Merry Christmas Sarah Palin!

It's poor taste to bring them into the limelight to begin with..which is usually by the parents...or rather, parenT (singular) in this case.
How's that abstinence thing workin' out for ya?

Bristol Palin announces birth of second child

Some day, as a Christmas present, Bristol may let you know who the father is (if she knows!)
You mean like Chelsea is going to have DNA tests comparing her father Hubbell's DNA HAAAAA HAAAAA!

Many people have their DNA tested. Post a link proving that Chelsea had two bastards for pay and is now pimping those babies out for even more pay.


Let's see
Chelsea finished her education first before she started a family. Clinton entered Stanford in the fall of 1997 and majored in history. Clinton graduated in 2001 with highest honors and a B.A. in History. In the spring of 2010, Clinton completed a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and she began teaching graduate classes there in 2012. On July 31, 2010, Clinton and investment banker Marc Mezvinsky were married in an interfaith ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky (born December 15, 1977) is the son of former members of Congress Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Edward Mezvinsky, and is Jewish . Clinton announced in December 2015 that they are expecting their second child in the summer of 2016,

Now lets contrast that with
Bristol Palin , she graduated from Wasilla High School in May 2009. no higher education , has two kids with two different fathers and was never married

Now which would you want your kids to be like: a leg spreading white trash bible thumper or an educated person?

So Chelsea was a virgin on her wedding night? How do you know?
How's that abstinence thing workin' out for ya?

Bristol Palin announces birth of second child

Some day, as a Christmas present, Bristol may let you know who the father is (if she knows!)
You mean like Chelsea is going to have DNA tests comparing her father Hubbell's DNA HAAAAA HAAAAA!

Many people have their DNA tested. Post a link proving that Chelsea had two bastards for pay and is now pimping those babies out for even more pay.


Let's see
Chelsea finished her education first before she started a family. Clinton entered Stanford in the fall of 1997 and majored in history. Clinton graduated in 2001 with highest honors and a B.A. in History. In the spring of 2010, Clinton completed a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and she began teaching graduate classes there in 2012. On July 31, 2010, Clinton and investment banker Marc Mezvinsky were married in an interfaith ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky (born December 15, 1977) is the son of former members of Congress Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Edward Mezvinsky, and is Jewish . Clinton announced in December 2015 that they are expecting their second child in the summer of 2016,

Now lets contrast that with
Bristol Palin , she graduated from Wasilla High School in May 2009. no higher education , has two kids with two different fathers and was never married

Now which would you want your kids to be like: a leg spreading white trash bible thumper or an educated person?
I would take Palin. No way would I want a democrat daughter.
Now which would you want your kids to be like: a leg spreading white trash bible thumper or an educated person?

It's poor taste to be talking about their kids.

a supposedly grown adult , not a kid

Doesn't matter.

It's poor form to attack a politician's children if the children themselves aren't in politics.

If Bristol enters politics as a family values conservative, you have a point. Otherwise, it's petty and small to go after Sarah's kids.
What do you expect? A Liberal cartoonist portrayed Ted Cruz's daughters as monkies.

Hispanic children as fucking monkies!
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The bible thumping moralists like the palins should be the last type of "people" anyone listens to. Instead of sex education , kids are being sold abstinence only which doesn't work out too well, but hey, bristol made her million

just mumble the magic jesus word and you too can whore around, just ask "forgiveness" afterwards!!!!

Abstinence works EVERY time.
But one has to practice what one preaches, Bristol didn't.
The bible thumping moralists like the palins should be the last type of "people" anyone listens to. Instead of sex education , kids are being sold abstinence only which doesn't work out too well, but hey, bristol made her million

just mumble the magic jesus word and you too can whore around, just ask "forgiveness" afterwards!!!!

Abstinence works EVERY time.
But one has to practice what one preaches, Bristol didn't.

Is the Obama regime the most transparent administration in history? Speaking of practicing what one preaches.
How's that abstinence thing workin' out for ya?

Bristol Palin announces birth of second child

Some day, as a Christmas present, Bristol may let you know who the father is (if she knows!)
You mean like Chelsea is going to have DNA tests comparing her father Hubbell's DNA HAAAAA HAAAAA!

Many people have their DNA tested. Post a link proving that Chelsea had two bastards for pay and is now pimping those babies out for even more pay.


Let's see
Chelsea finished her education first before she started a family. Clinton entered Stanford in the fall of 1997 and majored in history. Clinton graduated in 2001 with highest honors and a B.A. in History. In the spring of 2010, Clinton completed a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and she began teaching graduate classes there in 2012. On July 31, 2010, Clinton and investment banker Marc Mezvinsky were married in an interfaith ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky (born December 15, 1977) is the son of former members of Congress Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Edward Mezvinsky, and is Jewish . Clinton announced in December 2015 that they are expecting their second child in the summer of 2016,

Now lets contrast that with
Bristol Palin , she graduated from Wasilla High School in May 2009. no higher education , has two kids with two different fathers and was never married

Now which would you want your kids to be like: a leg spreading white trash bible thumper or an educated person?

So Chelsea was a virgin on her wedding night? How do you know?
Were you?
How's that abstinence thing workin' out for ya?

Bristol Palin announces birth of second child

Some day, as a Christmas present, Bristol may let you know who the father is (if she knows!)
You mean like Chelsea is going to have DNA tests comparing her father Hubbell's DNA HAAAAA HAAAAA!

Many people have their DNA tested. Post a link proving that Chelsea had two bastards for pay and is now pimping those babies out for even more pay.


Let's see
Chelsea finished her education first before she started a family. Clinton entered Stanford in the fall of 1997 and majored in history. Clinton graduated in 2001 with highest honors and a B.A. in History. In the spring of 2010, Clinton completed a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and she began teaching graduate classes there in 2012. On July 31, 2010, Clinton and investment banker Marc Mezvinsky were married in an interfaith ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky (born December 15, 1977) is the son of former members of Congress Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Edward Mezvinsky, and is Jewish . Clinton announced in December 2015 that they are expecting their second child in the summer of 2016,

Now lets contrast that with
Bristol Palin , she graduated from Wasilla High School in May 2009. no higher education , has two kids with two different fathers and was never married

Now which would you want your kids to be like: a leg spreading white trash bible thumper or an educated person?

So Chelsea was a virgin on her wedding night? How do you know?

she wasn't brought up like white trash
Do y'all miss the point deliberately?
She got PAID to preach abstinence and has two children with two different fathers. She was PAID to be spokesperson to other girls her age and those impressionable...and did the exact opposite of what she was PAID for. It doesn't matter who was a virgin when they got married or how many marriages someone has had. Did they get PAID to be spokesperson on how bad multiple marriages could be viewed as? No. Did Bristol get paid and have TWO children and not be married, both with different dads, be in the public eye to speak against having sex and continues to NOT abstain from sex without marriage? YES.

Nobody would have even heard of Bristol if she had not parlayed her 15 minutes of fame of being a Palin into a windfall by being a spokesperson for an organization with a political agenda. Hell, I don't even know the other kids names, who did not do that. Bristol, having done just that, becomes fair game and the equivalent of Josh Duggar, another posterchild for RW hipcoracy..
How's that abstinence thing workin' out for ya?

Bristol Palin announces birth of second child

Some day, as a Christmas present, Bristol may let you know who the father is (if she knows!)
You mean like Chelsea is going to have DNA tests comparing her father Hubbell's DNA HAAAAA HAAAAA!

Many people have their DNA tested. Post a link proving that Chelsea had two bastards for pay and is now pimping those babies out for even more pay.


Let's see
Chelsea finished her education first before she started a family. Clinton entered Stanford in the fall of 1997 and majored in history. Clinton graduated in 2001 with highest honors and a B.A. in History. In the spring of 2010, Clinton completed a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and she began teaching graduate classes there in 2012. On July 31, 2010, Clinton and investment banker Marc Mezvinsky were married in an interfaith ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky (born December 15, 1977) is the son of former members of Congress Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Edward Mezvinsky, and is Jewish . Clinton announced in December 2015 that they are expecting their second child in the summer of 2016,

Now lets contrast that with
Bristol Palin , she graduated from Wasilla High School in May 2009. no higher education , has two kids with two different fathers and was never married

Now which would you want your kids to be like: a leg spreading white trash bible thumper or an educated person?

So Chelsea was a virgin on her wedding night? How do you know?

she wasn't brought up like white trash

Her father had numerous affairs and got sucked off at work, sounds like white trash to me.
She's a hypocrite and a democrat hero at the same time. Contributing to the fatherless children problem that erodes the culture but is celebrated by moronic democrats.
And the Right, who can't heap enough praise on Bristol for her two bastards.
I already pointed out that hypocrisy.
Right wingers who defend her fatherless children situation are hypocritical and lefties who mock her fatherless children situation are hypocrites.
Fact is, this is just another example of the mind numbing hypocrisy of the rabid right wingers and their so-called "family values".
At least now we have the answer to why your mind is so numb.

You appear to be so far away from understanding the gospel. So far away from acknowledging your Creator and giving thanks.

The gospel is about mercy and forgiveness. It is not about condemning the sinner and laughing at our Lord’s plea for obedience. Family values make you laugh? Sorry. You have missed the point about St. Paul saying the spirit is willing but the body is weak. You missed the part about Jesus coming down from heaven to offer forgiveness for our many failures and eternal life if we would only believe and try to be good and help our fellow man.

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