MILITIAS - The CONSTITUTIONAL means of dealing with government tyranny and over reach

Losing an election is not government tyranny and overreach.

You did not read the OP.

Posting before you do makes you a knee jerker

There are MANY examples of government over reach that have been going on for a long time.

Taz read it and so did I. Just admit that you probably think it's okay for violent militia uprisings such as we just saw in DC because idiots didn't like the result of a free and fair election.

this is about the CONSTITUTION.


You do not seem to posses the aptitude for reasonable debate.
Where are they in the
Losing an election is not government tyranny and overreach.

You did not read the OP.

Posting before you do makes you a knee jerker

There are MANY examples of government over reach that have been going on for a long time.

Taz read it and so did I. Just admit that you probably think it's okay for violent militia uprisings such as we just saw in DC because idiots didn't like the result of a free and fair election.

this is about the CONSTITUTION.


You do not seem to posses the aptitude for reasonable debate.

'Militia groups have for years argued that their actions are constitutionally protected. But legal analysts say the Constitution does not protect private military groups that are unconnected to or outside the authority of the government. In fact, all 50 states prohibit and restrict private militia groups and militia activity with several different kinds of laws as well as provisions included in most state constitutions.
"What we're seeing in the kinds of militias that we see today, these sort of self-appointed militias that have no relationship with the state government whatsoever, no authority to speak for the state or for the people of the state, these are not the kinds of militias that are referenced by the Second Amendment," says Adam Winkler, a professor of law at the University of California at Los Angeles who specializes in constitutional law and gun policy'.

No, that is incorrect.

Whoever told you that the INTENT of the Constitution was not to limit government power and NOT to empower The People to defend against government over reach and tyranny, is themselves a tyrant....and a liar and deceiver.

You are listening to the wrong people

However, you do make an excellent argument for why EVERY AMERICA who values their freedom should find a local Militia and join it today.

That said, be careful...the left is now establishing fake Militias to head off even that last resort.

So give us an example of how a militia would be legally entitled to forcefully respond to a "tyrannical government" - I'm not getting your point.

Read the Constitution....and understand it outside of the misinterpretations offered to you by servants of the Elite and Globalists.

Why do you think there is a 2nd Amendment? All you have to do is THINK for yourself for once for God's sake man !!!
Half or more of the nation believes the election was fraudulent
Doubt it. Most people didn’t even vote for Trump.

That you could, in spite of all the facts, really believe that, is self evident that you have bought the Globalists and Elites siren song sight unseen in it's entirety.

Sad. You are clueless. Lost
and most people didnt vote for biden,, whats your point??

The left (at least the Left portrayed by the left media) seems to crave authoritarian rule.

I suspect the actual number of people like the few here that berate Trump and the Constitution are a vastly outnumbered, but highly vocal and Media backed group working in overdrive to consolidate power into the hands of the Globalists and Elites.

Without the actions of militias, there may be no way to stop them at this point.

One of the primary objectives of a Militia should be to get the runaway propaganda machine in check.
and when that fails??? cause that has failed,,
The constitution didn’t fail. Trump failed.

There’s a difference.
its not about trump,,, when will you understand that??
It is about an Oath to protect and defend the constitution. donnie did not incite to protect and defend the constitution. He did it to try exert force to turn a free (already decided) election, with supporters even chanting the hang the Vice President that had supported him the last 4 years even when he should not have. They even built a gallows and put a noose on it, because the Vice President supported the constitution and rule of law. Funny, after the Secret Service had to move to protect him and his family, the prez never even called to make sure his Vice President was safe from harm.
and when that fails??? cause that has failed,,
The constitution didn’t fail. Trump failed.

There’s a difference.
its not about trump,,, when will you understand that??
It is about an Oath to protect and defend the constitution. donnie did not incite to protect and defend the constitution. He did it to try exert force to turn a free (already decided) election, with supporters even chanting the hang the Vice President that had supported him the last 4 years even when he should not have. They even built a gallows and put a noose on it, because the Vice President supported the constitution and rule of law. Funny, after the Secret Service had to move to protect him and his family, the prez never even called to make sure his Vice President was safe from harm.
wrong,,, and not the topic,,
Revolution is very easy and already written into the Constitution. You want to change the Federal government? Empty the House of Representatives and replace all the members. You can do it every two years. The House controls all the money for the central government. Revolution over, zero casualties.
Then, there is the famous 2nd.; messy, impractical and likely to fail.
and when that fails??? cause that has failed,,
The constitution didn’t fail. Trump failed.

There’s a difference.
its not about trump,,, when will you understand that??
It is about an Oath to protect and defend the constitution. donnie did not incite to protect and defend the constitution. He did it to try exert force to turn a free (already decided) election, with supporters even chanting the hang the Vice President that had supported him the last 4 years even when he should not have. They even built a gallows and put a noose on it, because the Vice President supported the constitution and rule of law. Funny, after the Secret Service had to move to protect him and his family, the prez never even called to make sure his Vice President was safe from harm.
wrong,,, and not the topic,,
I answered with truth when you said it was not about trump. For the next 10 days he is supposed to be the voice and direction of the government, but Wednesday was more about his tryanny and his words that spurred attacks to overthrow that government and it's laws and the constitution. You just don't get it.
and when that fails??? cause that has failed,,
The constitution didn’t fail. Trump failed.

There’s a difference.
its not about trump,,, when will you understand that??
It is about an Oath to protect and defend the constitution. donnie did not incite to protect and defend the constitution. He did it to try exert force to turn a free (already decided) election, with supporters even chanting the hang the Vice President that had supported him the last 4 years even when he should not have. They even built a gallows and put a noose on it, because the Vice President supported the constitution and rule of law. Funny, after the Secret Service had to move to protect him and his family, the prez never even called to make sure his Vice President was safe from harm.
wrong,,, and not the topic,,
I answered with truth when you said it was not about trump. For the next 10 days he is supposed to be the voice and direction of the government, but Wednesday was more about his tryanny and his words that spurred attacks to overthrow that government and it's laws and the constitution. You just don't get it.
wrong again,,,
Like it or not...America was founded on principles of God Given Human Rights and the control of government power.
While you may not believe in God, many do, and the Unted States of America was SOLIDLY founded on that belief.

Unfortunately, many do not believe in God. And some very wealthy and powerful people believe that neither God nor the Constitution will stand
in the way of their claim to power and control. As these claim a larger share and revoke more rights, the Constitutional answer is Militias.

But are we at a point where their rise and use is justified?

Are Militias the ONLY way to stop the over step of power and the dilution of Constitutional Rights?


Should America simply allow the dilution and over step to continue until it is understood that the Constitution is meaningless and that those who grabbed power illegally are entitled to it?

Americans have suffered a countless barrage of Constitutional breaches and the incursions seem to be on the rise.
These affect not only Republicans, but democrats as well.

The Patriot Act for example give the government unConstitutional Powers over basic Rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Illegal Search and seizures and Warrantless searches have become widely accepted.

We are in fact losing our rights. Next up will be the Biden Administrations self proclaimed "duty" to make America "safe" by making
gun ownership very difficult if not impossible.

At what point are militias necessary to slow, stop or reverse these government grabs of power?

Or, are Militias simply outdated fantasies that have no place in the modern world?
You lament that illegal search and warantless seizures have become "widely accepted." The irony of your post is that you support Donald Trump and his Supreme Court appointees. The erosion of 4th amendment protections stem directly from conservative legal thought. In other words, the people you support are the ones eroding these protections that you are now bitching about . RBG was a proponent of expansive 4th amendment protections; Clearance Thomas its opponent. But hey what is a little cognitive dissonance in Trumplandia.
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Like it or not...America was founded on principles of God Given Human Rights and the control of government power.
While you may not believe in God, many do, and the Unted States of America was SOLIDLY founded on that belief.

Unfortunately, many do not believe in God. And some very wealthy and powerful people believe that neither God nor the Constitution will stand
in the way of their claim to power and control. As these claim a larger share and revoke more rights, the Constitutional answer is Militias.

But are we at a point where their rise and use is justified?

Are Militias the ONLY way to stop the over step of power and the dilution of Constitutional Rights?


Should America simply allow the dilution and over step to continue until it is understood that the Constitution is meaningless and that those who grabbed power illegally are entitled to it?

Americans have suffered a countless barrage of Constitutional breaches and the incursions seem to be on the rise.
These affect not only Republicans, but democrats as well.

The Patriot Act for example give the government unConstitutional Powers over basic Rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Illegal Search and seizures and Warrantless searches have become widely accepted.

We are in fact losing our rights. Next up will be the Biden Administrations self proclaimed "duty" to make America "safe" by making
gun ownership very difficult if not impossible.

At what point are militias necessary to slow, stop or reverse these government grabs of power?

Or, are Militias simply outdated fantasies that have no place in the modern world?
You lament that illegal search and seizure warantless searches have become "widely accepted." The irony of your post is that you support Donald Trump and his Supreme Court appointees. The erosion of 4th amendment protections stem directly from conservative legal thought. In other words, the people you support are the ones eroding these protections that you are now bitching about . RBG was a proponent of 4th amendment protections; Clearance Thomas its opponent. But hey what is a little cognitive dissonance in Trumplandia.

You have no clue what I support because you are knee jerking.

Go back and read MANY of my posts and then try again.
Like it or not...America was founded on principles of God Given Human Rights and the control of government power.
While you may not believe in God, many do, and the Unted States of America was SOLIDLY founded on that belief.

Unfortunately, many do not believe in God. And some very wealthy and powerful people believe that neither God nor the Constitution will stand
in the way of their claim to power and control. As these claim a larger share and revoke more rights, the Constitutional answer is Militias.

But are we at a point where their rise and use is justified?

Are Militias the ONLY way to stop the over step of power and the dilution of Constitutional Rights?


Should America simply allow the dilution and over step to continue until it is understood that the Constitution is meaningless and that those who grabbed power illegally are entitled to it?

Americans have suffered a countless barrage of Constitutional breaches and the incursions seem to be on the rise.
These affect not only Republicans, but democrats as well.

The Patriot Act for example give the government unConstitutional Powers over basic Rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Illegal Search and seizures and Warrantless searches have become widely accepted.

We are in fact losing our rights. Next up will be the Biden Administrations self proclaimed "duty" to make America "safe" by making
gun ownership very difficult if not impossible.

At what point are militias necessary to slow, stop or reverse these government grabs of power?

Or, are Militias simply outdated fantasies that have no place in the modern world?
You lament that illegal search and seizure warantless searches have become "widely accepted." The irony of your post is that you support Donald Trump and his Supreme Court appointees. The erosion of 4th amendment protections stem directly from conservative legal thought. In other words, the people you support are the ones eroding these protections that you are now bitching about . RBG was a proponent of 4th amendment protections; Clearance Thomas its opponent. But hey what is a little cognitive dissonance in Trumplandia.

You have no clue what I support because you are knee jerking.
LOL..I responded to what you posted. Are you saying what you post is not what you support? Are you saying that you have not supported Donald Trump?
Like it or not...America was founded on principles of God Given Human Rights and the control of government power.
While you may not believe in God, many do, and the Unted States of America was SOLIDLY founded on that belief.

Unfortunately, many do not believe in God. And some very wealthy and powerful people believe that neither God nor the Constitution will stand
in the way of their claim to power and control. As these claim a larger share and revoke more rights, the Constitutional answer is Militias.

But are we at a point where their rise and use is justified?

Are Militias the ONLY way to stop the over step of power and the dilution of Constitutional Rights?


Should America simply allow the dilution and over step to continue until it is understood that the Constitution is meaningless and that those who grabbed power illegally are entitled to it?

Americans have suffered a countless barrage of Constitutional breaches and the incursions seem to be on the rise.
These affect not only Republicans, but democrats as well.

The Patriot Act for example give the government unConstitutional Powers over basic Rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Illegal Search and seizures and Warrantless searches have become widely accepted.

We are in fact losing our rights. Next up will be the Biden Administrations self proclaimed "duty" to make America "safe" by making
gun ownership very difficult if not impossible.

At what point are militias necessary to slow, stop or reverse these government grabs of power?

Or, are Militias simply outdated fantasies that have no place in the modern world?

then you agree that the BLM riots were justified.
Like it or not...America was founded on principles of God Given Human Rights and the control of government power.
While you may not believe in God, many do, and the Unted States of America was SOLIDLY founded on that belief.

Unfortunately, many do not believe in God. And some very wealthy and powerful people believe that neither God nor the Constitution will stand
in the way of their claim to power and control. As these claim a larger share and revoke more rights, the Constitutional answer is Militias.

But are we at a point where their rise and use is justified?

Are Militias the ONLY way to stop the over step of power and the dilution of Constitutional Rights?


Should America simply allow the dilution and over step to continue until it is understood that the Constitution is meaningless and that those who grabbed power illegally are entitled to it?

Americans have suffered a countless barrage of Constitutional breaches and the incursions seem to be on the rise.
These affect not only Republicans, but democrats as well.

The Patriot Act for example give the government unConstitutional Powers over basic Rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Illegal Search and seizures and Warrantless searches have become widely accepted.

We are in fact losing our rights. Next up will be the Biden Administrations self proclaimed "duty" to make America "safe" by making
gun ownership very difficult if not impossible.

At what point are militias necessary to slow, stop or reverse these government grabs of power?

Or, are Militias simply outdated fantasies that have no place in the modern world?
They have no place, because this is not the 1700s anymore. Militias have been replaced by ballot boxes in civilized countries.
The vote has been compromised . What options are left when your vote does not count ?
You vote does count.
No it does not. Your side stole it.
Like it or not...America was founded on principles of God Given Human Rights and the control of government power.
While you may not believe in God, many do, and the Unted States of America was SOLIDLY founded on that belief.

Unfortunately, many do not believe in God. And some very wealthy and powerful people believe that neither God nor the Constitution will stand
in the way of their claim to power and control. As these claim a larger share and revoke more rights, the Constitutional answer is Militias.

But are we at a point where their rise and use is justified?

Are Militias the ONLY way to stop the over step of power and the dilution of Constitutional Rights?


Should America simply allow the dilution and over step to continue until it is understood that the Constitution is meaningless and that those who grabbed power illegally are entitled to it?

Americans have suffered a countless barrage of Constitutional breaches and the incursions seem to be on the rise.
These affect not only Republicans, but democrats as well.

The Patriot Act for example give the government unConstitutional Powers over basic Rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Illegal Search and seizures and Warrantless searches have become widely accepted.

We are in fact losing our rights. Next up will be the Biden Administrations self proclaimed "duty" to make America "safe" by making
gun ownership very difficult if not impossible.

At what point are militias necessary to slow, stop or reverse these government grabs of power?

Or, are Militias simply outdated fantasies that have no place in the modern world?

The aspect of citizen raised Militias that concerns me most—as a lifelong American Citizen, a career Army veteran and a former federal law enforcement officer—is INTENT. IF citizen militias were raised and formed and well organized, say from the population of every county across our once great nation, then they would have to answer to a centralized command which was thoroughly grounded in the Constitution as devised by our Founding Fathers, Washington's political philosophies in particular. Such a movement would have to view itself only as a restoration movement; a movement to restore or reset the function of our federal government to rule by the original Constitution, with particular focus on restoring, enshrining and forever protecting our 1st and 2nd Amendments.

What I'm getting at is citizen militias could become as dangerous and oppressive as the security forces of our current government unless their intent was bound to Constitutional Law and their power directly tied to We The People via some kind of beefed up system of checks and balances. Otherwise, citizen militias could unseat the powers that oppress us only to in turn become new forces of tyranny. Thus all militias would have to be united under a single leadership backed by hand selected constitutional scholars. Without this national command structure and unified purpose citizen militias could and likely would become rogue forces driven by many different end goals, few of which a majority of Americans could get behind or approve of.

What the primary strategy of America's internal enemy has been for some years is the domination and transformation of American culture, values, ideology and sociology at the LOCAL level. They have attacked our local schools through school boards, educational systems through twisted curriculum; attacked our local judiciary and prosecutor's offices by installing UN and Soros backed candidates and attempted to change America for the worse by many other means at the town, city and county levels. This is where citizen militias could be the answer to taking America back—one local municipality at a time. But any such movement would have to proceed very, very carefully, both in order to win the support of local populations and to avoid too much direct conflict with security forces of our corrupt current government. Overall it could turn into a real shit-show in a hurry and all media outlets would equate coordinated citizen militias with ISIS or some other terrorist group in very short order.

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