Michigan’s AG is charging 16 Trump supporters with felonies for providing alternative electors in the 2020 election


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Where's the criminality in this? It has been done in the past, no criminal charges were brought.

And Congress ultimately decides the validity of electors.

This is beyond disgusting.

Where's the criminality in this? It has been done in the past, no criminal charges were brought.

And Congress ultimately decides the validity of electors.

This is beyond disgusting.

Haven't see the law(s) under which she's prosecuting them, but it sure seems like a stretch.
This is just the beginning. It wasn't enough to just go after Trump; they are going after anyone who opposes them.
This recent trend of prosecuting political opponents when your party is in power disturbs me a little. I wish it wasn't so, does that make me a bad person?
Where's the criminality in this? It has been done in the past, no criminal charges were brought.

And Congress ultimately decides the validity of electors.

This is beyond disgusting.

Here is what they say the felony criminality is:

I will let you look up the Michigan statute numbers, of the charges incurred by defendants, when they met in secret, in the basement of Michigan Republican Party Headquarter, swore an oath of silence on the meeting, and then created fake certificates attesting to Trump winning, when in fact he had lost by over 100,000 votes, put their names and signature to the phony document and then submitted it to the national arch and Senate falsely testifying, in an attempt to overthrow the ballots cast by Michigan voters.
Yep! Senior Citizens aren't safe.

ROFL. This may be the dumbest narrative I have ever seen on this site. But sure, you got it from a Twitter post so I can see how you could easily just buy into it. Random Twitter posts is where all people should get there talking points.

If a group of people collaborate to commit a crime, they shouldn't be charged if they are older?

Exactly what mixture of ages does it need to be in order to pass your ageism criteria?

WTF? Are you ok?

This is a lie and not really relevant to your own thread.

Why would you create a thread to bash someone and then in your own thread make up an irrelevant lie to bash their character?

It was probably an accident but that is how Russian propaganda works.

Anyhow, not only did you change the context of the statement but you failed to emotion that she actually said...

“… And you know what I’ll say that was totally not poll tested? I say this: A drag queen for every school.”

So not only was her statement made in jest but she never actually said schools should have drag queens, she said drag queens for every school was not polled.

From the Michigan charging instrument:


How does the Michigan affiant claim to know what the alternate slate of electors knew or even had reason to know that there was “no legal reason to create an alternate slate of electors”? (Last line of par 27.)

This is just another example of overzealous and political persecution.
... that is what the prosecutor will have to prove, and now that the fake electors are charged, it will be a flip contest who gets to squeal on the others first.

Don't do the crime, BackAgain, if you don't want to do the crime.

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