Merry Christmas Sarah Palin!

You know its takes a real low life to pick on persons child or grand child ON Christmas Day. Sometimes I wonder if I would miss all the low life stunts in the world if you democrats were gone.

Riiigght. Like the endless moments when Fish Dumbaugh attacked Chelsea Clinton or Obama's children. And then his audience laaauuughed.

Its a bitch when you get that shite back. Ted Cruz uses his children like slave labor in North Korea but he suddenly gets 'offended' when he's called on it.

Buck up Mary.
Doesn't matter what holiday it falls on, if you preach one thing and then do the opposite, you are opening yourself up to commentary. Palin and her brood are disgusting hypocrites.
Maybe I can get a job with the Family Research Council! After all, I have been married four times! Who is better qualified?
You're better suited to head up planned parenthood, where you can openly advocate for, and profit off of, the murder of infants and the abuse of young women. Obviously that is where your talents lie.

Naw. When I was growing up, the parents always just found a doctor who was willing to do the abortion, and call it a D&C to avoid going to prison.... Now, the Right is thoroughly pissed because they can't send doctors to prison. So sorry.
This just in. Bristol's x-fiance has finally come forward and says that the baby is his.

Bristol, on the other hand, isn't talking...yet.
Sorry folks, I just can't help it. Anyone who gets paid over $200,000 to promote abstinence, simply because she is Palin's daughter, and then has, not one, but TWO illegitimate children. You can't make stuff like this up!

Jealous? I bet if you paid someone $200,000 just to be with you, it wouldn't happen.
Sorry folks, I just can't help it. Anyone who gets paid over $200,000 to promote abstinence, simply because she is Palin's daughter, and then has, not one, but TWO illegitimate children. You can't make stuff like this up!

So she's getting paid huge amounts of money to do very little work, had a wonderful family and is set up for decades of good fortune.

And you're on an Internet forum hating on her.

Hmmmm. I think she won.
How's that abstinence thing workin' out for ya?

Bristol Palin announces birth of second child

Some day, as a Christmas present, Bristol may let you know who the father is (if she knows!)
You mean like Chelsea is going to have DNA tests comparing her father Hubbell's DNA HAAAAA HAAAAA!

Many people have their DNA tested. Post a link proving that Chelsea had two bastards for pay and is now pimping those babies out for even more pay.


Let's see
Chelsea finished her education first before she started a family. Clinton entered Stanford in the fall of 1997 and majored in history. Clinton graduated in 2001 with highest honors and a B.A. in History. In the spring of 2010, Clinton completed a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and she began teaching graduate classes there in 2012. On July 31, 2010, Clinton and investment banker Marc Mezvinsky were married in an interfaith ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky (born December 15, 1977) is the son of former members of Congress Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Edward Mezvinsky, and is Jewish . Clinton announced in December 2015 that they are expecting their second child in the summer of 2016,

Now lets contrast that with
Bristol Palin , she graduated from Wasilla High School in May 2009. no higher education , has two kids with two different fathers and was never married

Now which would you want your kids to be like: a leg spreading white trash bible thumper or an educated person?
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She won nothing except to show other young girls that its AOK to spread your legs while preaching abstinence. Kinda like whatshisface that preaches from the pulpit but gets busted with a ho.
Sorry folks, I just can't help it. Anyone who gets paid over $200,000 to promote abstinence, simply because she is Palin's daughter, and then has, not one, but TWO illegitimate children. You can't make stuff like this up!
Conservatives and republicans have only themselves to blame, such ridicule is the consequence of their arrogance, and their inane declaration of being the party of 'family values.'
The bible thumping moralists like the palins should be the last type of "people" anyone listens to. Instead of sex education , kids are being sold abstinence only which doesn't work out too well, but hey, bristol made her million

just mumble the magic jesus word and you too can whore around, just ask "forgiveness" afterwards!!!!

Abstinence works EVERY time.

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