Mitt Romney has a lock on the GOP nomination.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
All the others who have challenged him are just window dressing. The GOP Fathers long ago ordained Mitt. It will be Romney vs. Obama in 2012. Will there be a serious 3rd party candidate? Perhaps, but the 2 main players are set.
Probably true.

Money talks and although Mitt has his own, he doesn't have much of a brain. He'll be easy to control and that's all that matters to the GObP/pubs.

And, the pub/bag sheeples can't think for themselves.
Unemployment numbers trumps all else...
The Dems can claim 3000 consecutive months
of positive job growth....

Come election day the public sees unemployment over 8.5%
it will be close for Obama...

And yeah...I will admit now the stars will align themselves
for a Romney run.Joe Scarborough has suddenly
fallen in love with Romney.The last few shows before Christmas
had Joe the conservative just sucking up to Romney.

It's pretty much a done deal.
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The only things Romney has going for him, besides that idiotic magic underwear, is his experience shutting down companies and putting people out of work.

AND, his stated position that "corporations are people", we need to spend more money making more war and all the really stupid things he says about being "unemployed" while he's tearing down his $12MILLION DOLLAR shack so he can rebuild FOUR times larger ...

Oh, and don't forget that he's the only candidate who is on record as torturing his dog.

Yeah, he's just one of the people, isn't he.

Strangely, that whole picture probably won't attract a lot of votes.

Meanwhile, President Obama continues to fight for the working class.

And, he has gotten results.

Not enough - the filibustering pubs, living off the taxpayers, have done all they can to make sure we don't have enough jobs but hey, surely some of you have the courage to actually READ my link?

Naw, never mind.

pubs and bags don't need no steenkin facts.

They got lies and they like them a lot better.
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And if you're wrong please never post on the internet again, there are already enough stupid people here.

See, I can stand back and claim Paul will win the nomination, but that would make me an idiot. Not because Paul can't win it but because none of us can read the future.

Paul has raised like 17-20 million, he is by far the closest to Mitt... Does that mean that all others will sputter out in a month leaving Paul VS Mitt?

Who knows, but to base Mitt as the winner because he donates himself tens of millions every election season is fucking retarded. Mitt gets the most donations from a very small pool of people, like near no supporters... Meaning Mitt gets huge donations from a few people and if for a second Mitt looked like he couldn’t win he would run aground on raising money.
Mitt and Newt are starting bus tours of Iowa tomorrow. What's keeping Li'l Ricky Santorum stuck in the mid single digits? Every election the Right wails and bays over not getting their REAL nominee, but one foisted upon them by the unseen Left Wing conspiracy. Even in 2008, when Obama and Hillary were neck and neck in April, the Right was bitching that McCain was the nominee the biased press forced, forced mind you, on the unwilling Republican base.

Bachmann, Li'l Ricky and Texas Ricky gave the Conservative base as much as they could ever want, yet they ate their own.

And thus it is while ideology, not political pragmatism calls the shots. You see it on Capitol Hill. You hear it on Right Wing radio. Fox News serves it up in living color, as the phrase once said. Extremism coupled with rage produces Mitt Romney plus 28% of the electorate mad as hell, and not gonna take it anymore.
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I think it is still a fight. The conservative wing of the party is not going to the wayside quietly like they did in 2008.

Polls mean nothing. I think we still have yet to see a real front runner. I'm giving it a few primaries for things to shake out. I am kind of hoping that by May, it is still reasonably up in the air. So the IN primary is not just the usual window dressing.
All the others who have challenged him are just window dressing. The GOP Fathers long ago ordained Mitt. It will be Romney vs. Obama in 2012. Will there be a serious 3rd party candidate? Perhaps, but the 2 main players are set.
Romney just another blind man leading(at the moment) the blind wannabees,but with NO credibility:cool:
All the others who have challenged him are just window dressing. The GOP Fathers long ago ordained Mitt. It will be Romney vs. Obama in 2012. Will there be a serious 3rd party candidate? Perhaps, but the 2 main players are set.
Romney just another blind man leading(at the moment) the blind wannabees,but with NO credibility

Just count the votes and the delegates and then see how the presidential dabates will go. The "negatives" for the primary become positives in November. How many GOP candidates could win in Massachusetts? The Electoral Vote map is looking very red....
Mitt and Newt are starting bus tours of Iowa tomorrow. What's keeping Li'l Ricky Santorum stuck in the mid single digits? Every election the Right wails and bays over not getting their REAL nominee, but one foisted upon them by the unseen Left Wing conspiracy. Even in 2008, when Obama and Hillary were neck and neck in April, the Right was bitching that McCain was the nominee the biased press forced, forced mind you, on the unwilling Republican base.

Bachmann, Li'l Ricky and Texas Ricky gave the Conservative base as much as they could ever want, yet they ate their own.

And thus it is while ideology, not political pragmatism calls the shots. You see it on Capitol Hill. You hear it on Right Wing radio. Fox News serves it up in living color, as the phrase once said. Extremism coupled with rage produces Mitt Romney plus 28% of the electorate mad as hell, and not gonna take it anymore.

I think Romney will win it because that's where the big money is.

And he'll lose the general election because he's just totally unlikable as a person.

And a Mormon.

But I repeat myself.
Probably true.

Money talks and although Mitt has his own, he doesn't have much of a brain. He'll be easy to control and that's all that matters to the GObP/pubs.

And, the pub/bag sheeples can't think for themselves.

It's correct that Obama doesn't have much of a brain. He sure has proven that. He doesn't know how to lead or appoint competent people. He's clueless. He is one of the worst Presidents in history. Thank goodness Romney will taking his place soon.
Mitt Romney has a lock on the GOP nomination.

Good, he can explain how moving jobs to China is good for America.

Plus, he can tell us what rights we should be expecting corporations to have since they are people. I'm guessing they can get married.

One thing about Mitt, we agree half the time on everything.
Mitt Romney has a lock on the GOP nomination.

Good, he can explain how moving jobs to China is good for America.

Plus, he can tell us what rights we should be expecting corporations to have since they are people. I'm guessing they can get married.

One thing about Mitt, we agree half the time on everything.

Shhhhhhhh.....:eusa_shhh: you aren't supposed to go after Romney until AFTER he secures the nomination. Didn't you get the talking points?
Mitt Romney has a lock on the GOP nomination.

Good, he can explain how moving jobs to China is good for America.

Plus, he can tell us what rights we should be expecting corporations to have since they are people. I'm guessing they can get married.

One thing about Mitt, we agree half the time on everything.

Shhhhhhhh.....:eusa_shhh: you aren't supposed to go after Romney until AFTER he secures the nomination. Didn't you get the talking points?

I'm sorry. I thought I was saying the "good" things.

I love the fact that when he was asked about why none of his five sons were in the Military, especially since he was such an ardent supporter of the Iraq war. He said it was because they were doing something more important. Helping him get elected. Should make a good campaign ad.
Good, he can explain how moving jobs to China is good for America.

Plus, he can tell us what rights we should be expecting corporations to have since they are people. I'm guessing they can get married.

Yes, yes, we know you are stupid. Don't overdo it.
I love the fact that when he was asked about why none of his five sons were in the Military, especially since he was such an ardent supporter of the Iraq war. He said it was because they were doing something more important. Helping him get elected. Should make a good campaign ad.

That would sure be a good ad if he had ever said that. Unfortunately, you dishonest partisan fuck, he didn't.
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