Merry Kitzmas!


Tommy Vercetti Fan Club
Jul 17, 2013
Can you believe that it has already been eight years since Judge John E. Jones III, a Republican no less, shot down ID in schools?

So a Merry Kitzmas to all and to all a good day!

To those of you who don't know, the creationist lot tried another approach to get God in public school classrooms by coming up with an "alternative" to evolution called Intelligent Design, in this case a school board in Dover, PA. Some parents sued in federal court and despite assurances that ID is science and that Darwin was f=going to meet his Waterloo in Dover, the judge figured out that ID is not science and barred it from schools.

Plus there were all kinds of shenanigans and goings on and outright lies by the good God worshipping side.

If you have two hours, there is an excellent episode of Nova on the trial called "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" you can watch.

[ame=]Judgment Day: Intelligent Design On Trial (creationism vs evolution) - YouTube[/ame]

Pay close attention and you can see where the cdesign proponentists outright claim that astrology is too a science and that it's all about getting God back in the classrooms.

If you have an hour, read the judge's decision, which not only smacks down the ID side, but is quite readable and in places very funny.

Any of the other documents and expert testimonies are also available.

Kitzmiller v. Dover: Intelligent Design on Trial | NCSE

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