Moving forward


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.
We were sent to back of the bus....Obama didnt want us around......we were bitter clingers........and racists...........try to be more honest than a Clinton
"What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. "

Obama tried to "unite" us? Horse Hockey, he has spent his ENTIRE Presidency dividing us.
Do we want to be a united people, of course but not at the expense of OUR agenda.
To the Left compromise is capitulation and we aren't playing that crap.

"Obama to GOP: 'I won'"

Obama to GOP: 'I won'
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

As if you had any other choice.

People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.
I take it then, your agenda is to make Trump a one term president, even though the left said it was the wrong thing to do?
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.
No it wasn't.

I'm just here to point fingers at those who predicted the GOP would never win another election again -- and to laugh at them.

Later today, I intend to go somewhere quiet and have a good cry over what is about to be done to America by Trump.

Because he is still a liberal piece of shit.
Translation: 'I'm still gonna be a whiny Safe Spacer.'

The Democrats will not work with Trump. But hey, he'll have a pen. It's on now! :)
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.
You're another worthless fucking idiot.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.
Elections have consequences, I think a black president said that once. LOL
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.

Your nation, the American nation was saved last night, you should rejoice, America would not have survived Hillary, last night the Movement that mobilised said no to Globalisation and no to allowing America to be turned into a Third World nation.

Americans said yes to America First, for the American people.
You're another worthless fucking idiot.
Don't give us this quilt trip bullshit.

You piss pots gloated for 8 years while ignoring every issue that was important and now you want us to invite you in for dinner?

I didn't even support Trump, but I loathe hitlery, and your moonbat messiah. Just as much as you clowns hated Bush even though he gave you everything you wanted except for a war against muzbot zealots.

So now that your side lost, don't even get in the back of the bus, stay off the bus.

You're dead weight.

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People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.
We were sent to back of the bus....Obama didnt want us around......we were bitter clingers........and racists...........try to be more honest than a Clinton

Try not to be such a Trumpsychopant.
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.
I don't know if Trump will be any better than Obama in uniting the country. That being said, compromise when democrats are in power means that the republicans give them every thing they want. Obama said "Elections have consequences" when the republicans were trying to have a voice in the health care debate during Obama's first two years in office.

Let's see if Trump is really the master at "The art of the Deal".
People are saying we should move on, give Mr. Trump a chance, etc. etc. And yes, we must move on. But my feeling is this - Trump supporters, who are telling me to do this - where were YOU when Obama won? Where was your "give the man a chance" when the Republicans stated out right, before he even entered office, that they would make him a one term president and proceeded to block every thing he attempted? Where were YOU when they insisted, that a man, voted into office by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, who still had a year remaining in his presidency - was blocked from appointing a Supreme Court Justice as was his right? To then turn around and say we must be gracious and work with the new president is indeed a difficult pill to swallow. I will wait and see. I hope I will be mature enough to not applaud the opposition if they pull a page from the Republican's playbook in these matters...because these actions are truly not in the best interests of our country, but precedents have sadly been set. Trump has won, his supporters deserve what they get and I truly hope it's not as bad as I fear.

What I fear is this. Trump won't be able to unite us, because his character doesn't allow him to. He has stated multiple times, that he will go after those who criticized or opposed him (from individuals to the media), which makes me wonder if he will use the levers of the government he will soon control to do so. We have a justices system, and we should abide by it's decisions not succumb to pitchfork mobs claiming to be justice. It certainly should not be used to enact private revenge.

Can Trump unite us? Do his supporters even WANT that?

I will will wait until the 2014 midyear elections.
We were sent to back of the bus....Obama didnt want us around......we were bitter clingers........and racists...........try to be more honest than a Clinton

Try not to be such a Trumpsychopant.

Try not to be such a poor loser

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