Methodists vote no to same-sex marriage and gay pastors


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
My wife does the secretarial work for a Methodist church here, so I've been hearing alot about the goings on within the Methodist church leading up to this vote. They took a vote today and voted for the traditional plan which adheres to the Book of Discipline, which upholds the bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy.

The Latest: Methodist conference rejects same-sex marriage

There were three different plans they were voting on. The plan they voted on allows the church to remain intact. Another plan would have allowed some churches to ban same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy, and other churches to allow it. The problem with that plan was the fear of LGBT churches engaging the traditional churches in a torrent of lawsuits, as the LGBT is fond of doing.

The other issue is that the Methodist church owns all of the buildings and land, so another church couldn't just split off and form their own LGBT-tolerant church without purchasing the building and the land. It was a complicated mess, but they made the right decision.
My wife does the secretarial work for a Methodist church here, so I've been hearing alot about the goings on within the Methodist church leading up to this vote. They took a vote today and voted for the traditional plan which adheres to the Book of Discipline, which upholds the bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy.

The Latest: Methodist conference rejects same-sex marriage

There were three different plans they were voting on. The plan they voted on allows the church to remain intact. Another plan would have allowed some churches to ban same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy, and other churches to allow it. The problem with that plan was the fear of LGBT churches engaging the traditional churches in a torrent of lawsuits, as the LGBT is fond of doing.

The other issue is that the Methodist church owns all of the buildings and land, so another church couldn't just split off and form their own LGBT-tolerant church without purchasing the building and the land. It was a complicated mess, but they made the right decision.
And so... balance was restored to the magical, fantastical land of Albion.
LOL! My parents said at our Methodist Church that they have already had gay marriage there! I don't get it! Did they lie to me about that? It is also funny that a decision concerning this involved the physical infrastructure! I guess the church is a building after all, huh? LOL.
My wife does the secretarial work for a Methodist church here, so I've been hearing alot about the goings on within the Methodist church leading up to this vote. They took a vote today and voted for the traditional plan which adheres to the Book of Discipline, which upholds the bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy.

The Latest: Methodist conference rejects same-sex marriage

There were three different plans they were voting on. The plan they voted on allows the church to remain intact. Another plan would have allowed some churches to ban same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy, and other churches to allow it. The problem with that plan was the fear of LGBT churches engaging the traditional churches in a torrent of lawsuits, as the LGBT is fond of doing.

The other issue is that the Methodist church owns all of the buildings and land, so another church couldn't just split off and form their own LGBT-tolerant church without purchasing the building and the land. It was a complicated mess, but they made the right decision.

Shit, the worm in the culture war has finally turned.
LOL! My parents said at our Methodist Church that they have already had gay marriage there! I don't get it! Did they lie to me about that? It is also funny that a decision concerning this involved the physical infrastructure! I guess the church is a building after all, huh? LOL.

They might have had a same-sex marriage there but didn't tell the Bishop or district superintendent about it. Good way to get expelled.
My wife does the secretarial work for a Methodist church here, so I've been hearing alot about the goings on within the Methodist church leading up to this vote. They took a vote today and voted for the traditional plan which adheres to the Book of Discipline, which upholds the bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy.

The Latest: Methodist conference rejects same-sex marriage

There were three different plans they were voting on. The plan they voted on allows the church to remain intact. Another plan would have allowed some churches to ban same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy, and other churches to allow it. The problem with that plan was the fear of LGBT churches engaging the traditional churches in a torrent of lawsuits, as the LGBT is fond of doing.

The other issue is that the Methodist church owns all of the buildings and land, so another church couldn't just split off and form their own LGBT-tolerant church without purchasing the building and the land. It was a complicated mess, but they made the right decision.

Expect several new Methodist Churches to start splintering off in the near future.

I have a feeling the ones that want to go left are in more affluent areas, and can afford to buy out the properties in question.
LOL! My parents said at our Methodist Church that they have already had gay marriage there! I don't get it! Did they lie to me about that? It is also funny that a decision concerning this involved the physical infrastructure! I guess the church is a building after all, huh? LOL.
GOD had nothing to do with that union.
Homosexual sodomy is condemned uniformly and variously in the Bible, as it is in every other major religion in the world.

The very idea that self-proclaimed sinners should be welcomed as members in good standing is absurd.

We are all sinners, but...
I honestly do not know very much about what the Methodist Church teaches today in modern times.

I know a number of major details concerning its founder John Wesley... Methodists believe in infant baptism. They also believe in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, Christ is literally and truly present in the bread.
Methodists believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.

The Methodist Church today has somewhat split apart and the more liberal half of the organization is opposed to Donald Trump President Trump. The United Methodist Churches Organization President has stated that " President Trump’s words are not only offensive and harmful, and harmful, they are racist,” the council said in a statement released by its former president, Bishop Bruce R. Ough.

The Roman Catholic Church also is very opposed to Donald Trump and has been more interested in influencing the American Government and manipulating its massive immigration business, than influencing the abuse and rape of little children throughout the Catholic world.

The priorities of the Catholic Church has had no actionable interest in stopping the priests and bishops with sexual natures that are attracted to males from committing this abuse. This is where the root of the problem lies.

The Vatican seems so wrapped up, involved and tied up in making sure that over 50% of Catholics here in the USA are voting for Obama, Hillary and other Democrat Socialist - that the only failure that The Catholic Church can comprehend and ever image that possibly exists - is the fact that 100 % of American Catholics have not voted and supported the Democrat party. The Catholic leaders and Catholic base and business organization have expressed such horrendous and dreaded dissatisfaction concerning the outcome of the election of Donald Trump.

POPE FRANCIS a has expressed His absolute personal dislike for Donald Trump and had even condemned Him as not being a true Christian. - "T he pope is expressing his displeasure and dissatisfaction at the election of Donald Trump as president and with the Catholic Americans who voted for him,". -
“ROMAN King , Herod “ The Traditional ancient story here in Mat 2:8 King Herod sent the wise men, to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

And here in verse - 16. - 16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, ( Who did not tell him ) He was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had looked for the baby and the little feller ,Yahoshua.

I can remember the story of King Herod from the Bible and Pope Francis and the Catholic Organization truly reminds of how that King Herod wanted to get close to Yahoshua so that he could manipulate and control the situation before He became popular and began to threaten His business and power structure and dominance. - - But when things did not go His way and He at the moment that had absolutely no control, no way to control the situation, King Herod - immediately turned his back on the little children of Israel and thousands of innocent babies suffered a horrible death.

I just cant see any difference between King Herod and Pope Francis. It is the same attitude and outcome and The Pope seems to have no true concern for little children.
The Pope seeks to demonize and vilify Donald Trump by comparing His stand on border security as somehow the same evil and murderous acts of abortion and murdering billions of little babies in abortion. When Donald Trump doing everything He can to protect babies and stop late-term abortion. Donald Trump is working with Congress to get a bill approved for a ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. But the Pope has never once made a single public comment about Barak Oboma and His complete and total murderous acts of killing little children just before they are to be born.

Donald Trump is entrenched in a political battle and the Pope has condemned Him for His strong stand against illegal immigration. Of course, Trump is trying to make sure that America is safe and that criminals and people who we know nothing about are not just pouring and flooding into the country. The Pope compares Trump’s position to the same acts of the abortionists. In other words, unless Trump opens the borders and allows anyone to come into The USA and allows people who illegally entered the country to stay here – while people are still legally waiting in line to come here – then trump is the same as an infant killer and a baby killer. - - This is a tremendous accusation and vilification that has been levied against our president. I can understand that Roman Catholics do not want to join abortionists in the abortion clinics - and do not want to celebrate with same sex marriages in their wedding ceremonies - but they by the majority - even from the Vatican - continually join them in the voting booth and political arena.

Even today, Pope Francis is COMPARING THE ENTIRE SUBJECT OF ABORTION and killing little innocent children - as the same act of Trump's immigration policy. How can this distorted mindset and nonadjacent spirit even deal with the reality of sexual abuse when the only goal of the Vatican is to manipulate Catholics into defeating Trump in the elections - which would ensure that full term abortion would never stop. I believe that this same policy exists in the way that the Vatican handles the abuse of children in sexual abuse. Why is Socialism and Catholic Immigration business opportunities in mass migrating and re - cropping, re -settling millions of Catholics into the welfare system of the USA the only thing that matters to Rome. Isn't this the same selective morality of King Herod Of Rome ?
I honestly do not know very much about what the Methodist Church teaches today in modern times.

I know a number of major details concerning its founder John Wesley... Methodists believe in infant baptism. They also believe in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, Christ is literally and truly present in the bread.
Methodists believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.

The Methodist Church today has somewhat split apart and the more liberal half of the organization is opposed to Donald Trump President Trump. The United Methodist Churches Organization President has stated that " President Trump’s words are not only offensive and harmful, and harmful, they are racist,” the council said in a statement released by its former president, Bishop Bruce R. Ough.

The Roman Catholic Church also is very opposed to Donald Trump and has been more interested in influencing the American Government and manipulating its massive immigration business, than influencing the abuse and rape of little children throughout the Catholic world.

The priorities of the Catholic Church has had no actionable interest in stopping the priests and bishops with sexual natures that are attracted to males from committing this abuse. This is where the root of the problem lies.

The Vatican seems so wrapped up, involved and tied up in making sure that over 50% of Catholics here in the USA are voting for Obama, Hillary and other Democrat Socialist - that the only failure that The Catholic Church can comprehend and ever image that possibly exists - is the fact that 100 % of American Catholics have not voted and supported the Democrat party. The Catholic leaders and Catholic base and business organization have expressed such horrendous and dreaded dissatisfaction concerning the outcome of the election of Donald Trump.

POPE FRANCIS a has expressed His absolute personal dislike for Donald Trump and had even condemned Him as not being a true Christian. - "T he pope is expressing his displeasure and dissatisfaction at the election of Donald Trump as president and with the Catholic Americans who voted for him,". -
“ROMAN King , Herod “ The Traditional ancient story here in Mat 2:8 King Herod sent the wise men, to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

And here in verse - 16. - 16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, ( Who did not tell him ) He was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had looked for the baby and the little feller ,Yahoshua.

I can remember the story of King Herod from the Bible and Pope Francis and the Catholic Organization truly reminds of how that King Herod wanted to get close to Yahoshua so that he could manipulate and control the situation before He became popular and began to threaten His business and power structure and dominance. - - But when things did not go His way and He at the moment that had absolutely no control, no way to control the situation, King Herod - immediately turned his back on the little children of Israel and thousands of innocent babies suffered a horrible death.

I just cant see any difference between King Herod and Pope Francis. It is the same attitude and outcome and The Pope seems to have no true concern for little children.
The Pope seeks to demonize and vilify Donald Trump by comparing His stand on border security as somehow the same evil and murderous acts of abortion and murdering billions of little babies in abortion. When Donald Trump doing everything He can to protect babies and stop late-term abortion. Donald Trump is working with Congress to get a bill approved for a ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. But the Pope has never once made a single public comment about Barak Oboma and His complete and total murderous acts of killing little children just before they are to be born.

Donald Trump is entrenched in a political battle and the Pope has condemned Him for His strong stand against illegal immigration. Of course, Trump is trying to make sure that America is safe and that criminals and people who we know nothing about are not just pouring and flooding into the country. The Pope compares Trump’s position to the same acts of the abortionists. In other words, unless Trump opens the borders and allows anyone to come into The USA and allows people who illegally entered the country to stay here – while people are still legally waiting in line to come here – then trump is the same as an infant killer and a baby killer. - - This is a tremendous accusation and vilification that has been levied against our president. I can understand that Roman Catholics do not want to join abortionists in the abortion clinics - and do not want to celebrate with same sex marriages in their wedding ceremonies - but they by the majority - even from the Vatican - continually join them in the voting booth and political arena.

Even today, Pope Francis is COMPARING THE ENTIRE SUBJECT OF ABORTION and killing little innocent children - as the same act of Trump's immigration policy. How can this distorted mindset and nonadjacent spirit even deal with the reality of sexual abuse when the only goal of the Vatican is to manipulate Catholics into defeating Trump in the elections - which would ensure that full term abortion would never stop. I believe that this same policy exists in the way that the Vatican handles the abuse of children in sexual abuse. Why is Socialism and Catholic Immigration business opportunities in mass migrating and re - cropping, re -settling millions of Catholics into the welfare system of the USA the only thing that matters to Rome. Isn't this the same selective morality of King Herod Of Rome ?

Exactly why is Donald trump relevant to this current discussion?

Did you guys see how Scotland doesn't start with a Princess?! HAHA! The only Medieval Total War country that isn't Muslim without a princess! Because then the programmers would have to have Marriages alliances by the wee Auld Lang Syne Princess! Aye impossible, because, the Protestant Reformation!

Mouth Sex is now Legal! Mouth Sex is legal because people like each other now, in marriages, instead of breakable by the Church. All Reformed Religion liked I mean being actual relating couples.

Japanese Occupied Korea tries to marry their Royal family is like this Hungary Poland Union. They want to make the Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Methodists are all harbor waifs and don't matter also. Christ can't see all the way down there.
We're having gays officiate as pretend presbyterians having two gays enter temporary concubinage in muslim harems, which throws off the Pope that they met at Age of Aquarias parties. It catches Traditionalist Popes off guard.

I had PCUSA do my Rite of Spring wedding recently, did you guys see that stuff, I married Thai ladyboy? The light of the rise of Communism and the fall of Russian Christianity-themed, plus liquor luge.
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My wife does the secretarial work for a Methodist church here, so I've been hearing alot about the goings on within the Methodist church leading up to this vote. They took a vote today and voted for the traditional plan which adheres to the Book of Discipline, which upholds the bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy.

The Latest: Methodist conference rejects same-sex marriage

There were three different plans they were voting on. The plan they voted on allows the church to remain intact. Another plan would have allowed some churches to ban same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy, and other churches to allow it. The problem with that plan was the fear of LGBT churches engaging the traditional churches in a torrent of lawsuits, as the LGBT is fond of doing.

The other issue is that the Methodist church owns all of the buildings and land, so another church couldn't just split off and form their own LGBT-tolerant church without purchasing the building and the land. It was a complicated mess, but they made the right decision.

Excellent news. Thanks; I heard about the vote coming up and hoped they wouldn't cave in to the deviants and pedo-vermin. Methodists are one the key pillars of modern America, along with Baptists and Presbyterians, the architects of the 'Great Awakenings' before and after the Revolution and it would indeed be a sad day if they fell to such nasty cultish fashions.

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