire made the donation to Future Forward, a Silicon Valley PAC that is supporting Harris,"

'Bill Gates' dark money funding Harris' campaign': RFK Jr.

Dr. Arne Burkhardt, World Famous Pathologist Who Proved the COVID Vaccines Kill Millions

Dr. Burkhardt's EU presentation microscope slides:

Dr. Burkhardt info:

"Grand Slam: Bill Gates Funding Behind COVID, Bird Flu, and Monkeypox “Simulations” and Gain-of-Function Research Long Before Outbreaks"

"Of all the startling coincidences which tie Bill Gates’ bottomless funding to all key aspects of the drive toward universal mandatory vaccination and consequent global, biometric digital ID, none is more suspicious than Gates organization and funding of COVID, Bird Flu, and Monkeypox “simulations” and research, all before all three of these became household words.

Bird Flu

In 2019 Gates announced yet another multi-million dollar grant to Yoshihiro Kawaoka, the University of Wisconsin Bird Flu researcher who has drawn the ire of scientists for, in the words of the journal Science, “Controversial lab studies that modify bird flu viruses in ways that could make them more risky to humans.”

Science wrote in February 2019:

“Controversial lab studies that modify bird flu viruses in ways that could make them more risky to humans will soon resume after being on hold for more than 4 years. Science Insider has learned that last year, a U.S. government review panel quietly approved experiments proposed by two labs that were previously considered so dangerous that federal officials had imposed an unusual top-down moratorium on such research.”

In 2009, Prof. Kawaoka received a $9.5 million grant from Gates for bird flu research. According to a UW press release, the study would examine:

“viral proteins that allow avian influenza viruses to bind to human receptors or facilitate efficient replication in human cells.”

Prof. Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, told Science: “This work should never have been done,”

Also kicking in few million dollars occaisionally to Prof. Kawaoka for his gain-of-function research was Anthony Fauci, through the NIAID.


Another leading candidate for taking on the mantle of “Disease X,” the World Health Organizations placeholder for whatever will become the “next” pandemic, as if these have evolved from a once in 50 years scenario to one every few years, is Monkeypox. Strangely enough, Gates money was being spent on a “simulation” of a Monkeypox outbreak, 5 months before the first European case of monkeypox was identified on May 7, 2022.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense wrote on May 23, 2022:

“The World Health Organization on Friday held an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreak of monkeypox after more than 100 cases were reported across 12 countries, as a report surfaced showing the Gates Foundation, WHO and Pharma execs in March 2021 conducted a monkeypox pandemic “simulation.”“

Cover: 2021 paper “Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats” sponsored by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI.)
View attachment 1032269

Below: 2017 grant page at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, for $250,000 grant to the Nuclear Threat Initiative
View attachment 1032270

The exercise , “Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats” was hosted by the virtual Munich Security Conference. The conference was sponsored by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Open Philanthropy Project, both recipients of many grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2023 Gates gave $5 million to the Open Philanthropy Project. In 2022 Gates and Open Philanthropy launched a $90 million project to “support new antiviral medicines for future pandemics.”

In February 2021 the Munich Security Conference issued an annual report in which it declared Bill Gates one of “the world’s most senior decision makers.” Gates has never been elected to anything and is not even a college graduate.

In January of 2020, the Nuclear Threat Initiative collaborated with the World Economic Forum to release a report entitled “Biosecurity Innovation and Risk Reduction: A global Framework for Accessible, Safe and Secure DNA Synthesis.”

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is private entity consisting of many of the world’s wealthiest people, who gather annually in Davos, Switzerland to discuss global trends and the future of humanity.

The WEF was founded in 1971 by German economist Klaus Schwab, who once wrote of his dream to be able to track and monitor people like packages:

Schwab wrote in his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

“Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.” – Klaus Schwab,

A strict regime of mandatory, global vaccinations backed by biometric, digital ID as proof of “health status” would produce the infrastructure necessary for this level of social control.

Gates with Kaus Schwab, Founder of World Economic Forum
View attachment 1032272

Below: WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari, “souls and free will” are “over.” (view at Rumble)

COVID: Event 201 Run Two Months Before First Cases Reported

Of course the most infamous of the dead-on predictions of the global elites of what’s coming next is Event 201, which any “conspiracy theorist” can tell you was planned and completed two months before the first cases were reported out of bat caves in China.

In New York on October 18, 2019, Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) held a pandemic simulation exercise which foresaw a novel coronavirus arising from bats, emerging from somewhere on the planet. the first documented cases of a new bat-based respiratory illness from caves in Wuhan were not until December 12, 2019. See: Dr. Mercola, “How Bill Gates Premeditated COVID Vaccine Injury Censorship”

Bill Gates the Cheshire Cat of the Emerging Dystopia

Anywhere one cares to turn to examine how we got from a relatively free society to one in which we all hold our breaths waiting for the next wave of health crisis-induced lockdowns, Bill Gates’ trademark arrogant smirk can be seen. Gates directly funded the most influential yet fraudulent psuedo-scientific report in world history, “Report 9” by Imperial College Prof. Neil Ferguson, which predicted 2.2 million dead in the US alone if businesses were not closed and if people did not cease to gather in large numbers.

The National Review writes:

“Johan Giesecke, the former chief scientist for the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, has called Ferguson’s model “the most influential scientific paper” in memory. He also says it was, sadly, “one of the most wrong.””

Ferguson and his MRC Centre for Global Disease Analysis is the source of the often quoted figure that COVID vaccines have saved 20 milion lives, from a hotly contested study often labeled as "nonsense."

Gates funding is behind a group called "No License for Disinformation" which sought to revoke the medical license of any doctor who followed the science on the effective and safe treatments Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID. This was brought to light when Houston Dr. Mary Bowden, who said positive things about Ivermectin, hired private investigator to find out who was behind the attack on her medical license.

Gates is the founder and the major funder of the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which turned out a study used by Anthony Fauci in December of 2020 to say that, if only everyone in the nation wore masks consistently, 130,000 lives could be saved.

In what has emerged to be a massive Crime Against Humanity, Gates funding and initiative is behind an attempt to squash the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID, through fraudulent studies which administered known lethal doses to test subjects. These were the WHO Solidarity Trials and the UK Recovery Trials. (See: Cold Blooded Murder: Bill Gates Funded Trials on Hydroxychloroquine Designed to Kill Subjects and Show No Benefit Against COVID)

Scratch the surface of any critical piece of the COVID narrative, and there is the Bill Gates Cheshire Cat smiling.

Gates money is also behind many of the “fact-checkers” which squash qualified medical, dissenting opinion. One of the most well-known “fact-check” websites, PolitiFact.com, which heavily counters unflattering “conspiracy theories” concerning Bill Gates, is funded by the Poynter Institute, to which Bill Gates has donated.

A long-suppressed documentary on Bill Gates shows Gates last year predicting an even worse pandemic than COVID-19. Gates says the next one “will get attention,” and presumably require stronger vaccination policies."

Bill Gates in documentary: The next pandemic “WILL get attention.” (View Clip on Rumble) (Full documentary on Gates)

Full Bill Gates documentary (post-COVID) (view at Rumble)

Below, Gates: “You don’t get a choice” but to submit to COVID vaccines (view at Rumble)

50 million .... That's 150 .... 3 bedroom houses.
200 million ( Musk) That's 600...3 bedroom houses.
1.5 Billion (Harris) That's
4,500 3 bedroom houses.

Political parties suck.


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